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  • Marco (Mario Casas), is a successful businessman of an enterprise called ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His colleague is called Diego (Jon Arias) who works efficiently with him, along with the latter's spouse , Bárbara (Bruna Cusí) , the important marketing manager of the company. Eva (Silvia Alonso) , a new , mean , young woman also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners . In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a loner , and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, Sara (Miryam Gallego) who also has her sexual troubles . Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away by entering at a peculiar club . In this place people go there just to get pleasure and without fear of falling in love, carrying out extreme intercourse and bondage . But everything changes when Marco meets Carol (Ingrid García Jonsson) , the new unabled teacher who cares his mentally handicapped brother José (Oscar Casas , real brother to Mario Casas ) . Things go wrong when there appears his lost mother Laura Mur Seco (Lola Dueñas) . With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself.

    This is a sexy and high-standing drama with emotions , thrills , a lot of nudism and a great deal of loving scenes . As the series contains several strong images when Marco who only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club in ¨Eyes wide shut¨ (by Stanley Kubrick) style , giving free reign to the wildest erotic fantasies, including masochism , sadism , extremely sexy frames and everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces . Although there are also feeling scenes as Marco discovers that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it . Enjoyable but complicated brothership between 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, José : Óscar Casas and Marco : Mario Casas with whom he has a hard relationship . Mario Casas gives an average acting , in his usual style , as a young businessman as well as a solitary man , who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world . Ingrid García Jonsson as a educational psychologist who looks after his brother played by Óscar Casas . The gorgeous Silvia Alonso plays a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide .His friend and classmate Diego Bernal is decently played by Jon Arias . Miryam Gallego plays a psychologist on whom Mario is emotionally dependent . Other actors appearing and delivering acceptable interrpretations are the following ones : Juan Diego Botto , Álex Gadea , Denis Gómez , Mariola Fuentes , Roger Coma , Alex Hafner , Alberto San Juan and Belén Fabra as an advocate at law . The series formed by 8 episodes was regularly directed by Roger Gual and Carlos Sedes .
  • Without saying much about the story, it is really sexy, provocative, lots of nudity and sex scenes and every episode is worth watching and anticipating.

    I would just like to point out how amazing the work the CASAS brothers have put on this series, specially OSCAR CASAS who plays JOSE, the brother of MARCO who's also his brother in real life, that's a very good on the casting part., Oscar Casas plays his part really so well that you would think he's like that in real life. truly great.

    a must watch for anyone, whether you're Spanish or not.
  • jasnuevo12 November 2021
    Production and photography are quite good which is a shame because the story is really bad, a waste of resources in my opinion. Characters in the story are an improbable ensemble of people, almost all of them suffer from psychological traumas which prevent them to live a normal life. Hard to believe such bunch of so deeply damaged people can be successful rich people. Also quite a few of these broken personalities are used to present absolutely aberrant sexual behaviors as glamorous which in my opinion only reflects the obsession of someone in the production team for this kind of decadent environments.
  • Acting is an Art and we got an amazing sample in that show. The story development along with cinematography are amazing and constitute the right recipe until final revelation that goes beyond expectation.
  • If u comes theres from a review compares to 50 shades of grey, theres nothing to see here.
  • Am I missing something here? MY Amazon does not have an English version. Am I missing something?
  • Don't lose your time on Netflix boring series . This is a thriller and though it has plenty of cliches also empowers what is worth nowadays : good looking people, money and defenestration risen to the horizon
  • And lots of bad acting, especially from the mentally challenged brother. The guy playing him has one range of emotions and after seeing it about 4 times the show runs out of gas and I just wanted it to end. I guessed the ending during the second episode and was 100% correct. Watch at your own peril.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Highly recommended!!! Mario was, and had me on fire!!! A second season or movie is a must to tie up the series as too many questions are left unanswered. How does Marco cope with the revelation of what happened yrs ago, taking José's custody and if anything develops between Marco and Carol.
  • angelcc-5787824 July 2019
    I mean this TV show is so amazing, the entire cast is so cool and you can love as much as you can hate the characters, every single actor did an amazing job and to be honest I didn't expect to much from this tv show but it surprised me a lot, there's drama, sexiness and really deep characters with there own story and the season finale... The final minutes.... God!!! Is so shocking and did not expect that and I'm still recovering but I loved it and I'm really hopping for a second season, this show and me really needs it.
  • eshtelle12 December 2019
    I really liked the show. Liked the acting, especially of the characters Marco Moore and his mother-Loire. How Mario conveys the inner tension of the hero through the face, eyes,. Once you understand how deep it is lonely and unhappy. Ah and the endgame open. I really hope for season 2. I would recommend to view