User Reviews (556)

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  • This show has crossed every limit of psychological drama. Im so glad that I ran into this show. It's a weirdly unique show with a deep character development. The plot is so different and extraordinary that it makes a perfect blend of dark comedy genre and a offbeat superhero genre at the same time. The fact that writers did an super excellent job in putting together the storylines of interacting with the past and present, warping reality, time and space, mixing personalities, etc. wihtout any plothole is to be appreciated. To be honest, till now there's not a single superhero show made like Doom Patrol. Hats off to the writers for a thought provoking script and to an amazing cast who did an award winning performance. It definitely deserves a watch.
  • I've seen my fair share of weird and/or bizarre tv shows, Legion for example is a real mind bender... but Doom Patrol is much more weirder and bizarre... and I love it! Great cast, great characters, great story and great scenery. This is truly something different, a show that actually dares to be different and pulls it off. I'm not familiar with the 'Doom Patrol lore' and I feel that's a good thing, until now every episode has me guessing, it's unpredictable. I hope they can keep this up!

    Edit: Season has ended now... and man did it hold up until the very last episode! Never a boring episode. In my book the best comic book based TV show ever. It doesn't pull any punches. I wish more creators dare to be different like the creators of this show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Doom Patrol is absolutely bananas but very entertaining, I promise you'll have a blast watching it. It is beyond weird but in a good way. It's unlike anything you've seen. It follows a team of traumatized superheroes who've all suffered horrible accidents and left them disfigured in some way. The Chief brings them together and tries to give them a purpose. The Chief then mysteriously disappears and they have to figure out how to be a team in their own. None of them get along or work well with others as they fight for a world of people who want nothing to do with them. The East thing about the show is the cast (Brendan Fraser, Matt Bomer, Diane Guerrero, April Bowlby, Timothy Dalton, etc), they are perfect in their roles. If you're looking for a show that different from anything you've ever seen and want to just have fun watching a show them give this a try.
  • While Doom Patrol is definitely a weird show it's also a really fun show. I didn't really know what to expect at first but thought I'd finally give it a chance and watch it and I have to say I liked it more than I thought I would. It's so much funnier than I thought it would be, especially Brendan Fraser, he absolutely steals every scene he's in!
  • Oh My God...this show turned out the be so good, the very first episode hooked me, can't wait for the next episode. Definitely better than Titans.
  • vedvaghela17 September 2020
    Doom Patrol is one of the more unknown groups in the DC Roster. I mean think about it. None of them have respectable powers (except for Cyborg), they are a dysfunctional family and their villains are absurdly silly! But the way this show presents it is simply amazing.

    Doom Patrol falls in between shows that are simply sadistic and shows that are silly (teen dramas and stuff). It manages to never cross either line and does it perfectly well. It's good weird. It can make you feel emotions and also make you laugh your ass off. Sometimes while watching, I am just thinking "How can they pull off something so silly, so well?". I mean this show has a queer living street called Danny, a man who can make things happen by flexing his arms, fart demons, sex demons etc.

    And the actors too do a tremendous job. Brendan Fraser in particular does an outstanding job as Robotman.

    Overall absolutely worth your time. One of the few good comic book show.
  • All the episodes show flashbacks and a quite fine storytelling. I'd really love to see many crossovers. Hope this series continue for seasons and develop, why not in a movie. Before the X-men rip-off. .. There was the Doom Patrol!
  • When I began watching this show, I came into it with little expectation. I was never a fan of DC's shows; finding most with little to no plot development with its characters and storyline. The first two seasons of this show really persuaded my opinion of DC television and have broadened my likings to try other live action series from this franchise. However, into the latter seasons, I am finding it very hard to keep my interests peaked. The story has haulted and as much as I love the characters I met in the first seasons, the repetitiveness of their undoings and personal dilemmas has begun to make me lose interest. I have yet to finish the show, (4 episodes to go) but I am hopeful that the remaining episodes leave me content and fulfilled for this shows ending.
  • If this show were on Netflix, hulu, Amazon It would get the recognition it deserves. Its an absolute masterpiece. Something so different, so new to the genre. I was hooked instantly.
  • I can't explain my love for this show.... like an alcoholic fever dream.... surreal to the point of ridiculous but with some thought put into it....sheer brilliance...if I could meet the creators of this fantastical nonsense, then the world will be in balance! Embrace.... your will to be wierd!
  • Season 1 was interesting and fun and then season 2 introduced the daughter and it just became childish and annoying. Now season 3 starts with the daughter character again and a bunch of storylines that are just too weird. Destroyed the show :(
  • It like someone just threw up a script and is just trying to make it work. Not much of a story line, values or something to respect here. I fast forward through much of it trying to get to something good and entertaining.
  • Diane Guerrero is both beautiful and brilliant as Jane. Brendan Fraser surprisingly perfect as robotman. The story is a mess and all over the place, leaving holes the size of boulders and contradictions that are really annoying. Some episodes are crazy, yet entertaining, but silly at the same.

    Overall entertaining, somewhat whacky, with some excellent moments.
  • Came to this show expecting a tv show giving me a feeling id seen it before, just another superhero theme "milker". Yet each episode felt so fresh and new with both entertaimnent and a satisfying feeling of humor. Its more dense then a commom tv show similar to a mini series, per minute satisfaction normal weak point of even good tv is actually high. So far each episode proves its better then the last, up to this point ive seen 1-5. Just 1-5 feels like its given me a similar story as many other shows done with a full 12 season.
  • After the huge success of Titans my hopes were high for this show and it has absolutely stood up to my expectations . I'm not going to be political and compare this with certain shows from certain franchise, All i can say is that this deserves a watch over everything that's going on in February 2019.
  • mxbray14 December 2023
    I've enjoyed these characters and stories more than pretty much all other DC universe entertainment. They're weird, relatable, funny, and complex. The story for the first three seasons kept things interesting, but I'm really having trouble following or finding anything interesting in the fourth season. My SO will watch anything and she's just about given up after watching 3 1/2 seasons. I'm invested in wrapping it up, but it's disappointing to see things end in such a lackluster whimper. S4 comes with a musical episode - a telltale sign that a series has run out of ideas. Not sure if this is staying true to the source or they're trying to be deeply satirical but it's all falling flat in the end. Bummer. First three seasons were cool.
  • I didn't know the majority of these characters - only Cyborg - so had no expectations of their depictment or of the Doom Patrol as a collective. I do, though, have an expectation for DC to be darker, more grounded, their heroes to have more of an edge. This is what I heard the show was going to be, so all good!

    However, whilst the show is dark, humorous and edgy, it's also endless introspection of pained and agonising characters endlessly being pained and agonised. Every episode is whiney and snivelling "heroes" constantly being "woe is me". It's ultimately grating. It feels like being a babysitter to a bunch of 4 year olds away from their parents for the first time.

    And the back stories... Well, the show is one endless back story. One back story leads to the next, which delves into the back story behind the back story... 15 episodes later and there's been no real story I can relate.

    At this moment I feel like a bad gambler chasing a losing streak. "I've put 8 hours in, if I put the 9th hour in it'll have been worth it." "I've put 9 hours in now, if I put..." "I've put 10 in..." Well, I'm up to about 15 now, not sure if I'll gamble on S2 to put the 16th in.

    For all my own pain and being agonised, it's not an awful show. If you like the Oprah shows of people emerging from childhood abuses + Twin Peaks + Remo/Doc Savage, then you'll love this. Personally, love the humour of Remo/DS, the weirdness of Lynch is always appreciated (but in small doses), but I don't do the endless tears and heartstrings of Oprah.

    It has all the correct ingredients to be a great show. It's just the quantities are so far off it's miss, and thus a bigger disappointment as it's close.
  • Dark, disturbing, humorous a combination rarely, if ever, seen. I have enjoyed it & encourage others to check it out.
  • I tried to like it, some eps are great, some storylines are interesting and builds tension.. but whatever they build they have no idea how to finish which ruins it, many eps are also absolute garbage. Still season 2 was best but had us waiting 1 year for 5min finale.... For this alone i would give them 1.
  • dubemellis15 February 2019
    Just when i was calling Titans the best DC series, the Doom patrol came along. This is a very good start. I hope they can keep it this way.
  • This rating is for the series as a whole, season 1 starts strong and tells new stories with interesting characters, season 2 keeps the story going but loses momentum and begins to get convoluted, season 3 adds little to the formula, loses the plot, and reuses character arcs that are dry....over all parts of the show are rewatchable but as a whole it has lost its way.
  • First season was fresh and exciting. Really well done. S2 was a huge step back but I gave it a covid pass.

    S3 is even worse. It's pretty much unwatchable at this point. Will finish S3 but no chance I'm watching S4.
  • Loved every second of it. This series takes the DC universe to a whole new level. Amazing cast. Brendan Fraser is a stand out. Must watch for any super hero or underdog lovers.
  • Show's season 1 was brilliant. I was starting to second guest darkseid as Mr. Nobody looked and felt so much more vicious. Then second season came and everything went to the wastebin, but wait, not if Mr. Frazer has anything to say about it. This series has its ups and downs but Brendan Fraser is just funny as hell and cliff without any facial expression is absolutely spot on. That's 100% Brendan Fraser right there and this explains what great fun we have been missing for all these years without any of his big release. I'm sincerely glad that he's back with a bang!
  • It hits all the high notes warner brothers was never able to reproduce in any of its recent cinematic outings. delightfully weird in an interesting way. intriguing story, great cast, good writing, excellent style. you'll love these characters. except for cyborg, he sucks. but if this show and titans are a sign of things to come from the DC streaming service, i think it's safe to say that this is THE place to go for quality superhero content. i'm on board. and you should be too.
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