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  • mturner-7866427 September 2018
    This show was surprisingly fantastic. i enjoyed every aspect. underrated, to say the least. all i can say is give it a chance, you'll be happy you did.
  • How did this not get more seasons....

    funnier than Final Space with a darker more adult sensibility
  • We are clearly living in a golden age for adult animation and in the middle of this new era it was clear that some great shows were inevitably going to go unnoticed by a lot of people. Gary and His Demons is unfortunately one of those shows that flies completely under the radar due to similarities to other shows.

    This show is completely up my street, this is exactly my sense of humour. The show follows a demon hunter who over the years has become fed-up with his job and has slowly slipped into a pretty dark place. The juxtaposition of the creative demon designs and Gary's couldn't care less attitude is really funny and helps give the show a fresh feel.

    Of course as an exploration of nihilism with a depressed protagonist done through animation inevitably this was going to draw comparisons to Rick and Morty especially with the season's harsh and uncompromisingly brutal ending. Personally I don't think the show ever quite escapes Rick and Morty's admittedly large shadow but does manage to serve as a good substitute while it's not on the air.

    This is still a new show finding it's voice. I'm curious to see if they decide to go for a season 2 or not as I think there is still some untapped potential with this idea.

    Overall for fans of the new wave of adult animation check this out.
  • mitchjamessteeves13 August 2018
    If you like Archer or Rick and Morty you'll like this
  • Found it by accident, one of the major studios should pick this up, on par w Venture Bros, Rick and Morty, Ugly Americans etc. just a great show.!!!!
  • lindsayellis-2786713 September 2018
    Oh my various kumbas!!! I was laughing so hard I was crying. Thank you for that, finally an awesome show that I understand and I dont frickin get epileptic seizures from watching it, unlike the nowadays cartoons, I hope you continue the show!!!!
  • Gary and His Demons is hilarious! I hope they haven't cancelled it! I haven't been able to find any info about season 2. This is one of the best adult animated series I've ever seen! Well written, funny as hell, and great cast!
  • Does with several decades of cartoon experience will see that this show resemblances Rick and Morty. Let's get that out of the way right away. Still has enough original ideas to stand on it's own and deserves the credit and critical acclaim. Some things spoil it though such as Gary's voice and abrasiveness with side-kicks which are almost completely taken from Rick Sanchez.

    It's a bit of a shame that Canadas most successful cartoon today could be knocking-off an US cartoon. But good storylines, nice characters, good voices and enough originality we can write that under tribute instead of a duplication.
  • annarcullen28 September 2019
    I adore this show, I wish there were more episodes! I keep recommending it to everyone. If you like rick and morty you will also like this.
  • coles_notes13 February 2023
    Created by and starring Mark Little as Gary, a grumpy middle aged demon hunter near retirement whose tired of his existence fighting evil. Quite funny throughout, the episode are quite random in both their plots and humour, with plenty of expletives and very dark jokes. With very much a Rick & Morty vibe, including Little's voice acting as Gary, the humour and storytelling feels like it came from the same brand of comedy, although simply because it is newer it doesn't seem quite as novel as R&M. The series stays consistent in quality of its two series so far, and as much as I wanted to say this Canadian adult comedy was a hidden better R&M that everyone should go watch I unfortunately can't, however any fans of R&M will love this. Immature adult fun.
  • Saw a trailer a few months ago, thought it looked funny. Gave the show a shot and I fell in love. Fans of Ugly Americans and adult swim humor will fall in love.
  • I was just listening and thought it was Rick and Morty. It sure sounds the same. But i was wondering why i wasnt laughing? Then I look up to see animation worse than Bobs Burgers and am like, W T F man? How does this show have such high ratings?
  • This show is absolutely fantastic. The amount of train wreck tied together with hilarious human moments in this show makes me wish there were 5 more seasons ready for me to watch.

    The way everything seems to always go right (at Gary's expense) is done masterfully. I have to say, Gary's misfortune is my entertainment.
  • petersadler22 January 2021
    Really hope a season 2 is coming, couldn't get enough of season 1, I've watched it probably 5 times
  • The fact this show doesn't have any more seasons is mind boggling!!!! This show is sadly under appreciated and unknown. Perhaps due to bad advertising or just not enough of it. The characters are so unique and interesting. The show itself is freaking hilarious. And the plot is perfect. With only 16 episodes at about 11 minutes each anyone can watch this is in a few days. I promise you will love it once you give it a chance. My only issue with this show is the ending. I won't provide spoilers but I was a bit disappointed at it (just my opinion). Besides that this masterpiece is worth every bit of your time. You will not regret watching it.
  • josealvess24 April 2020
    This show can really go in depth with its characters and storys in 10 mins. The comedy,the serious topics makes this show varely balence and enjoyable.
  • Very well written, with a quick comedic delivery. It explores adult themes thoroughly within only 11-min run times while keeping true to the action packed fantastical element.
  • wivavog17 September 2019
    So few adult animation series that are any good. But this one is i wish it was 20 plus mins( hint hint!) He swears a little much , but overall its pretty fun to watch. I will look forward to a second and third season with 20 episodes for sure! Need more quirky sci fi comedy shows like this , an dang sure more quality adult animation its a win!
  • Awful voice acting, the lead character has a voice unlike any person in the world ever. Jerky animation makes it hard to watch. Better writing could have made it good.
  • areolius3 December 2019
    This treasure even better than Rick and Morty, at least better than last seasons
  • I was just browsing after watching happy & wow did I find my new favorite show (after rick & morty of course). I really hope they pick this show up I would be waiting to watch each one. If syfy won't pick it up adult swim should snag them up.
  • srpnt24 November 2018
    A dark comedy series. The writing is excellent and the voice actors do an excellent job of giving it life. They also nail the jokes, with great comedic timing. If you are hanging for the next season of Rick & Morty, then this is the show you want to scratch that itch!
  • Clever beautifully written script and great voice acting! it's still young but after a few seasons this show could be on par with Rick and Morty, American Dad, Simpsons, etc.
  • This is an amazing gem that deserves to be picked up and more seasons put out. Someone, please help produce this show. The world needs more of this, and with the correct marketing, could make a fortune. I found this on the vrb app on my roku tv. It was a breathe of fresh air, hilarious and smart. Any fan of animation and comedy needs to do themselves a favor and watch this show.
  • akshunhiro14 February 2023
    I love really well done dark humour and this show definitely has it.

    If you can imagine that Al Bundy, Ren (from Ren & Stimpy) and Ash from Evil Dead all morphed into one person, you'd get Gary, the Chosen One.

    Yanked out of high school as a teenager, Gary is the Chosen One, the ultimate fighter of demons (who happens to be a foul mouthed, middle-aged asshole who has nothing left in the world to live for and is not even allowed to retire).

    You can't help but invest in this character. He's funny as hell (pun intended).

    Gary and His Demons is proof that you don't need a whole lot of fancy production budgetry to get an awesome story. The art is definitely one of a kind but it's minimalistic, which is all you really need when you have a great concept.

    The show has it's moments of poignancy too.

    Well worth it and I could sing that power-up song of his all day long.
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