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  • numbaonemami200215 September 2018
    The acting could be better & the storyline is ok. Viviva has almost no screen time. Its a movie you watch when nothing else is on.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There are way too many complaints to list here. But I'll offer just a few, like the bad acting. Stars Li and Jared were fine, but to everyone else...I hear McDonalds is now hiring. The cop was a jerk. The footsteps sound effect near the beginning was annoying. When Jared beat himself up, didn't they notice there wasn't a mark on Cole at all? At least his knuckles should have been scuffed up. Then, a few scenes later, Jared's face is all nice and healed. Get me some of that medicine! One nice thing, when Li pulled the gun out, she shot Jared instantly without a moments hesitation. Yay. Usually they stand there gabbing away for five minutes, just like Jared did with the knife a few minutes earlier. Notice that Jared's house was decorated like a model home, not a house. That's typical. Despite my complaints, the movie was entertaining. As are most Lifetime movies.
  • rachelstuartwhite22 February 2019
    I didn't expect the ending to be as it was, yet I'm not saying it was a surprise either. I expected more struggling and dramatics during the end but nope, short and sweet. The acting is pretty terrible. I don't know why vivica fox is even at the top of the cast list here when she was on screen for maybe two minutes. The transitions from scene to scene were not smooth and didn't make sense sometimes. Get past all that and it's an ok movie.
  • pumping_iron-122 December 2018
    I was eager to watch this movie when I saw Vivica A Fox in the leading role. I think Ms Fox had about 3 appearances with poorly delivered lines. In fact, there was no acting talent in this entire cast of characters. I think the bad guy (Chris) thought this was a horror movie as he tried to portray his character as a Lon Chaney type role instead of the psychotic he was suppose to portray. I must say however that all of the actors were very attractive. Perhaps they thought their good looks would detract us from their bad acting. Not a chance! Why did I stay to the end? I was playing a game on my phone and didn't want to change to something that would interest me, so this was more or less background noise.
  • I am a huge fan of I plan some days to binge watch. But this movie is by far one of THE WORST movies Lifetime has EVER put on. I want my life and time back! The acting in this was HORRIBLE! The ending SUCKED and the acting at the end just confirmed how bad this was. I HOPE Lifetime never screws up to this extent and put anything this bad on again! To THINK, I sat up and finished watching this crap!!!
  • lamaxey22 September 2018
    About 15 minutes into this movie I was checking reviews because it was so horribly acted. I was going to write my own review but couldn't be bothered logging in. After fast forwarding to the end I just HAD to write a review. This is honestly the worst, most laughable Lifetime movie I have EVER seen. There are no words for how bad this is. The kid playing the psycho could not act to save his life. Coming from someone who loves a good, even mediocre, Lifetime movie, don't watch this, it's painful.
  • xmccarthyx15 September 2018
    I'm not sure that any of these "actors" have attended an acting class. I've never written a review for a movie before in my life but I though if this could save some one 2 hours of thier life then I might as well.
  • soulistic27 January 2021
    This movie was.... okay.

    Not much of thriller - it was hard to watch Li Eubanks .... as she was just so out -of-cast. Her character at sometimes were 'over-acting' and other actors like her boyfriend in the movie just couldn't keep up with the intense acting.

    Also does anyone else think Jared Scott looks like Luka Magnotta (the killer)!?!?!
  • lavatch5 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    In "The Wrong Friend," Viveca A. Fox plays the omniscient role of Kennedy High School Principal Atkins. At the start of the film, she makes a well-intentioned but fateful decision to give young Chris Andrews a second chance after his dismissal from the prestigious private school St. Josephs.

    It doesn't take long for Chris to get himself into mischief when he throws a party at his parents' home, invites young Riley Cramer, gives her a roofie, and apparently assaults her. Riley remembers nothing of the event, but is soon harassed with a barrage of photos that leads to a temporary break-up with her boyfriend Matt.

    The plot thickens when the school authorities and the police fail to truly investigate Chris's past to learn that he had previously been accused of a similar crime at St. Josephs. Poor Lisa Nelson eventually took her own life after her experience with Chris.

    Riley must join forces with Matt and her bestie Kimmy to find the ocular proof about Chris's wrongdoings. The quick-thinking Kimmy decides to go undercover and lure Chris to making some revelation. She is confident that she can extract evidence due to Chris's extreme narcissism.

    As a formulaic film, "The Wrong Film" does not have high standards for originality. Still, it was a predictable, by-the-numbers film that included a good set of characters, including the bug-eyed Chris in his most extreme moments.

    The best relationship developed was that of Riley and her devoted single mom. The narrative effectively links the mother, a nurse, to one of Chris's misdeeds. The touching ending of the close mother-daughter ties seemed heartfelt and was well-performed by the two actresses.
  • lesa-crossley25 September 2018
    This was the worst movie I've probably ever seen on Lifetime. The most notable problem with it was the actors. The teens in this movie were the worst actors I've ever seen. The ending was terrible, the story line was boring, the acting was laughable. I literally couldn't believe what I was watching. Don't waste two hours of your life on this movie. NOT worth it.
  • The stiff acting aside this Lifetime thriller is surprisingly relevant today with the scandal at the New York City Ballet involving texting sex and nude photos. It's eerily relevant when Lifetime movie psychopathic behaviour is actually so similar to what is in the news.

    A crazy high school guy drugs a girl and takes compromising pics of them together and sends them.

    Some of the actors are amateurish to say the least but it's part of the trashy fun charm.

    The story actually comes together so your sticking around to the end isn't wasted.
  • stiv-773286 September 2020
    The acting is the worst I've ever seen, even for Lifetime. The lead actor is the worst I have EVER seen.
  • This movie was a joke. That's it. Don't waste your time.
  • Someone breaks in house, police say change locks, enough said
  • The acting is bad The story has holes; all the things that you're thinking the cast should do, they don't....

    But for a made for tv flick it's okay to pass the time.
  • This is half good half bad. Good is idea, story, reality, somewhat actors, somewhat environment, somewhat funny. But bad is acting, too much talk, unreal some details. I know I should have given a bit worse rating, but considering that they show blonde hair psychopath and criminal and use words like jerk, jackass, least we can say its about reality and new age. Lesson is that we should be aware of truth, statistics, especially people close to us, or we may regret it. Were there more details, reality, action, and less talk, it could gain 10 stars. I liked some of the cool behavior of blonde hair guy where at times he was funny.
  • This movie is hard to watch. The acting is completely bogus and awful, clearly the director and casting director are just as awful as the actors at their jobs. It seriously makes it difficult to watch this movie. I like Lifetime movies most of the time, even when their mediocre/cheesy, but this....this takes things to a new level of terrible. Unless you want to take notes on how not to act, don't bother with this one.
  • This movie was terribly written, but the only thing that saves it is the lead actor/villain. He was definitely a piece of major eye candy. I thought the main girl in it was stupid for not pursuing him. With a face and a body like that, I wouldn't of cared if he wasn't a good guy. The plot and the twist was easy to figure out. Plus the ending was pretty weak.
  • This was the worst. The actor playing Chris was terrible. Even his movie make-up was terrible. When Chris was talking to Kim, their lipstick matched...gloss and all. The whole story line was ridiculous. That said, I'm a huge fan of the series, bad or good I still watch. But this one is absolutely my least favorite with the worst acting.
  • Unlike some reviewers, I liked Li Eubanks and her portrayal of the victim. The one I really had trouble with was the portrayal of 'baddy' Chris. He acted like someone who was just pulled in off the street and told to "act like a real creeper." When he stalked Riley, he always had to pull his glasses down so that we could see his eyes were staring at her. Hopefully we won't have to see him in too many future roles. When he switches from creeper to crazy boy, he is not believable. Looks more like a five year old. I think it could have been a pretty good movie had it not had....the Wrong Creeper!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bad story line horrible acting lol The lead girl cannot even walk in heels but it was laughable. I miss the days when lifetime had good actors and good movies. If those older movies were on the lifetime movie streaming I would have kept it. But they are not.