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  • The casting in this movie is awful, the "teen" stalker looks older then the mom in this movie. The acting is wooden and the casting is comical.
  • How did they so badly miscast this movie? If you can get past the subpar acting from Ashley Rickards (Mallory), and the predictable storyline, you'll end up unable to get past the bad casting. Parker Mack (Mark) and Ashley are obviously in their 20's even though it's made clear in the movie that Mark is 17 (turning 18). This fact makes some of the conflict in the film (underage drinking, sexual hookups and moving out) laughable as these legal aged actors fail to convince anyone that Mom can still ground them from their video games and hangouts.
  • Some might wonder why I gave this movie such a "high score". The movie is for a certain genre who watch the Lifetime channel. The men are clueless and the women have a brain. Typical story: woman wants revenge since her mother followed the main character self-help book for advice with disastrous consequences. So she insulates herself into the author's life and causes trouble. Of course, nobody believes the author. Though I cannot blame the "teenage" son for following the Ashley Rickard character around like a love deprived puppy. The idea with casting an actor who looked like a grad student as a 17 year old was mind boggling. Most of the cast looked like they stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue. Watch it only if you like the movies on Lifetime.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had so many issues with an "older looking" 27 year old playing a teenager that it was hard for me to take this movie seriously... the acting was also substandard and the plot so formulaic and predictable I could only watch half an hour of it! The actress who played Mallory was so awful, perhaps she should stick to Mensa and give acting a break. PS: WHO IN 2018 CAN'T RECOGNIZE A DRONE?!!!
  • Everything about this movie was so bad I couldn't believe what I was watching. The nonsensical plot, disjointed story and acting so wooden it seemed like the actors were reading from cue cards. It's hard to believe from watching this that Ashley Rickards starred in a successful TV series. I gave it the second star for the 'so bad I can't look away factor' which I found oddly entertaining!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Enjoy it for what it is, a mess. I don't understand why you cast adults as teenagers and God the plot is up and down, I mean she murders people and there isnt even a police officer in the whole film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Don't waste your time. For the love of all that is holy, keep scrolling past this movie. My review is based solely on the 1st 43 minutes which is all that I could get through. After the 2nd adult in less than half the film fails to recognize a drone, I gave up.

    I knew I should've turned it off when the stalker proceeded to strangle a woman in bed as said women lay next to her husband in bed, and the husband didn't EVEN STIR. She not only shook the bed as she strangled, but she spoke ALOUD as she choked her out. The actress playing the chokee was probably so embarrassed with the scene and that's why she couldn't even reach the 7" to her right to slap her husband awake!

    The stalker even climbed off of the bed and the husband didn't stir! Then with the timing of a drunk person that realizes about a minute too late that they need to make it to the bathroom to vomit, he magically awakens, rolls over, and tries to stir his bad acting actress of a wife. 43 minutes and 8 seconds. I regret every millisecond of that. Learn from my mistake.
  • Boy, Netflix was really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they acquired this independently made movie. Where does it go wrong? Well, to put it bluntly, in every way you can think of. For starters, it makes the remarkable accomplishment of managing to badly miscast every key character, not just with teenage characters that are obviously played by actors who are in their late 20s (or possibly older.) But even if the movie had a cast made up of more convincing and capable actors, those actors wouldn't be able to do anything with a remarkably dumb story (with even more moronic characters) that moves slower than the pace of a snail. The really low production values (which for a time had me convinced this was a Canadian production) just add to the challenge of trying to sit through the entire movie. In the end, this is a thriller without any thrills at all.
  • andy-3381310 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I'm so confused and puzzled! How does this awful awful AWFUL garbage get made? Who actually read this script and said Yes! Brilliant let's go! You can tell a bad movie within the first 5mins. The acting is poor as is the music and direction not to mention the script. How many times has this story been told! The successful couple who unfairly attract a crazed stalker who tries to ruin their perfect life. Yawn. No matter what money was on offer I would never do these movies if I was an actor. Don't associate yourself with such D grade utter crap as your reputation is forever tarnished. Watch this as I did to witness just how bad it is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a bad movie, yes. It's so bad it's funny, but obviously isn't supposed to be funny. Ashley Rickards has better acting skills than that. Heather Morris had the best acting in the film but the smallest part (love her!). The rest of it, no. This movie makes Lifetime movies look like academy award winning blockbusters. She's supposed to be a successful author, but evidently they have a VERY small budget for her book covers, they look like they were printed from a pixel art program from Windows '95. She also looks like what I imagine mom jeans would look like if they were a person. The Karen haircut and the wardrobe that seems to have been purchased from the misses section at Sears makes me wonder if her next book was going to be on how to demand to speak to a manager. All she was missing was an applique sweater vest. And these people REALLY love their khakis. Seriously, SO much khaki. So many pleats. The son is supposed to be 17 or 18, but I'm pretty sure he's 40. He's balding for crying out loud! May as well have cast Danny Devito and put one of those hats with the propeller on top on him and give him a lollypop as a prop to play the kid. At least there would have been some decent acting that way. And where does this take place? I don't think they could really decide on a location. Cars in the driveway had New Jersey plates, the son had a Chicago Cubs pennant in his bedroom, and the newspaper article talking about Mallory's parents murder/suicide said Louisville. Pick a place! Mallory killed a woman and the husband didn't even notice until right after. Either he knew what was going on and let it happen, or he is the world's deepest sleeper. His "noo!" Reaction was comical. And do these people just move really slow? Because both in the beginning and when Mallory shot that guy, the gun didn't go off for awhile, plenty of time to run, even time to overpower the shooter and stop it from happening. So clearly they just stood there saying "NO!" And then waited to be shot. And the restaurant was called Le Moo? I don't know, that was just hilarious to me. So, in conclusion, if you want a scare and quality writing/acting, you are going to want to pass. If you want a movie that's so bad it's comical, or if you REALLY like khaki, this is the movie for you.
  • kidkravitz993 April 2020
    Why do they cast. 26 year old as a teenager? Only the beginning of a long list of bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Read the reviews for this movie. They are hilarious!

    Apparently, the Mensa member wasn't smart enough to stay away from this turkey. She plays Mallory, the oldest killer teen in the world. She's around 26 in real life, but looks like a sightly petrified 45 year old with really bad botox.

    She murders people easily, because they just stand there and let her do it. Speeding car. Just stand there. Strangulation, just lay next to your husband. Don't scream or grab him awake.

    She's invited to a pool party by the second oldest balding teenager in the world, the son and then apparently just moved in. WTH???

    All of the actors in this movie look like someone went to Goodwill and bought some secondhand "actors".

    A drone is seen through the bedroom window, "hunky" dad goes outside and finds a drone. Instead of grabbing it or going back inside and calling the cops, he squats there staring at it for 10 minutes until someone clubbers him.

    Mallory steals the housekeys from horny "teenage" son and just wanders around the house at will.

    Watching everyone trying to act is so painful. Read the reviews and then watch the movie. Take a shot every time you see khaki. Or better yet every time you see bad acting or a 30 year old teenager, you won't last 15 minutes. Hey I thought they stopped using 40 year olds to play teenagers after Steve McQueen played one in The Blob.
  • I looked at the reviews before watching this movie, and I was like. Hmm I wanne see what the problem is while I look for another movie on my phone. After about 15 min I stopped trying to find another movie, and just saw this instead. I kept thing it's just gonna end with no ending, why else would people hate it so mutch? But it didn't. I'll admit some of the actors are not the best ever, but it's fine. I enjoyed the movie:)
  • lneyra19 January 2020
    I realize this is a B movie to begin with but the casting of actors who are all the same age is ridiculous. The casting director is blind perhaps?
  • Very weird movie where it seems the parents and children are all the same age. Casting ages is only the first problem. Acting ability, or lack there of is the second problem. Script. Problem.
  • sgimera-3491711 January 2020
    I'm not sure about the story for this piece of trash because my wife and I could only stomach the first 15mins of this high school play being filmed. I won't tell you not to watch this because everyone should have an equal opportunity to experience this level of boredom in a movie!
  • Bad acting + bad script + bad direction = this garbage.
  • It's been so long since I have seen such a bad movie not only was the acting mediocre but the storyline itself was absolutely ridiculous cliched and done to absolute death I just don't understand how this ever got produced
  • Warning: Spoilers
    With 2020 already being a dumpster fire, my mind needed a distraction from all the bad news. I don't mind bad movies (after all, at this point we are all seemingly living in one) as some have the ability to make up for it in unintentional hilarity where they are lacking in plot, character development and script.

    Well, this movie is just plain bad. I was genuinely confused by Mallory's character as I thought she was in her 30s and not a "teen" as the movie was trying to sell it to the audience. Also - they portrayed the parents (who also look like they are in their 30s - 40s) as complete imbeciles when it comes to technology. You don't know what a drone is - really?? You talk to your (obviously twenty-something actor) kid about "surfing the net"?

    I don't know who gave this the green light or why Netflix unleashed this upon us at a time when most of us are stuck at home. Netflix - do better.
  • soulistic15 February 2020
    A writer of inspirational thinking books finds herself and her family the target of a stalker. The pretty little stalker looks a bit mature for high school but nevertheless seduces the writer's tennis player boy. Nicky Whelan is watchable and the cast is quite good. Some of the dialog is a bit awkward and obvious too many jump cuts. Okay for this kind of movie.
  • boyjamesyboy19 January 2020
    What may sound interesting in the description is NOT what you get with the film. I must say, I have never seen a movie from Gravitas Ventures that had decent acting, good audio or even a watchable story/plot.
  • vmm-4462811 January 2020
    Well thats 15 mins I'll never get back. Bad acting, worse story. The women are mutton dressed up as lamb...botoxed up the wazzoo and put in parts where they're obviously a lot older than the parts they play. Don't waste your time!
  • I CANT RAVE ENOUGH ABOUT THIS MOVIE. The actors dedication to sucking at their roles was astounding. The facial expressions, Top tier. The dramatic plot twists. Couldnt give. Hot Shirtless actors. Drones. Amazing camera work. Really proud of the casting directors. SO often in Hollywood they favor younger women actresses, however we see here they cast all different ages for their cast. Really beautiful.

    Ps. If you want a good Drinking game Take a shot every time Malory touches her hair.
  • A writer of inspirational thinking books finds herself and her family the target of a stalker. The pretty little stalker looks a bit mature for high school but nevertheless seduces the writer's tennis player boy. Nicky Whelan is watchable and the cast is quite good. Some of the dialog is a bit awkward and obvious. Ok for this kind of movie.
  • kellysmith_118 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished watching this movie and all I can say is what the F* did I just watch?! So many things I want to say... Firstly, why is the high school stalker girl about 35 years old when she's meant to be 18? 2. Why is the son being grounded and told he "cannot play video games for a week" when he's clearly about 25 years old?? 3. How did a woman get strangled in bed right next to her husband and he didn't even wake up?! 4. How do people not know what a drone is in 2018? 5. Who even wrote this script??!! When Lorna walks into an important meeting, her co-worker says she "looks like s#%t" right in front of everyone?! Surely that doesn't happen?! Finally, Bridgette you're an idiot for taking him back like nothing had happened. Terrible movie.
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