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  • I remember well when Michael Jai White announced this movie trough crowd funding a few years ago. I must be one of the only guys who never saw Black Dynamite, likely because its not a style i usually have a lot of interest in, but peoples always praise it so at one point ill watch it. Personally im a fan of MJW because of movies like Blood and Bone, Never Back Down and Triple Threat. After Scott Adkins he is likely the best "martial arts actor" in the direct to VOD format, even if he branch a bit more than Scott in term of style. But i digress. I didn't "backed" Outlaw Johnny Black because Westerns never been much of my things even tough i did enjoy Young Guns and a few others in the past, and i didn't expected this to contain martial arts. But the trailer wich i watch recently told me otherwise !

    I realize yesterday the movie was on Prime Video, so i had no reason to not give it a shot. Overall i can say i "enjoyed" the movie but i had a fair share of issues with it and thats what im gonna talk about in this review.

    First of all the runtime is way too long. The movie would had benefited to be 40 minutes shorter at the very least. There is definately scenes that could had been trimmed, some even removed. The second problem is there is surprisingly little action. Altough there is indeed some martial arts as the trailer suggest, it only happen a few times and you see the most of it in said trailer. I know you gonna tell me "but dude its a western"... And yes it is, but even the gun action was lacking and only happened very sporadically.

    What "saved" the movie for me was the humor and jokes. Some of them landed pretty well, and MJW line deliveries and facial expressions at times were pretty hillarious. Supporting cast also had some good scenes and lines. But when the movie tried to get back to the "plot" i wasn't much interested. Its your basic run of the mill plot and the movie try to branch in too many directions with too many different vilains ultmately not giving enough screentime to neither.

    When it comes to the Natives in the movie, i know this was done on purpose for the satyre/humor but it just came out weird on screen that they all of various races and portrait in a very spoof kind of way. Even Adam Sandler's The Ridiculous Six Natives look more serious... This is probably the comical aspect that landed the least for me. Thanksfully its not a huge part of it.

    MJW also directed the movie and honestly in term of direction, cinematography, music and such, everything was competent and fine, while nothing stand out too much either. I would say for a first movie to direct, he did a fine job.

    Ultimately i enjoyed enough of the movie to put it in the "liked" categories and give it a 6 out of 10. But its not one ill watch again or add to my physical collection.
  • paul_haakonsen20 November 2023
    When I stumbled upon this 2023 Western titled "Outlaw Johnny Black" here in 2023, I had never heard about the movie. But seeing that the movie had Michael Jai White on the cast list was more than sufficient to make me stop and take notice. Needless to say that of course I opted to watch the movie solely because Michael Jai White was on the cast list.

    Writers Byron Minns and Michael Jai White put together a rather enjoyable and entertaining script and storyline. It is a script that combines both good storytelling, action, comedy, and good old fashioned Western. And I have to admit that I was more than genuinely entertained throughout the course of the 130 minutes that the movie ran for.

    The acting performances in "Outlaw Johnny Black" were good, and Michael Jai White definitely carried the movie quite nicely. It was a good cast ensemble, with the likes of Barry Bostwick, Chris Browning and Randy Couture as the only familiar faces for me. But I will say that the likes of Anika Noni Rose, Erica Ash and Byron Minns also were great in the movie.

    "Outlaw Johnny Black" looked and felt like a Western, and the added light action and comedy elements were sprucing up the movie quite nicely, making it all the more of an enjoyable movie to sit through.

    My rating of "Outlaw Johnny Black" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
  • "Outlaw Johnny Black" is the latest movie from Michael Jai White and his team that brought us the amazing "Black Dynamite". (If you have not watched "Black Dynamite" yet, you are missing out on what would be the funniest movie to come out in the last 20 years had "Tropic Thunder" never been made. It is that good.) Being that it is the same crew, you will see many of the same faces returning to the party.

    Johnny Black is a man driven by vengeance that leads him on a journey to finding himself. I will leave it at that to not spoil anything as the plot is actually more in depth and with more twists and turns than would be expected from what is a concept that has existed as long as stories have been told.

    Where BD was a *chefs kiss* spoof of a Blaxploitation film, OJB is more a comedic western along the lines of "Blazing Saddles". More Mel Brooks than Sergio Leon, MJW does a good job of bringing the laughs while also having a good bit of character growth and life lessons thrown in.

    The only issue I had with the movie is that it is fairly long, and some parts are there to expand on the plot and not hit you with the comedy. Whereas BD was nonstop zingers from start to finish, OJB is more spaced out with the comedy at the beginning and picks up a bit in the later half.

    Some people make take issues with how some characters are portrayed, but just remember that it is all done deliberately to mimic a style of the past and how things were done then. I could understand what the intent was and thought everything was hilarious.

    As this is a *follow up* (for a lack of better term) to BD, you may be wondering if you need to see BD beforehand. The answer is no. This is a completely standalone movie that can be enjoyed by itself. However, you will miss out of several jokes that are direct callbacks to BD (hence my review title).

    While I would give BD a solid 10/10 due to the genre it is spoofing and the nonstop comedy from start to finish, I will give OJB a 7/10 for being a little longer, more sparing with the jokes and being of a genre that lends itself less to the full-on belly laughs.

    Definitely recommend the watch.
  • Here is a movie that I struggled with. Michael Jai White is a talented actor and martial artist. One thing he is not is a talented writer or director, and it shows with this new film.

    On one hand, you have some incredibly funny jokes that even had my small viewing audience busting a gut. Michael Jai White has a great sense of timing when it comes to his delivery and it works in the films favor.

    On the other hand, the story is bloated, with about 2 storylines too many. It really bogged the film down and helped contribute to that extremely excessive runtime. Halfway through, I was hoping for the ending, but there was still over an hour of the film left to watch. I, at times, similarly with Black Dynamite. Although that production had much more going on than this film did, but still knew when to cut it and when to let it roll.

    As far as his directing talents go, I was vastly more impressed in the first half of the film than I was for the last. It was almost like he gave up on trying to do anything artistic behind the camera and the film just became a strict point and shoot type of production.

    The movie is also very racist toward native americans. The lack of respect shown to the culture is jarring, even when presented in a comedic format such as this. The only joke I could get behind was all of the native americans were played by anybody who was not actually native american and this was to parody that fact from the old spaghetti westerns. Very clever, Mr. White. But other than that, it was very racist and not very funny.

    Overall, I enjoyed the film in parts. However, it was too long and feature some pretty relaxed racism towards native americans that I'm sure didn't connect in the way that Mr. White had intended. A pity because with some editing and a few tweaks to the screenplay, this could've been comedic gold. I really hope Black Dynamite 2 doesn't turn out like this one did.

    2 outlaws out of 5.
  • stevendbeard18 September 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I saw Outlaw Johnny Black, starring Michael Jai White-the Black Dynamite movie and tv, Exit Wounds; Byron Minns-the Black Dynamite movie and tv, Forest Gump; Erica Ash-We Have a Ghost, Scary Movie 5 and Barry Bostwick-Undercover Brother 2, Spin City_tv.

    This is a hit and miss comedy western. It's written, produced and stars Michael Jai White as Outlaw Johnny Black. He plays the son of a preacher that was killed when Michael was young. When Michael gets older, he wants revenge and is in pursuit of the outlaw responsible. Michael meets Byron on the trail and takes his identity as the new preacher of a little town. Erica plays the bride waiting for Byron in the town-she has never seen him before-and Barry plays a land baron that is trying to steal land from the town because of it's oil. I called it a hit and miss because somethings work and some are just tired old jokes. There are a few cameos-I liked the Fred Williamson one-and there are several nods to other movies and tv shows; everywhere from Blazing Saddles to Enter the Dragon.

    It's rated PG-13 for violence, language and sexual content-no nudity-and has a running time of 2 hours & 10 minutes.

    I don't know if I would buy it on DVD but it would be alright to stream.
  • Big disappointment compared to Black Dynamite which I adore both the movie and cartoon.i love westerns and was excited to see the team back in action and the cast had many cameos I was also excited about but after 40 minutes I had to switch it off as the jokes were too cringe and the acting stale . It could have been so much more if they'd lent in to the western stereo types but they have already been incredible cowboy spoofs and this one was not in the sane level . Again don't understand why . Maybe I'll attempt to watch it again with lower expectations.

    Think I'll just watch the cartoon series again. That is superb.
  • Well... that was a watch that leaves me baffled. And I'm a bit sad...

    I hoped this one to be more like Black dynamite, but it really ended up confusing me. I actually really liked the more dramatic and traditional western stuff more and those parts are strong 7-8 to me. And I really liked those over the top hilarious stuff, and they were even higher, strong 8-8.5. But this movie mixed those two together the way I can't really like this as a whole movie. So it ends up 6-6.5 in the end. That's really a shame. This movie should have been more "real" or it should have been a proper spoof, but as it is it does not work.
  • Outlaw Johnny Black calls itself a "spiritual successor" to the infinitely superior Black Dynamite, but despite having the same creative team, that couldn't be further from the truth.

    Despite starting out with potential, Outlaw Johnny Black immediately devolves into mediocre filmmaking which highlights a very cheap look and doesn't capture the visual style of a western movie, whilst its long runtime and slow pace ensures that it drags on. I could forgive all this if the film found the time to be funny in between, but with an obsession on revering in the western films of yesteryear without having the actual knowhow on to make a good western film itself, it seems that the filmmakers actually forgot they were making a comedy this time around. I wasn't laughing, I wasn't excited, I was just downright bored. And despite my best efforts, I couldn't make it past the 40 minute mark and have no intention of returning to do so.

    A massive letdown after the brilliance of Black Dynamite.
  • What happens when you take Black Dynamite, remove 50 percent of the humor and fun, and set it in the old west? You get The Outlaw Johnny Black.

    I know this is supposed to be a spiritual sequel to BD and not directly related, but even that is a bit of a stretch. This movie is much more grounded. Doesn't feel like the 70's in its style. And takes itself a little too seriously.

    Now if I'm being fair and not comparing Johnny Black to the previous film, all you're really left with is a light comedy/drama focusing on religion and forgiveness.

    Its dramatic, heartfelt elements are well done, but not enough material there for a two and a half hour film. Yes, not only is this movie long, but it feels that way too.

    While it's not shot or directed in any way that seems retroesque, Michael Jai White does a solid job as a first time director while also starring as the lead. Some nice looking wide shots of landscapes, zoom ins and close ups to heighten the drama of tense scenes, and White is often made to look like a million bucks as the character. Nothing mind blowing or anything, but does get the western feel down well enough.

    Similarly the performances across the board are solid. The cast know the tonal line to draw in not being too silly while making the humor work, while being dramatic enough without taking it too seriously.

    And while the style fails in that regard, the music is excellent in capturing the old 60's - 70's western feel. Great soundtrack.

    If you go into The Outlaw Johnny Black, don't expect a sequel to Black Dynamite. That might help temper your expectations and look at the movie more fairly. But even then, it's a pretty average film.
  • digdog-785-71753819 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    Look, if you came to find another Black Dynamite, stay away for the love of god. BD is as good as this film is bad.

    .. same cast & crew as BD, MJ White is still fantastic and charismatic, but he cannot alone carry this film.

    Some outlaw guy in the west has a grudge against a bottom-of-the-barrel villain who killed his daddy. The Hero masquerades as a preacher to avoid the law, while pursuing said villain, then finds him and kills him.

    .. i mean, you could write a similar bad review of BD that doesn't explain at all the qualities of that film, but the truth is that BD has excellence coming out of every pore, from the quirky characters, the surreal scenes, the excellent editing and direction, the jokes, the soundtrack, everything is good.

    And instead OJB has nothing of this; even the character of Johnny Black isn't that great compared to Black Dynamite, but the jokes are bad, the direction is bad, the editing is bad, the sets & photography are bad, the film completely misses that surreal atmosphere, the tight pacing, all the good qualities that make BD and excellent film, and that make this film a waste of time.

    My vote: 4.8/10 - really, really bad.
  • Something that Micheal Jai White does better than Marshal Arts is making Blaxpolation films. Although, I believe White would rather I refer to this as a western, but he can't deny at the end of the day he was paying homage to the likes of Fred Willimson and the late great Jim Brown.

    Some big shoes to fill but he filled them and almost busted out of them. It was action packed and humorous and still drove in a valuable message for the masses. It seems he also sneaked in some of his own value system as well without kicking us in the chest with it.

    But of course, he does some kicking. Not a lot of moves but some real good ones. White is shining in this movie and the whole cast is impressive.

    Left the theatre just wanted so much more.

    Brillant film.
  • Outlaw Johnny Black starring and directed by Michael Jai White is a movie that I enjoyed but was forgettable. In the nearly 2 hours I had a good time in this Western Film but didn't necessarily take it seriously as it was intended this way. Michael Jai White who is known for his martial arts skills and action movies that go straight to DVD does very well here in double duty in front and behind the camera. I wish Hollywood would allow more films like this to be released. The Film Industry needs more of this! If you like Westerns and enjoy a good vengeance tell then look no further then this. Outlaw Johnny Black gets a decent 6 stars out of 10 from me.
  • poopfock30 December 2023
    I guess they tried. I love me some MJW and all but the movie was a solid hour too long and had too much padding for a western. Should have been way more lean. The humor was too silly when it would have served the movie better to just dish it dry; making the verbal nods to Black Dynamite and such would have been great and just left it be a serious revenge western, minus all of the church drama and women drama. The thing that worked best about Black Dynamite was that the humor all came from how amateur it was, much like the films it honored...this film should have stuck more to the serious western angle and left out the slapstick.
  • myrlja21 September 2023
    I really enjoyed this 70 vibe. The running joke almost flew over my head. I plan on watching it again just to play What movie is this from? I laughed and laughed. I reached foe my remote twice, I was in a movie theater, because I laughed so hard I mixed the next joke.

    I don't want to say anything that would ruin it. But it is funny, well written and well directed. I wold like to see a director's commentary pointing out what movie each scene is playing homage to.

    Well it was funny it also had a message. The casting was good. Story line flowed.

    I think there might be a few movies Mr. White played homage to he isn't aware of.
  • This movie was everything you could want from this man and more! I love that this movie has that certain B movie cheese to it like Black Dynamite, the humor just never ends it seems. The casting was so good I basically laughed every time they introduced another character (even more funny because I had no idea who was in the movie). There's was also a whole lot of references to classic Westerns that were slipped in quite humorously as well, but if you didn't understand the reference then it might not have been as funny. I actually thought there runtime was just fine, I enjoyed the whole cliche show. Again, it's Michael Jai White comedy so it's obviously hilarious.
  • I am a huge fan of Michael Jai White's BLACK DYNAMITE film and I have been waiting for this film since 2018. At more than two hours it can drag while it sets up all the pieces of its elaborate plot. Jai White manages to blend his martial arts skills into this western with his own signature flare. Michael Jai White and Byron Minns wrote Outlaw Johnny Black and starred in it. Much like Black Dynamite, they bring their sense of humor to the Western genre, but while Black Dynamite was a satire of the blaxploitation, films of yesteryear, Johnny Black is more of a Western with comic relief akin to Blazing Saddles but a bit more restrained. It does have a minimal amount of tongue-in-cheek double entendres. There will be some offended by how the Native Americans are portrayed in the film, even as blatant comic relief but those who understand the satire and humor will chuckle along at the references. Fans of the previous film will notice all of the actors that White and Mimms enjoy working with as repeat faces appear throughout.
  • cpking-9918815 September 2023
    Expecting this to be amusing and watchable, but shocked to find myself unable to stop laughing on scene after scene. Somehow, this shifts from an emotional journey of discovery and wisdom to an action-packed Western to brilliant comedic rug pulls where the level of anarchy rivals the best Monty Python and Mel Brooks. Every actor in this is great at comedy and has brilliant moments: even the despicable villains played by Barry Bostwick and Chris Browning. One bit with Erica Ash has the audience still laughing 20 seconds after they've moved on to the next scene. The loving message underlying this is grounded in scripture, yet with so many twists and turnarounds it all feels the opposite of preachy. For Western fans, every trope gets twisted. The score parodies Morricone and Elmer Bernstein, but with inspired music from legendary Michael Beardon, who is also brilliant as a sadistically demented piano player in a saloon scene. If you don't catch in theaters, just watch the first 5 minutes: you'll either be totally hooked or you'll know it's not for you. The most I've laughed in a theater in a decade.
  • The intro was slow which was a minor issue but the cast holds the comedy and action well.

    The story was funny, light, and engaging once it picked up when Johnny enters the location of majority of the movie.

    The time spent with the characters and the way all the actors worked together was amazing you can tell they had fun while also sharing it towards people on screen.

    It was a joy to see so many familiar faces, and so many of the cast from black dynamite shows up while seeing new ones.

    I'm hard pressed to find someone who didn't deliver, one of my favorite scenes is when the character Jessie lee is introduced.

    It had me and others in the theater dying laughing.

    I would recommend to anyone who has seen the directors last work like this, and to anyone who enjoys a classic story of a villain turned hero.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film is a spoof of other Westerns. The plot is immaterial and one should watch it for the individual scenes. Possible Plot spoilers. We see Johnny Black wearing Billy Jack's hat as he reenacts the famous park scene where he fights multiple people with his feet. He was the pocket watch from "Only a Few Dollars More" except it doesn't play music. Being shot down by hanging was done in too many films to mention. One of his crimes was eyeing white women, reminding me of something from "Blazing Saddles" as well as the town destruction fight in the end. The soundtrack even made me laugh as he rides through the desert hopping up and down to 1970's music like a Fred Williamson film. The Wedding scene was perhaps from Little Big Man or maybe Squaw Man. The tear rolling down the face is from a famous "Crying Indian" ad. And the jail escape scene is none other than a redo of a famous Trinty bar scene.

    If you haven't seen these films you will be watching the film on a different level and may not enjoy it half as much as I did. I did laugh out loud at the two sisters confronting Johnny. Erica Ash's overreaction was funny. I know more scenes were spoofed that I missed such as the horse death scene.

    Guide: No swearing or nudity.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed this wacky western with tons of slap stick comedy and animal humor. A convergence of westerns & comedy I laughed at the slaps, kicks, unexpected weddings, and wholesome message. You and your family will enjoy this comedic western that nods to the past western genre and yet includes a wholesome message that isn't over the top. #MustSee.

    Is Outlaw Johnny Black an outlaw or misunderstood? Is he selfish or playing robin hood? Will he kill that man or offer him his right hand of fellowship? Just what will Johnny Black do? Not telling, go see the movie, you won't regret it. Just a fun night of laughs all around.
  • savannahliles19 September 2023
    Going in, I didn't know what to expect from a genre that is uncommon. I was pleasantly surprised and captivated throughout the entire film and was left with a smile on my face. This is a truly unique and entertaining, one-of-a-kind film with an all star cast of both seasoned and new talent and not a bad one in the bunch. Casting was perfection. The story was believable the whole time, enchanting to watch and hilarious at times. People in the theatre were having fun, laughing out loud and were light hearted and genuinely appreciating the film. It is a must-see film for sure. My step-sister, Lauren Albo, plays the young Indian girl in the beginning and crushed it! She was why I went to see the film and I'm so glad I did because now I want to go see it again for things I might have missed. It was THAT good. Seriously, check it out! You won't be disappointed.
  • marcrubenpierre23 October 2023
    Good job to the Entire who worked on this project, indeed dynamite. Uncle Mike, thank you for finally bringing the Masterpiece of project to fruition after so many delays.

    Bringing some of MMA's legend with you on this project was well appreciated, we need to do fleet of Western flick like this. I Highly recommend this movie to anyone who love Western but also with a blend of comedy attached as well man.

    To all my Martial Art lovers (Boxing/MMAs), please go see this movie as soon as you are able to do so. If you are unable to attend live at a Cinema, please buy it on whatever platforms (Netflix, Prime, Paramount or Disney).
  • santania_m28 November 2023
    This movie has a great and deep storyline. It keeps you on edge the whole movie. I personally feel like you have to be a fan of when Michael Jai White played Black Dynamite to really get the full humor of this movie because if not there's parts in the movie that will go completely over your head. The cast did well adding to the humorous side of things everyone played a good part in it to bring it to life. I like the fact that this shows a different time in life more of a western style so if your into cowboy style this will definitely be a great watch for you. It's giving Black Chuck Norris. Very well played Johnny.
  • Flaws:

    It's a bit long and heavy on plot

    Not much action and some poor computerized effects

    It's a bit uneven, silly sometimes and dry at others

    I've seen some of these jokes before like the "stretching my calf on the windowsill" one or the lamp-broken-by-erection gag

    It's a bit racist towards Native Americans, who are all played in a silly way by white people and people of other ethnicities but this could also be seen as a clever sendup of other westerns that have done this unironically. Indian-Canadian Russell Peters has a nice cameo as the Native chief.


    Michael Jai White is amazing, hilarious, and can still do great stunts. And his writing and direction of the film are pretty good too. He and Byron Minns really show off their acting abilities a lot more than they did in Black Dynamite which is nice to see.

    The story is engaging though some of it's twists feel sitcom-ish. The messages about faith, revenge, forgiveness, justice, community and truth are poignant. This movie has a good heart.

    The movie isn't always extremely funny, sometimes it's focused on plot and that's okay, especially in the first act, but when it does go for laughs they mostly hit big time. The ensemble cast that comes together in the second act really propels this film into truly gut-busting hilarity. Erica Ash in particular delivers one of the funniest performances of the film and deserves recognition.

    Overall it's not as funny as Black Dynamite, but it's not trying to be, it's a totally different animal. It's in some ways better than that film. It's more structured and less screwball. Feels like a lot of heart was put into making it. By taking itself just a bit more seriously it's able to tell a really good story while still being fun and funny. It's definitely not perfect but I enjoyed it enough to get the dvd! Great job MJW and crew!