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  • We enjoyed all 3 seasons of Sygeplejeskolen. Its realistic and authentic. No explosions or horror moments, no crazy effects, but a real, true story. A bit predictable, a bit too much love, but still very good. Its also good to see some actors again, after Badehotellet. We enjoyed watching it and are looking forward to the 4. season.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Season 3 of the School of Nursing is a melodramatic affair. It's a season that opens up a lot of plot threads, but also gets them closed again at the end of the season. It's sometimes a thin cup of tea, and the plots are sometimes pushed forward by some semi-bad motivators. But having said all that, it's a nice series that you keep coming back to.

  • mmuggi24 October 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Season 1: ?

    Season 2: ?

    Season 3: 5 Season 4: 7 Season 5: 6

    Sygeplejeskolen season 4 continues the shoal with cozy drama. Yes, the play is not always spot on, but the story is written a little sharper this season. They get closed to most plot threads, but keep single ones open.

    ------ Season 5 /Summer 1954

    Ep 1 - Season 5, the first episode here is more predictable than one would have dared hope. The most exciting thing is the hospital merger.

    / Ep 2 - farewell to the witch, with a nice send-off. Fortunately, the headmistress stays in the series.

    Ep 3: A very thought out plot involved Else.

    Ep 4: I could empathize with the blind patient, but the patient can hear when you talk about him. There is pressure on Anna and Christian, who move the series forward nicely.

    Ep 5: Else and the boyfriend get together again in a relatively staged scene. The three-way drama continues, and there is too little focus on the seller's tuberculosis. The headmistress's boyfriend dies in a rather unceremonious off-scene.

    Ep 6: A solid episode that can in principle move up and down the series. Some internal love strife reaches its climax.
  • louiseandphil1 November 2020
    A hugely enjoyable drama that looks at how the first male nurses were received in postwar Denmark. Both the script and cast are on top form and the episodes manage to get the balance right between the comic and the tragic, resulting in a believable and engaging series. We watched this as the second Covid lockdown began and it really helped to alleviate the gloom.
  • I found it refreshing and just an overall good series. I found myself caring about the characters, their stories and their situations.

    It is a pleasant escape, and while it certainly won't tax your brain, it will hopefully pull on your heartstrings - what's wrong with that?

    Just enjoy!
  • This series deals with the early days of training male nurses in Denmark. It is set in the 1950s, a era for which many European TV series seem to like using as a backdrop to their stories. The script is very predictable, simplistic, with an almost childlike level of writing. Like most Danish series, it goes out of its way to be a bit preachy. It's a good series to keep in a streaming queue and watch when there is nothing better. It's also a series that you can watch intermittently without fear of losing any continuity or vital bits.
  • If you want to be entertained by an easy to watch drama, then give this a go. The characters and their situations are sufficiently developed to engage your interest, but insufficiently so to warrant any real emotional involvement.
  • braquecubism1 January 2020
    Highly successful Danish TV series. sweet entertaining, but also... Melodrama = bombastic and overly sentimental Husbands cheating on wives, misunderstood kisses, back stabbing. and how come a Danish Hospital 1950 after WWII is so Idyllic. no mildew, no crumbling walls, no cracks or peeling paint. bright halls and wards, fresh paint- no windows that won't open. no crowded wards. plenty of clean sheets- where is the laundry.