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  • I love the cast, but the December releases were so disappointing. I know of no family that uses profanity to this extent. And every release, the same stupid decisions by Colt, the same anger between Colt and Beau. Sam Elliott is a great actor and his talent is totally wasted with poor writing. He has become the Clint Eastwood angry old man of TV. At least Eastwood has redeemed himself with The Mule. Very disappointed that Masterson is gone and Kutcher did not have the guts to fight for him. Still no charges filed. The writing has deteriorated. I hope the show can be salvaged.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It seems like EVERYTHING goes wrong, there are good parts but then get messed up by someone's stubbornness or stupidity! After " killing" rooster ( don't even know if he is dead so they left that open plot hole for us!) after his supposed death the show just seems like a hallmark movie with cussing and cowboys! No dumb humor or ranching problems besides the usual " can't sell the heard" etc etc somehow colt us poor but has money for the house, this random cousin comes alone and is horrible, then funny and helpful then selfish? Everyone needs to pick a emotion already! And Abby..really? Really she is just that upset she has to break up with colt becase he lied about something that was stressing her?? This show is just problems after problems! Why can't they be married, have a ranch and run into some minor inconveniences time to time then a big one? Why does it always have to fall apart for them? And bring rooster back and keep Dax's and keep Abby and colt together! Simple as that.
  • scrwilliam22 December 2018
    What can be next. Do they get a dog that dies? Someone get shot while duck hunting? Minivan catch on fire? Colt's hair start to fall out from all the stress. Oh wait, has anyone got cancer yet? Still have that to look forward to. How can it get worse? Way to much drama and not near enough fun. This ended the Ranch for us. Rooster no Rooster, why go down this path?
  • It's comedy, yet there's always this very serious undertone. (A rancher's) life is no joke.

    This episode delivers.

    Also and foremost the gut punch(es).

    It's a bit like »This Is Us«, just with a laugh track. One that is mute, at times.
  • Get along for a few minutes, have a fight. Get along for a few minutes, have a fight. Add a lot of totally unnecessary and awkward swearing and now you're all caught up for this season. With the exception of Sam Elliot all the characters are now extremely annoying. Nice job getting rid of Masterson you cowards. You killed the show along with his character.
  • MatthewRL110 March 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This season was already been bad due to Masterson's exit from the show, but this episode was by far the worst. That was probably the most unjustified divorce I've ever seen in a tv show, but I guess that's just how a lot of women act nowadays. Colt is actually putting everything he absolutely can into his ranch so that he can support his family, and Abby is stuck whining about a lie that he told with good intentions. Even if Abby does realize how stupid she's being, I don't foresee myself liking her character again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been severely disappointed with this whole season. Danny Masterson being forced from the show is just typical of the 2018 climate. This PC world is out of control. The comedy is gone. The dynamic of Colt and Rooster was the biggest part of the show. This episode in particular is the biggest example of the modern day woman. Her husband works 12-14 days trying his hardest to keep his family afloat and gets no credit. All the wife can do is whinge that he didn't communicate enough for her liking so she gives up on the relationship and leaves taking his child from him. And people wonder why the male and father suicide rate is through the roof? Ohh no they don't, because the media makes out all men are monsters and women are the only victims. I won't be watching this show again.
  • pablovianna15 December 2018
    I watched the full series at mastersons request, but now i fell like i lost time, and should have watched something else. Rooster absense killed any meaning this series had and they trying too hard to create new plots and just keep rekindling some old ones. Im not gonna watch it anymore unless rooster(masterson) is back.
  • Wife and I started binge watching this late in 2018 to get caught up after starting Netflix. Loved the comedy and small sub plots of this show. We liked the crotchety nature of Beau. And we like how he has grown to be less crotchety. We really noticed and disliked the unneeded swearing right out of the chute. All in all, we were cruising along pretty good with things. But when Rooster left, the show definitely took a turn for the worse. The tragedy and darkness seem to now overwhelm the comedy. Dax definitely hasn't brought back the chemistry lost when Rooster left. However I did see hints of it during the last episode. I totally disagree with Abby leaving Colt. And even Colt lying to Abby about selling the herd in the first place. Colts character doesn't seem like a liar to that degree. As disjointed as the Bennett's were before Rooster left, they were family and they stuck together. Abby and Colt breaking up was not the best sub plot for us. Our favorite Netflix programming is 'Heartland'. I know that this show is totally different work than Heartland. But we enjoy it all the same. Up till Rooster left anyway. I won't say we'll stop watching yet. But if the darkness and tragedy aren't balanced or offset with some light heartedness and joy soon, we could stop. Life just isn't that darn dark. You know, it's ok to leave an episode without a dramatic cliff hanger. Hopefully we're going to come back and see the next episode for the characters and plots. Not just the drama of it all. Best....
  • Skylar from breaking bad, Tara from sons, Phoebie from friends and now Abby... She's the worst.
  • BobSmo16 January 2020
    The character of Abby and the whining has ruined this show the second half on S03. Hope S04 gets better, but probably good it's the last season.
  • So bad the relationship between colt and Abby is soo one sided it's not real. I have never seen something that has been so one sided towards a woman that was strong and doesn't support her husband.i just can't believe that its got that bad. Bring back rooster or stop being so serious and get the father to support his only son. I can not believe that they loose a son and carry on this way, it's not like real life
  • I mean what the hell is happening to this show.

    Did the writers get hit on the head.

    Ok, so you wrote off your best character but the others should be ok, but nope, you've made them terrible.

    Getting Mary and Luke off the show, they don't add anything and are just annoying as hell right now.
  • Ashton, Luke, and Mary gave terrible performances. Lisa gave an acceptable performance. And then there's Elisha Cuthbert... her performance reminds me of her torpedoing every scene she appeared in on season 1 of 24. Maybe next season they should focus the program on Heather and her stripping career. I think the ratings will start creeping back up.