User Reviews (19)

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  • I had been putting this movie off for some time, but finally found the time to get to sit down and watch it. And I have to say that I was actually looking forward to seeing what writer William Porter and director Rachel Winter had to offer with "The Space Between", as the movie had Kelsey Grammer in one of the leading roles.

    Initially then I had never actually heard about "The Space Between", so I wasn't sure what I was in for here, but I had the movie on my to-watch-list, and eventually found the time to get around to watching it. But I never did see a trailer, nor even read the movie's synopsis.

    And "The Space Between" is a rather unique movie, I will say that much. And by that I mean that the movie is something of an acquired taste, and thus it might not easily reach out to appease the general audience. I did find the storyline in the movie to be rather interesting, and I think that writer William Porter definitely managed to put together a rather unique and memorable storyline that was brought to life by equally interesting characters.

    The movie had a good cast list, and I have to say that Kelsey Grammer was just phenomenally cast for the role of the eccentric artist Micky Adams, and his performance in the movie was simply spot on. This movie was made great with a big amount of credit given to this fact. Kelsey Grammer was joined by Jackson White, whom also did put on quite a good performance. And it definitely was nice to see William Fichtner on the screen, as he added a great punch of his usual on-screen charisma to the movie.

    If you enjoy quirky movies, and have a liking for comedy dramas, then I can warmly recommend that you take the time to sit down and watch "The Space Between", should you find yourself with the opportunity. I was pleasantly surprised with the storyline, the characters and the acting performances. And it was a genuinely entertaining movie.

    My rating of "The Space Between" lands on a six out of ten stars.
  • kosmasp14 December 2021
    What is it being an artist? What makes someone tick and how do you get into their head? Or make them agree to do something commercial again or other reasons? Having Kelsey Grammar (whom you may not recognize immediately) play the lead role helps a lot of course - especially when it comes to making the audience feel and be attached with him.

    And then there is the weirdness - the attitude. The "being free" - something that will either win you over from the moment you see him (in the pool "recording") or be the moment he has lost you already ... because you get annoyed ... you'd be missing a pretty good or at least decent movie if the latter is the case of course. Well played and touching all the right corner/points in character development ... this can be fun.
  • This film might have been better if based on a real person. I think it needed that biographic feel. Charlie works in the postel section of his film. Then one day his boss fincher sends him to give a letter to get a washed up singer out of his contact.he goes and as soon as we seen a alpaca things will be weird. Kelsey grammar plays the singer and does a well enough job. Even the ending is sweet but the meat that built up this film sandwich was just not there really. There was too much going the long way around to get to something else. The music was nice and there were some generally good songs. Just overall not a lot else.
  • Mother Teresa lived to feed hungry children. My new thing is to dedicate my life to teaching people on IMDB what the definition of 10 is. 10 means perfect. It means nothing on this earth can be better than this. 10. That's what it means. If you truly believe that this boring mess is a 10, you need to tell me what medications you take so I can start taking them too. This movie went nowhere, it wasn't funny, it wasn't serious, it wasn't anything.
  • This movie really started out good and then fell completely flat midway. The thing is they had good character, good story line, story costumes and everything yet they couldn't utilise it at all. Kesley Grammar's acting was phenomenal and so was Jackson White's but the plot became so slow and jarring that it was painful to watch at times. The character of Cory had so much potential as a struggling singer of a struggling band yet her character gets dropped off the plot in the lamest way possible. I mean you get Michael Jackson's daughter for that role knowing that people would be intrigued but now it seems the directors only used her for clickbait. Such a waste of an excellent cast. At the end it felt like they were really forcing us to feel the emotions and cry but by that time you're probably like "yea we know how this ends just get on with it quickly" The 3 stars is only for the good 30 min at the beginning.
  • jenna596010 August 2021
    The best thing about this movie was the beautiful talented Paris Jackson and she was hardly shown. Made it half way through and gave up. I love Kelsey Grammar and it was cool they had him sing but the first few songs came across as so rushed. The actors weren't the issue as the cast seems great. The writing kills it.
  • lookzebras11 September 2021
    I think the title should have been, "Cram as many f-bombs as possible into the space between". Ugh! It's too bad too, because there is some genuine good writing in there. At the core though, the movie fails to find its heart until it is too late. Yo writers, if you're going to have ugliness in a movie, you need to balance it with beauty. If everyone has been tainted with the ugly stick, no one is going to care what happens. And I certainly didn't. Pass!!!
  • I do think this might be Grammers best movie to date. A feelgood drama that doesn't take itself too seriously.

    We follow a young man trying to make a career in the music industry, tasked with ending the contract of old, has been pop-star Mickey Adams. Things doesn't go as planned.

    The film bubble along while we get to know the characters, all to a beautiful California backdrop.

    The film could have used a bit more time to get some more depth out of the characters, feels like you just scratched the surface. Also, sometimes it feels like the film doesn't know what it want to be, a comedy, feelgood or drama?

    It does have a rather cute ending and I left it with a lingering smile. Well worth a watch, but don't expect a laugh out loud comedy.

    Oh, and Mr Grammer still knows how to sing!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with two people swimming, and a man "Charlie" walking to his car scene! As turnout, this film is about Charlie need to persuade a musician "Micky" to drop his contract with Charlie's boss "Donny"! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the watching photo scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, overuse of the open door scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the scolding scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the driving scene, overuse of the narration scene, overuse of the recording scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the kissing scene, and overuse of the dancing scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, Micky finally decide to drop his contract with Donny, and eventually manage by Charlie! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
  • If like me you stumble on this movie without really realising how- stick with it, the payoff is actually really solid.
  • It's another aging musician finds redemption story but the writing is solid, dialog witty, and actors very good with depth and substance. If that's the kind of movie you like, you'll enjoy this one. Don't hate it because it's not ground-breaking or doesn't have relentless action and hot sex. It does, however, have Kelsey Grammer singing and acting as good or better than you've ever seen him and some new faces you'll want to remember and see again.
  • And the music by Rivers Cuomo! Kelsey Grammer is so talented and so if the rest of this cast. Fun movie. And the final song: amazing!
  • bk248820 June 2021
    What a timely film about rebirth and growth. Kudos to Mr. Grammar for helping give birth to a classic about what "classic" truly means towards the end of the day.
  • Warm, depth, complexity, great cast, great acting - granted, you may actually need half a brain to appreciate what this film brings to the table. It's so well written, obviously a lot of thought went into the script - the dialogue, the ideas and symbolism. Not a masterpiece of film making, but a really good film, light viewing with a touch of soul.
  • actorben20047 September 2021
    Beautiful and touching performance by one of my all time faves. Music and lyrics so incredible as well. Loved it!
  • Enjoyed it very much and have never heard of it until I stumbled upon it on Prime Video! I am 54 and have watched 1000s of movies in my life so I am not an expert but I am definitely not a novice!
  • I'll start with this: I have a funny feeling the reviewers that love this are older. As am I.

    If you are looking for non stop action, big laughs or fast pace, this isn't it.

    This is a feel good peaceful journey with a message. Beautiful acted (singing & piano) by Kelsey Grammer. Song writing by Rivers Cuomo! Good stuff.

    Supporting cast; Jackson White is going to be a star. That's Katey Segal's son. He does a bang up job. Paris Jackson for the small amount they used her, is lovely. William Fitchner is very reliable. Julia Tells has great chemistry with Kelsey and Jackson.

    I'm glad I ignored negative reviews and gave it a shot. I enjoyed it very much.
  • Last week I saw this movie onAmazon Prime, completely free, entitled "the space between". It was by far one of the best movies I've ever seen of all time. Everyone should definitely give it a look. Totally hidden gem!