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  • atlasmb17 April 2019
    At its core, this is a competition between two athletes, with one getting a two minute head start. Given the disparity in the quality of the athletes, probably few will get past the first obstacle.

    I would like to celebrate those who dedicate themselves to superior fitness and performance, but I think this show needs more suspense. Maybe if they gave them a four minute lead? Or more?
  • Tim Tebow's goofy a** killed it for me, get a diff. host please and the commercial tricked me. No LeBron.
  • deancapetanelis9 March 2019
    Who knew? Turns out The Running Man was a documentary.
  • Million Dollar Mile is just what you will get if you toke the wipeout commentators and aded it to Ninja Warrior and got the sad stores from that all game shows that's why they the need the money. the show has a pro athlete but because the participant lardy are Simi pro athlete it not fun to watch. The only resin the show is on tv is because they can use LeBron James name.
  • It's just another "Reality Competition" show. The channels are flooded with them. Lame host. Nothing special and I don't expect it to last long.
  • LeBron - Please go away and stop plastering your face on revert thing that doesn't move - you are not Shaq or Michael or Kareem - they have class
  • Definitely a lesser effort compared to American Ninja Warrior, or even The Rock's Titan Games.

    One huge difference, the obstacles seem to be located away from the crowd. With the above two shows the crowd is much closer to the action, and is better able to cheer on the contestants. You lose a lot of that energy here.

    Also, the obstacles lack in imagination, looking like pale copies of ones from ANW.

    The muted color scheme also works against the show, with the LED collars the runners wear making them look odd.

    Update - after I wrote this review I found this:

    "The show will be moving to Saturday nights beginning May 4th at 8 p.m. ET/PT"

    This is the current slot where they are showing new episodes of the show Ransom, which may have run its course by that time.
  • mzrko24 August 2019
    I like reality shows with people working and overcoming obstacles such American Ninja Warrior, Ultimate Beastmaster, and the like. The poor cenceptuality of this show is the runners go through the course for the first time, the pros have done it many times giving them an unfair advantage. Because of this I find the show a snoozer and it feels rigged for people to fail.
  • When I saw the previews I was hyped! I love OCRs. But after watching the first three, i'm a bit disappointed. Tim Tebow's an awesome guy, but not the best game show host. Should've been LeBron instead. The commentators are ok. Also, the contestants are getting dominated easily. Episode 3 finally featured an athlete who can compete & actually win some money! Hopefully that'll bring up the ratings.

    The athletes are awesome, though.
  • The show could be better if they didn't make it near impossible to win the $1 Million Dollars. 5 obstacles, plus all that running while being chased by a "defender" only for a SHOT at the million seems like a lot to have to get through. I thought it was OK, but they've already pulled the show after only 2 episodes due to very low ratings and are supposedly moving it to Saturdays on May 4th (vs Wednesdays) and no one has even gotten close to getting a shot at the million. We'll see if it even comes back May 4th at all.
  • Bahan1528 March 2019
    Great show definitely worth watching it. At first I thought it would be pretty easy to win that one million dollars by getting that two min head start but damn these defenders make it look so easy catching up to them
  • I've watched about 5 times now. Really should have 2 contestants compete against each other > not a defender. Boring & contestants rarely a win big👎
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Million Dollar Mile is a mixed bag to me cause it had a good conept honestly. It reminds of 2008 Cha$e mixed with Ninja Warriors + American Gladiators. Its not a bad concept but the execution of it kind of ruined the potential.

    First of all, I like the color scheme and whole lighting of the show, reminds of a Tron video game which is pretty cool. I also don't think Money smith or Maria did that bad of a job honestly there trying their best they have experience and I respect it

    The big Problem is, The Timer and Balance of the game, Million Dollar Mile has Ameturs Athletes with Sob Stories vs World Class athletes who do obstacle courses 24/7. And if there wasn't enough unbalanced gameplay. The courses are stupid easy and bland so that the World Class Athlete can beat them without failing. This unbalance of success makes it so that the Defender will catch the contestant every time which is not fun. Bring in more capable people so we can have more suspense. SPEAKING OF SUSPENSE. The timer is too short its about 2 mins which is barely enough time to get to obstacle 1. Make it 5 or 10 Mins to try and build suspense if its what your going for. All this makles it impossible to win the $1,000,000, which is what happens, not a single player wins the $1,000,000. Not even close at times. And it makes the show pretty repetitive watching someone lose to the defender.

    This show had potential to be a successful, suspenseful, thriller show that kept audiences on their seats. But it became boring, repetitive, and impossible to win with no suspense. Get Ready To Run Away From This Flop.
  • edblackham29 March 2019
    I like reality shows. I love American Ninja Warrior. This one I'm only giving one episode. A better host would've helped, but not save this show.
  • The show can be pretty predictable as the defenders are world class obstacle course athletes competing against former high school heroes but it is still pretty entertaining. Barring a defender getting injured mid course, I would be shocked if anyone ever won the $1 million. Fun to watch though
  • Could be better but it's a good watch. Fun obstacles great athletes. This k they should throw in some pro sport athletes to spice it up.
  • There are so few family friendly shows on tv these days. This is a good one. Competition, drama, a little comedy, it's all good.
  • Ok, there is no real suspense to see if someone is going to win the million dollar, but defenders are so impressive. To see runners realizing they are not as much in shape as they tought, it's awesome. May be you have to Love training a lot yourself to enjoy this show.