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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, if you want an analysis of what Mujica did while he was president, DO NOT watch this movie. If you want to hear those "crazy" quotes such as "Esta vieja es peor que el tuerto", you'll be disappointed. If, however, you want to listen to him talking about his ideals and his past life, and not care about what he includes and what he does not, take a look. The movie is quite short, so you're not likely to get bored.
  • As Emir Kusturica stated in an interview for Pagina 12 (Argentina), this is a subjective picture of a unique person. His attachment to the soil, to nature, to his people. His love story with fellow guerrilla member Lucia Topolanski. Their evanescently improbable ascent from tortured prisoners to President and Vice President of their country. In the bargain, the viewer also gets insights and postcards of quirky and trailblazing Uruguay. Its unique music, its humble citizenry.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is for people who already have a lot of pre-knowledge about the history of Uruguay and want to get a little insight into the present days of Pepe. However, it is not really rich on information, not even on the present occurences. It is mostly about throwbacks of Pepe and his comrades and, one can indirectly make some assumtions about the atmosphere in the state nowadays. However I can't really say I gained much new input from it. The scenery is nice though.