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  • The acting in this one was strong, especially on the male side with Niall Matter and a surprise appearance by Michael Gross. It took me awhile to warm up to Sarah Drew whom I am unfamiliar with but I did not dislike her by the end. The supporting characters, especially on the female side were very good.

    Writing was better then average. Yes as usual with these movies much was already telegraphed 15 minutes in but there were quite a number of moments that brought a smile to the face. As with all these movies you have to overlook all the plotholes and make assumptions about the resolution of many secondary stories which is a bit unfortunate as several of the secondary characters had a nice way about them.
  • t-mccheyne26 October 2019
    Sarah & Niall are special..have loved both in everything they've been in. Sarah much missed from Greys Anatomy. Magic chemistry.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've loved Sarah Drew since her Everwood days. She has a magic smile and can also break your heart.

    The rest of the cast is fine. Now I have to pad out my review to make 150 characters.
  • Kirpianuscus14 November 2020
    The experience of Niall Matter in Christmas Halmark films, , the admirable work of Michael Gross as Ted, the atmosfere and, of course, the frame of letters are the secret ingredients making this film just special. Yes,it is a Halmark. But a profound charming one because, în fair and wise way, r,eminds the essential significance of people off line connections and sure, the rules of romance.
  • chiltonsjillfreeport29 December 2019
    My biggest obstacle to enjoying this was Sarah Drew as Hannah, whose piercing voice and manic manner grated against a mostly charming plot.

    First we get Hannah's automated, colorless attempt at life, met with shrill anxiety about her company's failing dating app and stock. So Hannah goes home to visit her father and married sister to regroup and find the 'spark'.

    Home, Hannah quickly chooses the 'love' option of the town's anonymous pen pal matching effort. Her doubts turn to intrigue as smart, thoughtful letters from her match arrive.

    Then, with her shrill sister's input, Hannah promptly obsesses over the identity of her pen pal-despite knowing all will be revealed in 2 weeks.

    Anxiety is Hannah's consistent theme. Which reaches a fever pitch of stress as she makes dumb and desperate moves guessing at her soulmate.

    It's a shame for the film. Hannah's love interest/ex Sam is a perfectly cast Niall Matter, whose subdued kindness hints at the long hurt underneath.

    You may like this much better if you can get past my 2 nagging questions. 1) Did the Lifetime folks really consider Hannah likable? If you dated someone for 4 years, wouldn't you easily be able to rule in, or out, their handwriting???
  • t-0925310 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie deals a lot with a formula that has been proven to work (You've got mail). The whole premise is enjoyable and the ending is pretty obvious but still worthy of watching.

    Directing is regular, Script is corny at times but works, Chemistry between the two leads is acceptable, Acting is decent.
  • This is another twist on the famous movie where instead of email, they use good old fashion US Mail. I thought the whole premise of reviving the WWII tradition was a nice take on it.

    Nial Matter is always good in these movies and Sarah Drew is new to me, but they worked well together as they danced closer and then away and back and forth.

    There were some secondary mystery romances also.

    There are some really interesting little twists near the end even though the viewer always knew how it was going to come out in the end. The last scene was sweet and made better by not getting there the easy way.
  • The films seen in my recent Christmas films quest, done to broaden my horizons a little, were variable in quality. Some were surprisingly well done, some were decent/above average, some were watchable but nothing special and some were really not good at all. No masterpieces, the highest rating given so far reviewing them slowly here has been an 8 given to a few, really but there were not many actually that were irredeemably awful as well.

    'Christmas Pen Pals' is one of the decent ones. It didn't wow me by all means but considering that the premise didn't leap out at me as amazing and could have been really mundane if done badly, this was a nice surprise and a pleasant diversion as long as one doesn't expect too much. A message gotten throughout this particular quest, though sometimes when a component is done really badly, like no likeable characters, a story that never grabs, poor acting and chemistry and cringe-worthy dialogue, it is not easy at all to overlook or forgive. Luckily, 'Christmas Pen Pals' doesn't suffer too awfully from those problems compared to other films from the quest.

    Sure, 'Christmas Pen Pals' has issues. Am another person that found Hannah difficult to warm to at first, her shrill and try-too-hard manner did grate. The dialogue is corn and cheese filled at times and can be quite weak.

    Was expecting the film to be pretty predictable, and that was exactly what the story was. Much of it was easily telegraphed early on, granted it has a pretty cliched though relatable premise in the first place and nothing is particularly creative here in the execution of it.

    On the other hand, 'Christmas Pen Pals' is very nicely shot with the scenery having a cosy charm. The music is not over-bearing or syrupy and is quite nostalgic. There are enough amusing and sweet moments in the writing, even having a nice and not too preachy message, and the film is hardly without soul. Actually found much of it still very charming and heart-warming, as well as easy to like. The direction didn't in my mind come from somebody who didn't care, the character interaction was not stiff or static and the spirit of Christmas is handled just about right.

    Despite not being sure at first, once Hannah calmed down as a character and Sarah Drew relaxed more the characters were engaging and hard to not relate to and the leads' chemistry was sweet without being sappy. The actors all do well, apart from Drew overdoing it at first. Niall Matter is charmingly understated and so easy to endear to, and Michael Gross is entertaining veteran support.

    Summing up, decent. 7/10
  • heatherzm30 December 2018
    This Christmas movie is my favorite this year. Love the chemistry between Sam and Hannah. Story line is adorable and old fashioned. Perfect for the season.
  • PennyReviews17 January 2020
    The idea with the letters, though not that original for those kind of movies, with the nostalgic back to out roots theme, was interesting, it was pretty obvious where this one was going. Their background story was not well explained either.
  • eltripbb20 January 2021
    Beautiful love story as portrayed by two very distinguished performers: Niall Matter and Sarah Drew. Chemistry at its best as well.
  • People seem to like the chemistry between Sam and Hannah, but I wasn't seeing it. He was so reserved that I felt I barely got to know him. And where you do get to know him he's always upset. Hannah is a bit annoying most of the time. Both Sam and Hannah have their good moments, but overall it wasn't the funnest thing to watch.

    One of my favorite characters, her father played by Michael Gross, was the best actor by far. I liked his storyline, it was sweet and sincere.

    My other favorite character was her old best friend, Sarah. She was genuine, upbeat, kind, and I just loved her whole personality. I think we got to know Sarah more than Sam in the short time she was on.

    The story is a take on the Christmas Classics of "Shop Around the Corner", "In the Good Old Summertime", and "You've Got Mail". I liked the small town charm where everyone knows everyone. The Vintage vibes of the old fashioned ideals in coffee shop and the WW11 tradition of Christmas Cupid pen pals.

    I do have two (I think unanswered) questions though: 1. Why is his name Hutch? They literally make a point of wondering why and then never tell us


    2. How did Sam know who he was writing to? He seemed to know from the beginning, but it was supposed to be secret. My theory is that he went to Martha and persuaded her to match him up with Hannah in hopes of rekindling their old romance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Despite the female lead (Sarah Drew) being extremely unlikable and annoying at the beginning, this turned out to be one of the best of the Christmas entries in the Hallmark sweepstakes this year. Probably because it's not really a Hallmark, but on Lifetime. They use the same actors and writers and probably directors, but always seem to be just a cut above the Hallmark movies.

    The plot had a lot of holes and had some questionable elements. Almost the whole town agrees to be matched up to a pen pal by one woman postmaster? What are her qualifications? How does she go about this? How does she handle last minute entries? How will Hannah and Sam work out the logistics of their coming marriage? How will she incorporate and sell people on the idea of writing letters before meeting face to face per her failing app/ social media company? Will Sam ever follow Hannah's advice and get WiFi for his coffee shop? These burning questions and probably more go unanswered.

    This movie ended up high on my special Hallmark rating scale because of good acting and appealing actors and actresses. Especially the male lead and Hallmark veteran, Niall Matter. My, was he appealing and had great chemistry with Sarah Drew. Michael Gross of Tremors and Family Ties added his veteran acting chops. The cast of secondary characters was exceptional. A special shout out to Latonya Williams who lit up the screen with her smile.

    By the end there were 6 match-ups that had some potential. Great job, Santy Claus... uh...Madam Post Master!
  • I thought the story was so cute. Loved the old fashioned letter writing with a mix of new technology too - great message underlying a super cute story. Also, emotional! Hit close to home in a couple spots - the writing and acting combined really made me feel connected to the characters and invested in their story. A perfect Christmas love story!
  • jnh-123-7467862 February 2019
    Really enjoyed this movie and thought the story played out well. Great acting by all but in particular Michael Gross made the father seem so natural and warm. Well done Hallmark.
  • arbi_jayne16 December 2019
    Loved this movie!! While it was pretty predictable who the girl would end up with, there were enough twists to the story to make you second guess yourself. I appreciated that it was a clean movie (if you don't count the kissing). Super sweet, thoughtful story! Definitely will watch this one again!
  • dianamarinelli18 December 2020
    This movie is overall decent for a hallmark movie it gives you the cliche romance and Christmas cheers but nothing special