User Reviews (23)

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  • ks-605005 September 2020
    At least the storyline is right for what I expect. A psycho teen which her background logicalize her behavior. A tragedy happened in order to protect herself makes a plan from her. Story itself content is rich enough to me. Don't know why so negative reviews here.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This lifetime thriller was pretty decent. Huge fan of Nicky Whelan, so I enjoyed this one. Makenzie Vega played the villain in this one and in felt so bad for her. With being a foster kid with a troubled past, she pretty much has been raised to look out for herself. When a tragic accident happens between a few friends, she is forced to cover her tracks and frames her best friend for a death. Nicky Whelan plays the mother of the main high school girl who is also being set up. You find out towards the end that the girls death may have not been an accident. This one definitely had a good and sad ending. This is one of those films that you can actually relate to the villain and feel some sympathy towards. Good movie!
  • Watch for Nicky Whelan only who drifts in and out of the movie as the mom of one of the teens. The story is very silly and social media dominated.
  • This movie is terrible. It makes no sense and the acting is so bad and so unrealistic, it's infuriating and makes you want to jump off of a cliff. The characters are plain idiots and do things no normal person would do. This was one of the worst lifetime movies I've ever seen. Also, whoever got the rating to 6/10 is obviously involved with the film because this was pure garbage.
  • The high school girl is a 32 year old actress. The girl that plays her mother is only 7 years older than her in real life.

    This is crazy you cant actually hire a kid to play a kid. I understand when they get a young 20 yr old because maybe the content is too sexual but a 30 year old is streaching it pretty far.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting was portraying the correct emotions but it didn't work for the situations. At one point, the mother comforted the girl who she just saw try to murder her daughter! At another point, instead of going to the police with the footage, these girls met the crazy psycho in the middle of the woods! It was literally dumb and I don't recommend it.
  • aweirdsylvia12 March 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Honestly, I didn't know what to title this review because the movie was so bad. Yeah it's a lifetime movie so I already expected the usual format, but this was pretty terrible. As the previous review said, the characters are idiots who do unrealistic things. Everything they did made no sense.

    And like many lifetime movies, the antagonist Additionally, this movie highlights one of the reasons why I hate many Lifetime movies. Characters who have/had a bad life, mental illness, or are/were being bullied are always demonized.

    The antagonist (who I'll just refer to as V because I don't remember her name) has supposedly been friends with the two girls for a long time. There was no real reason for V to drop her friend other than for "she was bullied and has a bad life, therefore she's bad." She didn't even go to the cops for molestation against her foster mom's boyfriend, since she has to have the worst life possible to make up for her actions in the movie.

    As for Sasha, the actual bully in the story, she saw no consequences. Even when she tripped and made fun of V right in front of the FRONT of the open door that leads straight to the teacher's desk, that the teacher was sitting at. It's like he watched the whole thing go down before deciding to step in. Even after Sasha posted the clip of V tripping and made fun of her, Sasha so no consequence for online bullying, yet V and her friend are the ones who got in trouble for doing it. The teacher admitted to knowing something going on between Sasha and V, and rather than just calling in both their parents or something to talk about it he just let it slide.
  • djsimon-1682323 April 2020
    Well the whole films just ridiculous.. And the lead guy looks like he should be the female lead.
  • This film is beyond pathetic .It really doesn't do a real life issue justice It's shocking that people actually put money into making these dreadful movies .What a bizarre world we live in
  • mary-179-67738310 November 2020
    I was reading some reviews and just needed to rebut a few comments

    Firstly, lifetime movies don't demonise people who have had bad lives/mental illness etc. However in most movies when there is a villain there is some reason behind it. People who are mentally well or have great lives, don't just go around killing people.

    Secondly, the age gap was not noticeable to me. I actually thought the main actress was young. I would have never guessed 32.

    Thirdly, the movie does show some bad decisions by the characters. Especially the end of the movie when the bf throws his phone into the water for solidarity lol. But overall the movie was enjoyable. It's not going to win any awards it's not deserving of those 1 Star reviews.
  • em-gliss13 November 2020
    30-somethings playing high school students doesn't really work for me. Neither does a bad script and horrendous acting.
  • I enjoyed yet another strong performance by Laura Wiggins ("Starving In Suburbia", "The Cheating Pact", "Cradle Swapping"), and that of Nicky Whelan, whom I hope to be seeing in many more LIfetime prodcutions.

    That said. Laura is only seven years younger than Nicky in real life. If Laura was the director's choice to play Maddie, then maybe someone older should have been selected to play Gwen. Nicky was great, don't get me wrong. But a little more age gap between mother and daughter, even if it is on-screen, would have been nice. Jennie Garth would have been a fine match (16 years older than Laura).

    Same with if Nicky were the first choice to play Gwen. Someone in their 20s as Maddie would have been more appropriate. Peyton List from Disney Channel comes to mind.

    Bottom line: great movie, just sometimes hard to forget two of the leads were much closer in age to being sisters than mother and daughter.
  • This film wasn't bad more like average but not bad. I felt the writing could have been a bit better but overall good acting, decent plot, nice ending.
  • mrstang-6230327 November 2020
    I would say I'm some what of a sommelier of bad films. But after pounding a bottle of red both my house mate and I were bored to tears. This film is not good, nor is it so bad it's good. It's just pure garbage. There is not one descent actor and the audio mixing is so bad it's almost blown our sub. I'd rather drink 5 litres from our broken washing machine than watch 1 scene from this "film". Whoever worked on this should be barred from any for of art. My housemate would rather watch 'the landlord' 10 times than this again. Jesus Christ just because you can afford a camera doesn't mean you should make a film.

    PS this has no spoilers because I can't remember a thing from it
  • jessica-gonzatto13 August 2020
    I'm sorry I watched this. Extremely sexist and fake - writing, acting, even wardrobe & makeup. I can't believe people still make movies like this in 2020.
  • I am joining the choir of asking why do you continually get adults to play teenagers? Not 21 or 22 but 32, 34, 26, 25, etc. Absolutely ridiculous. For that, a low score.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Who wrote this junk? This movie is so indicative of this generation. Unable to cope and accept right from wrong...thinking everything is a game, including the lives and reputations of others. Not that this is didn't happen in previous generations, but the social media aspect really adds another layer. These social media themed movies are some of Lifetime's worst. I've only seen one where a character abandoned it altogether. The others are so addicted still that it's supposed to be a happy ending if they resume their activities but with "boundaries."

    I don't think anyone including the mother grasped that actions have consequences. Didn't get to see the teacher get his reputation back. Have no idea if Kelly's victims will get justice. Kelly knows right from wrong yet doesn't care and we're supposed to feel sorry for her. The daughter and her boyfriend trespass and it's treated as a game. Mom likely didn't get her job back after her daughter's actions.

    I could actually see something like this happening because kids (and adults honestly) do dumb stuff on camera all day long. But instead of this movie being a PSA or at least a warning about peer pressure and choosing your friends wisely and using good judgment, we get these brats who by the end probably haven't learned a thing.

    I also agree with other reviewers. The "kids" are in their 30s or nearly there, and surely Lifetime could have found 21 year olds for these parts. Nicky Whelan wasn't as involved in the plot as expected although towards the climax she was more present.

    Skip it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "InstaFame" is a saga of dueling divas on social media. The situation gets out of hand when the stakes are raised in besmirching the character of Sasha Curtis. The instigator is a clearly intelligent but misguided and deranged young woman named Kelly Ryan.

    The drama unfolds primarily through the perspective of young Maddie Reynolds, who lives with her mother Gwen, a widow who rebuilt her life as a successful realtor after the death of her husband. Maddie has great potential as a student, but she is also remarkably immature.

    The gullible Maddie is co-opted by her friend Kelly to do battle on social media with Sasha. After Gwen Reynolds tells the girls about a tragic mishap where a high school student died during a stunt atop the Red River Cliff, it is Kelly who takes Maddie and Ava on a daredevil walk high above the river. Ava plunges to her death, and it later revealed that Kelly let her drop intentionally, then sought to pin the blame on Sasha.

    The best scene in the film is when Gwen Reynolds comforts the sociopath Kelly, informing her that people really do love her. It was a moving scene in what was otherwise a most dismal film about a group of brats with no boundaries who found themselves led like sheep by the girl from the wrong side of the tracks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Another in many offerings from LMN (why does every film have murder in it?) that are primarily built upon poor writing and casting.

    This epic is set against a social media (primarily focused on an site like "instagram" hence the title) backdrop of over active teens trying to impress and outdo each other in the virtual world.

    We have Sasha, the queen bee at her high school and a large social presence, vying for attention when along comes foster girl Kelly who has just moved there 3 months ago, in her own words, been in many (five six seven...) homes during her teens, and is trying to unseat Sasha while living in a caricature foster home with a lusting foster father that she calls the best she has ever had, yet then she causes him to O. D. and tries to hide behind online popularity to escape the consequences.

    Next we have Maddie (Laura Wiggins) and her mother (Nicky Whelan), who in actuality are only 7 years different in real age, trying to help Kelly yet we see Maddie start to morph into a Sasha/Kelly online persona.

    The hashtag #suckitsasha should instead be directed at the film title as in #suckitmovie

    The only bright spot, though limited in screen time, is Kim Director, a Spike Lee regular cast-member, playing Destiny, the foster mother to Kelly.

    Then we have a preposterous fixation of Maddie on her journalism teacher to further cement this as a multi-wannabe themed movie (is it horror, teen angst, child endangerment, sexual predator, coming of age?)

    None of the story really makes sense, just spend two hours watching and eating dinner, at least you got something out of the movie that way.
  • vanillaanderson2 January 2022
    Why do they always choose the ugliest girls to be the bully. Like really. Where are the hot girls with the blond hair and fake tan. Would make for a much better realistic movie. Since when are the ugly girls the hot ones?
  • teecee-800233 October 2020
    First off, I have a "beef" with Laura Wiggins for the antics she pulled as Karen Jackson on Shameless. Lol Beef aside though, she's a good actress and this was a pretty decent movie. Especially for Lifetime. It had it's dumb character moments. I mean, can ANY teen say no to a peer with a stupid plan? But overall, it was less idiotic than most of the movies I've seen on Lifetime. As for the people griping about the main character and her mom only having a 7 year age difference IRL, grow up! It's not like Laura Wiggins LOOKS 32! She actually looks like she could be a teenager! The movie was pretty good. Just watch it for the story and u might be pleasantly surprised.
  • johnz-350949 December 2020
    The Best High School Psycho Movie out there. Got it all..!! Best Talented young actors and actresses I've seen in awhile.
  • bonzorilla4 October 2021
    This is a strong ethical story that fits in the dramatic genre rather than horror. I would say it embraces the concept of inclusiveness and strong independent female characters. But the story is sound and the conflict is both interesting and thought provoking. It's a good.example of the new directives in storytelling. In that, it might come across a bit condescending.