User Reviews (53)

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  • martimusross12 October 2019

    This was great show from start to finish, it was very gentle fun, and mostly the humour was irony or farce.

    The music was great and the characters were very strongly written. We had a fabulous ensemble of actors who really were brilliantly cast.

    I loved it and can't wait for series 2.
  • trentvoyager-012317 September 2019
    Given that comparisons with Benidorm were inevitable, I think it is worth pointing out that it is considerably softer in tone than the broad brush strokes that Benidorm traded upon and I think it is all the better for that. No complaints about the cast except for perhaps Jason Manford who really looked quite poor compared to the other performers, sadly. It was a set up episode so lots of establishing done, hopefully as the series progresses it will become quicker in pace. Special shout for Stephanie Cole who as usual was brilliant.
  • terencefscott7 September 2019
    Watched this last night, saw it was by the writer of Benidorm thought I would give it a go. First thing to say it not Benidorm in that the humour is not so in your face. Found it a bit slow to start with but improved as it went on and we started to meet the characters. I agree the reference to Saville should not have been used, still very raw for some people. Will give another go next week as I think this will grow on you, people who say it's not as good Benidorm should remember it was panned when it first started.
  • alanjones281818 September 2019
    This is written as people talk. Well observed and (only seen one) entertaining. Sorry but I find it much better than Benidorm which comes over as a poor man's Carry On.
  • Sleepin_Dragon18 November 2019
    I loved this show, it has a similar vibe to Benidorm as you'd expect, but it has a bit more going on, and it has a heart. There's a story arc which spans the six episodes, it's all well thought out, and neatly developed. Darren Litten knows how to write comedy, but also wove in a serious side to it.

    Terrific acting, I must give mentions to Maggie Ollerenshaw and Stephanie Cole, both mature performers were outstanding, and showed why they've been in the game for so long Tyldesley and Manford were both terrific also.

    It was a bit of a slow burner, I wasn't hooked after the first few, but by the end I was. I truly hope they continue with it, there is so much more they can do.

    More please. 8/10
  • We loved this series, it was very funny and with built in empathy.

    The writing was excellent as was the acting, couldn't fault it.

    Sadly the BBC have chosen not to make another series, no doubt putting more money into the useless ego fest for Lee Mack, Not Going Out. Shame on the Beeb, Scarborough would have run for many many years.
  • Not surprised this ended up on the BBC, it just wasn't funny, poor acting, poor script and wrong casting. Reminded me of last of the summer wine only the cast in that were funny. Benidorm hooked you in the first three minutes, this just made me want to switch off. Won't be watching the rest of the series and I will be surprised if there's a second series. Gave it three stars for the beautiful location shots of Scarborough, shame most of it was filmed in a studio in Manchester.
  • Just watched this on catch-up, it took a couple of episodes to get into it, but by the end I loved it. Terrific ensemble cast. Deserved another series IMO.
  • We watched this show with some reservations as we seem to have lost the ability to produce a decent sit com and were pleasantly surprised. It is beautifully filmed and the actors seem to be enjoying themselves and give engaging performances, there's just a slight problem with the writer adding several characters that are a little over the top and the Gay police officers behaviour is out of sync with the show, more like a character that didn't quite work and was cut from Little Britain in the edit. A few laugh out loud moments - hopefully it may progress into something more substantial.
  • Well this is poor.

    The BBC when it comes to sitcom's really do not have their finger on the pulse.

    Trying to create their own Benidorm by hiring Derren Litton, they miss the mark terribly.

    The only funny thing about it is when they have a little 'Still Open All Hours' reunion by having Stephanie Cole and Maggie Olldernshaw feature.

    And as for the Jimmy Saville run of jokes - very poor taste.
  • nash-6574822 December 2019
    Seen all episodes and it was great. Could be the new Benidorm ( Scarbados). BBC have cancelled the show WHY, Benidorm took time to get a following, so please give it a chance and rethink.....
  • rocknrelics19 September 2019
    . .. And that's Jason Manford. He does a lot for charity you know. Love the setting, it makes Scarborough looks lovely, and the gentle comedy harks back to the golden age of British comedy. Have I mentioned Jason Manford does a lot for charity yet? For me he's the weak link, can't act for toffee, and isn't the singer he seems to like to think he is. Credit to the lovely Derren Litten for coming up with something that's markedly different from 'Benidorm', yet will still appeal to fans of that and a wider range of viewers. The rest of the cast are great , Catherine Tyldesley and Maggie Ollerenshaw shine in particular, but I find it hard to love it because of Manford. He does a lot for charity you know..
  • Totally misses the mark. Funny people but not a funny programme. Disappointing.
  • Loved the first episode tonight. If you were expecting it to be just like Benidorm then you are mistaken. Darren Litten shows us that he is not a one trick pony with Scarborough. A down to earth great British comedy. In many ways just like still open all hours, and not just because Stephanie Cole and Maggie Ollerenshaw star in it. A light hearted comedy drama we can all relate to in one way or another.
  • lurchjones14 September 2019
    Watched the first episode and will not be returning for anymore. Honestly, don't waste your time. Unfunny annoying characters, bland script straight from a bygone age. Makes Last of the Summer Wine seem edgy and sophisticated.
  • mikeiskorn31 March 2020
    I absolutely loved this series, right from the get go. Such a shame the BBC won't renew it. Some nob ed obviously got offended by something and then pulled the plug. Oh well, at least we got this series. Derren is such a great writer.
  • Why on earth do they give Jason Manford parts? He can't act and he's an amazing his own opinion but not to the trained ear.

    Just finished episode 2 and that's it, it's not for me.

    I was gutted when Benidorm was axed but this is no where near even close, even though I know it's not comparable.

    They try to make it attractive by the tunes playing like Peter Kay did with Car Share but that's over used in everything now.

    Every actor appears weak, as though you can tell it's a set and they are acting, either they have done too many takes and lost the spontenaety or they are all trying too hard.

    The writing is tired and weak, I didn't laugh once. Even Mataoe's topping himself joke fell flat with Manford's pathetic response.

    I'm guessing this is a retirement package for Benidorm actors, will Geraldine and Sherie Housan turn up soon?

    Sadly I can't see it being much of a pension for them as if it gets another series they must know people in high places in the BBC.

    Also it makes Scarborough look good, in real life it's a complete hole if you've ever been.
  • I really didn't expect this show to be different to Benidorm, but it really is. And in a good way. I think - with all due respect - that the bad reviews here are from people generally expecting another bunch of Garveys.

    Instead, we have a small but very well conceived set of folks in a dead end town, wrapped up in each others lives in a sometimes hilarious, but mostly fascinating way.

    I think the acid test here is imagination and appreciation of fine writing and acting. If you lack either, you probably won't be affected too much by this. But if you do, I think you might enjoy what I've found to be a thoroughly enjoyable and fun comedy drama with excellent character development.
  • I was expecting the laughs and style of Benidorm but I have found it to be quite unfunny so far. I am a local and I wanted this to be good, but falls well short of the mark for me.
  • halebop637 September 2019
    Not sure why people are grumbling! We loved it. Good old fashioned comedy with great stars. Loved the innuendos and seaside postcard humour. British entertainment at its best. Reminded me of the early series of 'Benidorm' with its mix of pathos and comedy.
  • Awful show not funny unbelievable characters just a step up from Benny Hill
  • This is a wonderful series full of well-drawn and fresh characters set in a small-size situation. It's calmness to not be grand or go for set-piece gags sets it apart from many similar-looking sitcoms. Expect an easy-paced show with an easy mood as the characters push through some tough problems. The cast are great and give it backbone without any trying to grab the limelight.

    As it happens, I watched this series during the Covid-19 lock-down. I'd have loved it anyway but here it was a much-needed dose of glorious outdoor shots and open space.
  • lorrainehockey10 September 2019
    Considering the cast this programme is a total disaster. It's not funny, its badly written. Having seen the interview with Jason Manford I expected so much more.
  • I was so disappointed to see that Scarborough wouldn't have a second season. I thought it was beautifully written and expertly acted. And who would fault the location? The final episode left so many unanswered questions that one is left questioning the sanity of BBC One in not approving a second series. Maybe Netflix?
  • divewhitby17 September 2019
    Just when you thought things couldn't get any more lame, shows like this died in three 90's. Dated comedy is so hard to watch when the writer is following the same type of dialogue from his previous work.

    He has paid lip service when doing his reserch. Theres a reference to somebody sitting at home listening to the Police on his scanner when the TETRA network was introduced some years ago!

    Why he thought that referencing Jimmy Saville might be classed as humour is offensive given the historic sexual abuse, likewise naming one of the characters after Peter Jaconelli, the Mayor of Scarborough who would have faced similar charges had he still been alive. If the writer thinks these are topics for a comedy series then what does it say about his intellect or morality.

    The characters have an infinite droll of one liners that are sad, it wouldn't be out of place to expect Del boy to pop out from behind the sofa at any minute.

    Part of the show is set around a hair salon that looks like it came straight out of Heartbeat, an intentional oddity no doubt?

    The only thing this antiquated show has going for it are the songs from the 60's and 80's.
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