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  • I Have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films and Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films.

    This is another "Christmas Carol" ripoff that has no charm or warmth to anything.

    Toni Braxton is very wooden here. The dialog delivery is very painful to the ear. The rest of the cast does what it can with such a terrible screenplay. What is tired about this version is that it has a twist here and there but you how it will end.

    I would like to see a version where things turn out different. That would be a true "Christmas Miracle"

    Review Date 11/27/2018
  • I wasn't sure I would like this film to start with, the cranky "Scrooge" character really was quite abrasive and offensive to watch, but I'm glad I stuck with it. I actually got a bit teary as they ventured through her "Christmas Past". The idea of using her parents as the Ghosts who visit was clever and makes you feel that emotion a bit more.

    However, even in the end she still didn't seem to have grown that much and I'm pretty sure she wasn't good enough for the guy. He was lovely, but I couldn't understand what he had seen in her before the change and even after.

    Also, I'm not sure why the Christmas Carol books are always so big when it's only 187 pages?

    I wing rush back to watch it, but I probably will come back to it again.
  • Oh dear. Only one thing to say. Toni Braxton needs to invest in a LOT more acting lessons.

    Ok, two things. Is there such a shortage of actors/actresses leaving drama schools that we have to put up with second raters in these tv movies ????? This is by far not the first time I've reviewed such awful acting. This lady would not even get a part in our local amateur drama group. Sorry.
  • jk-692-23639429 December 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Toni Braxton is not an actor. Period. This was not a good movie. A real stinker. She played a good mean boss for about 5 minutes and then you can see her in front of your eyes reverting back to "Toni Braxton" trying to act. The director must have worked like heck with her on that mean boss segment. So many notes rang sour in this movie, the "ghost" of Christmas taking her though each segment is her dead mother? Instead of having any impact emotionally, you feel sorry for her. Her dead mother is not effective at all as a ghost. They chill out and have girlfriend time together. Ugh. This movie was annoying in how poorly it used the concept of a Christmas Carol.
  • mflenoy11 December 2018
    This was a really great movie. I enjoyed Toni acting greatly. How she executed her lines along with her facial and body expressions made it perfect. You can tell that she truly took her time to learn her lines as well as place herself into the character. There were moments that were predictable as it is an adaptation but other than that it was great. And it is truly a family film which makes it even better.

    Towanda character was good as well.

    Overall, Great job Living Legend Toni Braxton.
  • TheLittleSongbird22 December 2021
    Other than that it was part of my Christmas film completest sake, my main reason for seeing 'Every Day is Christmas' was the concept. Which was a good one and one of Lifetime's better and most potentially meaningful ones, the inspired by 'A Christmas Carol' concept is hardly new and has been done a lot. But the story is so timeless and resonates so much with me, that it has never really mattered to me at how often it's adapted, lampooned or inspired other films etc.

    It did however did deserve much better execution that what was shown in one of Lifetime's worst 2018 Christmas films 'Every Day is Christmas'. Just to say, and this has been said quite a few times, Lifetime have done plenty of watchable and more films over the years, as well as a number of stinkers, so am not one of those people who is going to say that all their work is rubbish as that is not true. 'Every Day is Christmas' just didn't work at all for me.

    There are two things that save 'Every Day is Christmas' from unwatchability. One is the lovely scenery which is slickly filmed.

    Gloria Rueben, giving the only halfway decent performance in the film as she is the only one that seems to be trying without coming over as affected, is the other one.

    'Every Day is Christmas' fails everywhere else. What particularly brings the film is a very out of her depth Toni Braxton, who is unbearably wooden and lacks any feeling or nuance with her line delivery throughout the entire film (which contributed towards her reform not being believable). Her character is yet another female lead character that really grated on me, absolutely hate it when character flaws are so overdone you see nothing redeeming about the one in question and hate it just as much when the character doesn't grow that much. Even for a miser Alexis' negative characteristics are over the top with no signs of warmth, and she doesn't really develop that well and any change of heart is rushed and not believable for someone who is so irredeemably horrible in the first third or so. Which is a big problem for a character inspired by a character that grows and changes more than most literary characters.

    While the rest of the cast are not as bad, they also don't really register and seem at sea with what to do with their roles. The characters, with the one exception being Lydia, are shallow cipher stereotypes and don't come over as real people, while the chemistry is stiff and disconnected. The script has a lot of cheese and slushy schmaltz and sounds stilted, am not sure whether it was the lines or the delivery but there just wasn't any emotion in it. Although the story that inspired this is a classic, absolutely nothing imaginative or original is done here and there is a complete lack of charm and heart. Actually found the first third quite mean spirited, the pace mostly pedestrian and the ending too hasty. The music is forgettable at best and doesn't really gel and there doesn't seem to be much direction going on, judging by especially the character interaction and Braxton.

    All in all, a humbug. 2/10.
  • Honestly I'm not a big fan of Christmas movies, but this was a cute spin on a classic. Wish it were a little longer, but was well written and acted. Two thumbs up. Toni was refreshing and committed to the role.
  • I really wanted to love this movie. The plot sounded like it'd be a refreshing twist to the original Dickens' story. But Toni Braxton is terrible in this movie. I'm a fan of her as a singer, but honestly after this movie, I'll avoid any other movies that she acts in. Instead of a feel good Christmas movie, I was just annoyed and irritated that I wasted my time watching this.
  • This version is pretty bad. Bad Acting, a slow story and poor casting make this hard to watch. Do yourself a favor and watch the 1951 Version of A Christmas Carol starring Alastair Sim.
  • GCrawsings27 December 2018
    Michael Jail White acting is always on point!!! Toni Braxton is wonderful her character is even believable but something's missing. Maybe the Gingerbread man I don't know. It's an expected trip to the past, present (Scrooged) future really... she's too nice to bah hum bug. Overall it's a cute movie is why I rated 8 stars... So, grab your popcorn 🍿 candy, and coccoa. EnJoy! ! !
  • sherenealong25 November 2018
    One of the better endings to a Lifetime movie! Love Christmas movies
  • I felt it delivered on point to the original. Gloria Reuben was a standout. The unbelievable part for me was the love story. Generally the acting was on par for a Christmas story. The characters were likeable. One scene that really stands out for me is when Toni Braxton locks herself in the bathroom - she looks so small.
  • Two virtues define this film : the memory of late parents and their status of guardian angels and the return to Dickens classic book.

    This real good points are enough for to not be very critic about movie mistakes.

    The other virtue is just the effort of actors to give coherence and soul to a not very inspired , in run, adaptation. The effort of Toni braxton is obvious, admirable, in fact, against scenes in which a sort of vulgarity seems too present.

    But, no doubts, it is a nice christmas film , against forced end.

    The truth about connection with late parents, yes, for me this is the point . And this film use it in just beautiful manner.