User Reviews (25)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Entertaining and thrilling, though it has more loose ends than I can count. There's so many disjointed stories, incoherent logic and inexplicable coincidences that I really though I missed an episode... really... I had to make sure I didn't skipped due to so much lose ends... to my surprise I didn't. I truly believe maybe some scenes where lost in editing.

    Spoiler alert from now on:
    • Do we really need to think that this school is an epicenter of coincidental but unrelated sexual criminals? The priest and the teacher... 2 disjointed "filler stories" with no follow up whatsoever nor any link to the original criminal which didn't had any real closure nor reference later in the storyline.
    • The son of the PDI women, sometimes key to the storyline, who's mother never cared to wonder how he found his father... nor why we has crying in the gas station.
    • The hacker and the mask... seemingly important, mysterious... went out to found the sister... later completely dismissed and totally disjointed story.
    • The box guy... nothing, dismissed.

    There's many like situations that most likely you'll notice to. The logic of the police team seems random, with focus on obfuscated things while dismissing most of the obvious ones.

    Very disappointed. Terribly directed and produced.
  • Sekho19 July 2020
    I expected more, I think they wanted to cover many stories and did not delve into any. Blanca (Antonia Giesen) barely had dialogues, the villain's outcome was very hasty and the way to discover him almost absurd. The dialogues in general about machismo were very basic, all the men were villains and all the women were victims. Great performances by Antonia Zegers, María Gracia Omegna, Paula Lushinger, Lucas Balmaceda and Clemente Rodríguez. Daniela Vega urgently needs some acting classes, although something has improved since "A Fantastic Woman". I hope that if there is a second season they delve deeper into the stories and it will not be so superficially told. 5/10
  • victoriadastres8 November 2020
    First 4 episodes had potential-but then nothing makes any sense.
  • There are things that i definitely liked, but i can't just deny some aspects that broke the verisimilitude of the serie as a whole. It felt as if they had a lot of good ideas but they couldn't make their minds about which ones to include, resulting in a messy production. Even with all of that, i appreciate the effort to call out some of the problems that most people still ignore. Could've been better? Sure, but it's a good first try (i say first 'cause we don't have a lot of feminist Latin American productions)
  • mymelissa0427 August 2020
    I liked this series because it has a lot to tell and show about some realities that some people are not capable of accept yet or don't want to realize (the physical and sexual abuse against women by men in a higher position, the psychological vulnerability of the victims, the impunity of the most powerful persons, etc). However, I think that some stories and some characters that I thought it would be more important for the plot, were not fully developed, maybe because of the lack of money or time or I don't know. Give it a chance!
  • danichanirami25 July 2020
    The story itself really captures you but the acting is really bad throughout the whole series.
  • maxvent18 August 2020
    First 3 episodes were OK but after that the plot missed the mark. Could have had potential if they tried to take the story to a more realistic approach, sometimes you get the feeling you are watching Girl with the dragon tattoo wannabe. Just finished it and found delusional the open doors for a season 2 (that for sure I won't be watching). The link between this poor series and the case of "la manada" that took place in Spain is that there is a rape = THE END, nothing else.
  • kimbo-1178416 June 2022
    This is an edge of your seat, taute and intelligent, feminist text. Amazing performances from the three leading female detectives and from all the young female students. The Pack is about power and abuse of power, trust, love and hatred of The Other. Best watched back to back fir the full, terrifying experience.
  • Nothing had sense. Bad script and terrible care of details. Bad combination. Some good acting, but some characters are terrible out of focus. This serie is too much pretentious.
  • The plot is so extremely valid. Every charachter plays a role in todays manipulated yet exposed society. Church, politics, army, oligarchy are present. Ranging from Spanish La Manada to priest Joannon as well Las Tesis this serie is very appealing.
  • As a chilean I feel sorry for this... Is not a bad idea, but the script and the acting feels so mediocre. The women deserves a better execution for this real problem of discrimination
  • There are scenes that are poorly worked, characters that reach distant places in a matter of seconds, very bad chases and it becomes a mockery
  • rob-360195 May 2022
    The acting and plot in this series was great. I cant understand all the negative scathing reviews, I found the intensity of the actors to be refreshing and mesmerising as well as the landscape and scenery.
  • laduqesa27 August 2022
    OK, loads of TV productions aren't either but at least one can suspend disbelief and get into what's going on. I watched the whole of Season One with a mounting feeling of reluctance until the absurd ending. Really, this all-powerful cabal of important people could be true, but the idea of a revolutionary army based on video games and challenges was not crédible. We all know about alleged TikTok challenges but what was portrayed here was so over the top as to be ludicrous.

    When I saw there was a second season I thought I'd give it a go in the hopes of a fresh storyline but, oh no, the theme was the same except the avenging angels were female this time. I got through the first episode and then deleted. I just couldn't hack more of the same.

    There are better things to watch and I've been doing so.
  • Also exhilarating. Addictive. Unexpected. Sexy. Terrifying. Mind-expanding. Meets my 10-star standard set by The Bridge (Danish-Swedish only, no watered-down dumb-downed knock-offs), The Bureau, Spiral, Borgen, The Fall.
  • When I was watching this show I was thinking: how did this crap get the contract with Amazon?

    An advice: don't waste your time with this show.
  • Does anyone really believe that actors correctly play their roles as a police officer? The action scenes are poorly managed and directed. The story is bad and not credible. The rugby friends act very badly.
  • Very predictable, a very unbelievable story that tries to use the feminist theme to no avail, bad performances on the entire pair of young jeep actors and disappoint all the policemen, they did not even try to handle weapons well. All very badly accomplished action scenes. The series is made by the performances of Ormegna, the only more or less successful performance by the police, Castro, Noguera and the young Clemente Rodriguez, all others overworked.
  • A completely palomiter series and enjoyable with a lot of great performances and moments of tension, however the need to be an effective series for which you delete your brain if you enjoy it better. I hope with the second season, but I hope that some aspects of the script will improve that will not convince you, but that will not be well.
  • The actresses choices doesn't work, specially with Zegers. the protagonist, doesn't feel strong her interpretation, it miss it the intensity that requires the main detective doesn't exist (do a really good job in El Club).

    On the other hand, we have Vega who lends too much an intriguing climate, that doesn't feel natural. In general, is a good mini-series, even get to the hype level of La Casa de Papel (Spanish production), have a good script the suspense of the what will happen?, gets it to the spectator, generates pain, discomfort, sadness, and deception for the actions from the men's. Remember an amazing picture that exhibits scenes not often to contemplate it in Chilean productions.

    The message is strong and it needs to give attention to all in our world. Every woman in a moment in her life feels insignificant and fearful of the men.
  • macathieme14 July 2020
    Amateur script, plot, acting, directing, cinematography doesn't even exist, and all around nonsense.
  • silvaniwi17 July 2020
    Very good idea but it was really misused. all bad, you get bored when you see it ... as a typical Chilean movie many bad words even when they don't need to even used them. Chilean actors sucks seriously
  • The plot was good, the script was fine, at first everything was entertaining, first 7 episodes were decent, even though it's hard to understand Chilean Spanish and I'm Mexican, I had to put up subtitles, all hype goes to the final episode, but the final episode really ruined it, I expected a lot more and the actions of some of the characters really ruined up everything that was building around it, it gives a small glimpse of what could become a Season 2 but I doubt it, because in my opinion the final episode ruined the whole story, the lack of answers in the end makes me think it was ended purposely, it could have ended without a clear answer and that would be fine for a Season 2 but it was cut abruptly and separated the whole plot from what could have been something way bigger ended in a local plot with the easiest end.

    I rated 5 because for an end like that, made me feel like time wasted. It was just too easy for that end.
  • jprb-0086413 July 2020
    This is the worst, most predictable and silly series I have seen. Don't waste your time. Believe me. You will regret spending a minute on this.
  • The script has a lot of fails. I'm dissapointed, I was expecting for more