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  • Nothing to be taken seriously. It's probably a spoof. Did no one else see a resemblance to Shakespeare? As in Midsummer Night's Dream? Or some of Mozart's comic operas? The plot's as old as history. Just a fun time to while away an hour on a pandemic night at home.
  • Seriously the film is terrible.

    But I would like to address the childishness of the other reviewer who says that stereotypical view sof Italy are "typical American mindset."

    Actually this is a typical EUROPEAN mindset. I've lived and worked half my life in Europe and Europeans engage in stereotypes about other European countries and their peoples ALL the time, and do so especially in film

    There are BAFTA winning, and other European award winning films where a British writer writes about France, a German writer sets a film in Spain, or a Greek film maker sets a film in Stockholm, or a French filmmaker sets a film in the USA or with American characters that are FULL of stereotypes. Moreover if you know Italy, northern Italians hold profoundly stereotyped views of southern Italy and visa versa. The stereotypes are part of the humor.

    So stop the culture of complaint and stop being offended at everything. The problem with this film is not stereotypes about Italy and Italians, but poor writing and poor acting.
  • The rest of the movie doesn't amount to much - the writing is banal at best. Tyler and Rosalia have the best connection, flirty and romantic, in spite of the dialogue. The others were so boring I fast-forwarded through their plots, in spite of the hunky young gay male. Tyler is a pretty badly written character but Darren makes him better than he is. Tyler's father is a reliable actor I liked in Sex and the City who is always very watchable. If you're a huge Darren Criss fan you'll appreciate his charm and curls but other than and the gorgeous visuals of the countryside, there isn't much more. I had it on in the background while online.
  • Childish, not really funny, acted in a parossistic (I hope italian actors were playing "bad" actors purpousedly, if not, they should all change job at once!). The messy mixture of stereotypes on Italy and italians could have been funny if correct and intelligently used. On the contrary it is an absurd mix of deep rural south placed in the far north Alps where none of these characters are minimally credible not even for a funny movie. If you do not know anything at all about Italy this can maybe go unnoticed, but otherwise it is like placing Alabama redneck or texan stereotypes in a fishing village of Maine or in Seattle. The story is minimal even for a kid's movie and comment.. except for american actors and for romanian Loren looking beauty Madalina Ghenea. Only real gorgeous part of this otherwise insignificant, not funny, childish even for children, movie.
  • Good production values, average actors, juvenile plot. I wonder how do things like this get made???? Yes it was bad on so many levels. But it was not terrible. I doubt I could do better if given 'all the money in the world' , but back to my question, HOW DO THINGS LIKE THIS GET MADE?? Or more importantly why did I watch it, and why did I write a review. ??? I have to assume it is due to the 'Italian tax credit law No. 244 of December 24th 2007'
  • The acting was bad and the story, run-of-the-mill. Great if you just want white noise in the background. You're not going to miss much.
  • Four men fall under a spell. Two fall for women. One for another man. The third falls for a cow. Left you feeling like you wasted your time watching.
  • I believe in LOVE. Its a simple tale of people falling in love with each other at first sight because of spell put on a small village somewhere in the mountains in Italy. Amidst the storm of films being made about the cruel realit of life we forget that all these hardships are our own self created and in the name of being individuals of modern rational minset, nonsense like LOVE has no place in relationships and its all about give and take. This film made me breathe easy and restored my dwindling faith in love i.e., its ok to fall in love, confess it to the one and try to win their heart o matter what. Definately not in the race for an oscar due to over simplicity of plot yet some scenes made my heart fill with joy. The female lead is a spellbinding beauty. Only for the romantics.
  • Honestly, I could have written a better script when I was 12. It's the dialogue that really bugs me, it comes across as what a child thinks conversations sound like. Why do these bad movies keep getting made? And 4 people fall in love because of some sort of spell? It's just as problematic is a love potion. This whole thing in cringe worthy. I want that hour and a half of my life back.
  • I love the scenery and the village,so i don't care about your negative comments.
  • A sweet little romp with a commedia dell'arte flair.
  • I wish I studied instead of watching this movie. Now I'll have to study double to make up for the brain cells it stole from me. Ok so I'll say the good and the bad about this movie.

    PLUS POINTS: +Lovely scenery +Interesting idea, I guess +Italian theme MINUS POINTS: -Weird, like REALLY weird (a guy falls in love with a cow and constantly wants to milk it, like what????) -Horrible script -Awful acting -Super confusing plot -Lame jokes

    Altogether, "All You Ever Wished For" was "Nothing I Ever Wished For." It was weird and not in a quirky cute way. It was rushed and slow at the same time. Maybe, just maybe, if it was done differently I might have liked it.

    But that's me trying, with all my might, to be optimistic. The only thing I gained from this movie was an urge to visit italy.

  • jealoushuman5 June 2019
    Funny and charming in a hallmark TV movie kind of way. I will watch it over and over again because I love those cheesy and predictable movies. If you're a fan of those kids of movies, you will love this too!
  • This is a VERY important and unique movie, but there is not space here for me to explain why I think so. If you are interested, search "Guided Viewing of 'All You Ever Wished For' aka. "Smitten!".