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  • The 91st Oscars has finally arrived! And so has my first review! After being plagued by so many stupid decisions, one would have thought The Academy would do everything in their power to make this show as good as it can be. With no host, we were all wondering how the show was gonna get off to a start. We were treated to a Queen performance as the opening act. Which wasn't great. The lead singer's voice pales in comparison to Freddie. As soon as the first award was announced, we knew this was gonna be a highly politically motivated show. Littered by African American sentiments, Feminist motives, Anti-Trump agenda, etc., the show continued to disappoint at every turn. Though most of the awards given out were highly deserving, the show felt rushed right from the get go. People getting shut off during their speeches was a common sight. God! Why can't you just let them have their moment!? I couldn't help but fall asleep so many times. Mahershala Ali, Rami Malek (Though I was rooting for Bale) and Olivia Colman were the only good parts of the three and a half hour long snoozefest. Don't waste your time sitting through the entire show and just google the results instead. You wouldn't miss much.
  • One week has passed by and still I am seeing 11 user reviews, seems very little interest! The 91st Oscars has finally arrived, as usual with too much predictability since the Golden Globes announced their winners! Since the 90th Academy Awards in 2018 had the lowest Nielsen ratings of all time, the played smart for the 91st Oscars without any host. It didn't had an impact, in fact, there was a reduction of one hour time which made me easy to view. It was very easy to guess who would won The Best Actor, Picture and Animated Feature. The only special thing I liked was Lady Gaga's speech. Emilia Clarke was the most well dressed person and my heart was with her. I wish there would be a color pic in the IMDB page! I think someone needs to replace Glenn Wiess to direct the Oscars in order to surge the ratings!
  • efd-104674 March 2019
    Okay but got boring pretty quickly.

    The big issue these award shows now face is that their audience watches film on multiple platforms, in theatres, streaming, cable, free to air TV. The days of everyone going off to the cinema to watch a popular movie are gone, never to return. The impact the awards have is greatly diluted by this fact, the quality of the output is as good as ever but award shows that concentrate on one medium seem missing a lot, it's because they no longer reflect the audience. Also through Netflix it a lot less American centric, again diluting the award.
  • I used to watch The Oscars just to see the celebrities and enjoy their laughs and reactions . This Oscars was a total mess. Even in this page I couldn't find many of celebs names either. I don't care who wins which category because mostly we already know the winners, but who is where and doing what in the Dolby Theater, I mean the actors and actresses. My rating is 2 and still believe the best one was The 85th Oscars (2013) hosted by Seth MacFarlane.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The title "The Oscars" says basically all and nothign at the same time. This is the 2019 edition of the world's biggest film awards ceremony, the Academy Awards. I finished watching the event from last night and I will do some brainstorming including the thoughts that came up for me personally.

    First the basics: Director is Glenn Weiss as always you could say. The show ran for 2.5 hours slightly over actually and that does not include commercial breaks. If we speak about commercials, then it ran for almost 3.5 hours. There was talk pre-Oscars and actually a decision to hand out 4 (I think) Oscars during the commercial breaks to keep the show shorter. What a joke honestly and I am really glad they corrected this decision. This clearly would have implied that some awards are more important than others and while we are at it, why not also not invite the nominees from these categories to the Luncheon? Cinematography would have been one of these categories and imagine Cuarón having to accept an award without anybody seeing it outside the room? Stupid.

    Next subject: Hosting. In general, I am not opposed to the idea of no host. Better this way than a bad one like it happened many other times in the past. It has been a long time since last Oscars edition when there was no host. They had Kevin Hart ready to do the job, but after some anti-LBGT comments years ago on his Twitter account or something or during his comedy standup routines, he faced a big backlash in the media that eventually resulted in him throwing the towel. There was talk about somebody else doing it, but eventually they went hostless. As for Hart, I don't know much about him. But I think he became a victim of political correctness. Such a shame. I read that people consider him the funniest Black comedian in Hollywood right now and I myself think I like Chris Rock more (his one hosting gig was brilliant), but I would have been fine with Hart presenting. Such a shame the Black community did not stand up for him. If things get steamy, I guess he is not one of theirs anymore or where were the Spike Lees (okay he didnt say something to not ruin his Oscar chances) and Jada Pinketts this time? Maybe Hart wasn't black-enough for them and not outspoken enough when it comes to alleged discrimination I don't know.

    The show started with Tina and Amy. I am not a huge fan of thee two, but they are okay and their material wasn't bad either. Oh yeah Maya Rudolph was there with her two SNL buddies too and yep she was as annoying as always. I have no idea how they still let her on a big stage like this. She has two face expressions max and one of them is really fake and unfunny. And yep her material was pretty bad as well. So the show did not start on a high note as it could have with just Tina and Amy out there. Or lets say it was a step down because starting the show with a Queen song was a really good idea. And while we are talking about negative aspects already, I have no idea what they were thinking with all these presenters. I honestly expect Oscar winners or at least Oscar nominees out there saying the names of the winners. Or at least people who acted this year in films that got a great share of attention from the Academy. Almost none of them fit any of these descriptions. Lets see: Momoa, Morello, Fisher, Clarke, Perry, Craig (I do like him though), Musgraves, Awkwafina... etc. The list goes on. And these Oscar nominees they got to present frequently made no sense at all. Yeah get Queen Latifah to present The Queen because of her name and as if that wasn't bad enough already, then even have her emphasize this connection à la life ain't easy for a Queen. I can only shake my head here. But the worst would probably be the decision to have tennis player Serena Williams present A Star is Born. Like seriously? Why? Why? Why? Her unprofessional outbursts on the court, really unsportsmanlike behavior on so many occasions and constant ramblings about how she is always discriminated against for being a female and Black, even if not one bit of this was true make her probably the least qualified person to make such a statement because it all rings false. Just look at the US Open final vs. Osaka and you know what I mean. And besides, these issues were not even a major (racism none at all) aspect of ASiB. No clue whey they picked her. Very fittingly her comments about the struggles of combining love and career also did not catch the essence of A Star is Born one bit. I do think this is a really overrated film, but it was nowhere near as bad as you could think from the way it was presented to audiences here. And it is certainly a shameful approach looking at how much of a classic the original still is today. But luckily, there was one introduction that did it all right and I am talking about Bohemian Rhapsody. It was a really nice idea to get the two guys from Wayne's World and have them channel their characters and of course Myers was in Bohemian Rhapsody too, so it all makes sense. Certainly more than the random inclusions of Jennifer Lopez (she is always there), James McAvoy, Key (why not Peele?), Andrés and Luna (what an unworthy presentation of Roma with their Spanish babbling), Jordan, Boseman and Yeoh. It literally felt as if they got in every single okay actor who's hoping for an oscar nom in the next couple years. So it was kinda refreshing to see that they brought quality for the lead actor categories at least. Nice idea to reunite McDormand and Rockwell, who has turned from W into Walter White it seems. Del Toro also a very fitting inclusion and that hug with Cuarón was one of the most real moments of the show and very much heartfelt. Julia Roberts presenting Best Picture? Meh. Oh yeah, another one I forgot: Streisand has a lot of history with the Academy, but her connection to BlackKklansmen was really very vague, yeah she liked the film on Twitter. Okay.

    Lets move on to the categories and winners. Bohemian Rhapsody won 4 categories and it is my favorite film from 2018, so I was very much thrilled about that. Chances were low that it could be empty-handed eventually, but 4 is more than I and most others expected. I think it was frontrunner in one sound category, but taking both was a delightful surprise. By the way, every single Best Picture nominee won at least one category. Just a side-note. Back to BR. I was cheering for Malek so hard honestly and it's greatg bale did not get another. His acceptance speech at the Globes was cringeworthy when he compared Cheney to the devil basically. That is rich coming from somebody who unleashes so hard on some poor camera assistant kid. We all heard the audio. Now that is what i call diabolic. The other three lead actors never really had a chance to win. Best Actress there was a surprise. Or was there? Sure most people expected Close to win and especially those who were talking about Gaga not having a chance despite being the frontrunner early on totally forgot about Olivia Colman. The fact that awards bodies like her is not only shown by her recent Golden Globe win for The Night Manager, but also for her very recent BAFTA win (over Close). And while Ali and Malek won their category over British competition, Close did not. But still nobody was really considering Colman to take the win. She did though. And she was most surprised herself. But luckily she did not talk about really getting drunk this time. To me she felt a bit like a younger British dark-haired Frances McDormand, who fittingly announced her. Both are somewhat awkward. Anyway, I must say I would have preferred Close to win. But maybe it wasn't the right role or movie for that. I am still glad Gaga lost. As for Colman, I think it is a bit strange. Her film has Stone and Weisz, who are both not worse than her I believe and also somewhat lead in my opinion. By the way, after The Favourite lost both production design and costumes somewhat surprisingly to Black Panther, it really looked as if the film would run empty and win nothing and it seemed even more unlikely the Academy would give it to Colman. But they did. Good for her. Speaking of Black Panther, it also won more that night than expected. I even slightly felt, it could be a potential upset for Best Picture honestly with how strong it was going. Same for Bohemian Rhapsody. As for Black Panther, I am okay with the Costumes win, those were good. The production design win I cannot agree with at all. I also felt this was among the most pathetic acceptance speeches of the night. While the female Black recipient cried a river and talked on and on, she did not let her fellow white male winner one second of thanking people. As disrespectful as it gets. Okay I already made a little reference to Best Picture. The winner is Green Book, a good film, but for me personally not one of the best of the year. I myself thought Roma could take it because of Green Book's surprising omission in Best Director (Roma was missing the editing nod), but the screenplay win showed things could be heading in a different direction as beating The Favourite and Vice could not entirely be expected, even if Green Book was probably the frontrunner there too. The other screenplay category went to Spike Lee, his first Oscar after all these years and Samuel L. Jackson clearly enjoyed handing it to him after informing him about the NY Knicks ending their loss streak. A good omen perhaps for Lee. Sadly his acceptance speech was random rambling too. Finally a word on Lady Gaga: I strongly dislike her, the song is okay, not great, her over-the-topness is unbearable, especially the allo allo at the end of the performance. Ridiculous people were giving standing ovations. Her acceptance speech moment it is not about winning felt more fake than anything else that night. Not a bad show, not a really good one either. Not too happy with the two animation winners, not surprising though, Period was a good winner, Avengers really should have won.
  • CampionTheOriginal25 February 2019
    Oscars, is your 3 hours and half of show relevant to the masses as your nominations are?... So much money spent in the production of this show, still they can not make it relevant to the masses and 2019. Come on, Do you see yourself being relevant to the millennials, and younger generations years to come? The award is so pristine, but the show used to be so exciting, so amazing, full of surprises, not any more. The best i can describe the oscars of 2019 is: You have all the ingredients for a good recipe but... you just couldn't make it happen. So frustrating, i feel like i could've done a better job at producing the oscars 2019, you have all the best talents to produce an unbelievable show, but at home the viewers just can't see the hard work put out behind the scenes, i am sorry but it just doesn't translate to our tvs at home.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...the ironically named Dolby Theater! At least, where last night's Academy Awards are concerned. I boycotted most of the special, myself. Only tuning in to see who won Best Animated Feature.*

    The only other bit I saw is when they awarded Best Foreign Language Feature. That's the part where my folks asked if the volume was see-sawing on my bedroom TV set, like it seemed to be on the one in the living room. To determine whether or not my dad's hearing aid was working properly!

    My dad was reassured in less than five minutes. Guess I won't be missing much at the 92nd Annual Academy Awards, either.

    *Congratulations to SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDERVERSE, by the way.
  • Thanks for bringing to my screen many of my favorite celebrities and honouring a lot of them with a great prize.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, the only nominated movies that I've seen in all categories are At Eternity's Gate, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, BlacKkKlansman, Black Panther, Bohemian Rhapsody, First Man, Isle of Dogs, Mary Poppins Returns, Minding the Gap, A Quiet Place, RBG, Ready Player One, Roma, A Star Is Born and The Wife. I was certain that Glenn Close was going to win Best Actress. I read somewhere that someone's going to have to make a movie starring her and Amy Adams, just so that they can both win Oscars.

    Overall, not having a host actually turned out to be a benefit: no interludes. But without a doubt, the most important statements came from Rayka Zehtabchi (calling to de-stigmatize menstruation), Alfonso Cuarón (addressing class issues and immigration) and Spike Lee (reminding everyone that 2019 marks 400 years of slavery in the US, that our country got built on the genocide of its indigenous population, and that we must choose love over hate in the next presidential election).

    All in all, I liked The 91st Academy Awards.
  • It started off with a blast. Queen!

    The hostless Oscars ceremony because some comedians have not realised the dangers of social media.

    However the lack of jokes was noticeable and maybe we should have had more Queen songs.

    The awards were nicely spread out this year. Bohemian Rhapsody, Black Panther, Roma, Green Book all got a slice of the pie. I did think Green Book was undeserving of the top prize, especially as one of the writer's Nick Vallelonga supported one of Trump's lies about Muslims in New Jersey and was caught with his metaphorical pants down. It also undermined the message the film was making.

    The downside of the Oscars were those excruciating awful speeches. Here is a hint, the television audience does not want to know the names of everyone associated in your life. If you win the best special effects Oscar, there can be 750 people who worked on the special effects in some capacity. So when you thank and read out the names of 30 people. What about the other 730 who you have ignored?

    The worse offender was Spike Lee who ironically won an Oscar for his words. I had to put my hands on my face in horror as he droned on and on. I would not be surprised if BlacKkKlansman was meant to be the Best Picture Oscar winner and someone swapped it for Green Book to save the world from another Spike Lee speech. Spike, there were three other writers of that film and they did not even manage to get a word in.

    At least Lady Gaga showed how it should be done. A powerful performance of Shallow with Bradley Cooper followed by an inspiring speech.
  • Best Picture W : Green Book M : Green Book

    Best Leading Actor W : Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody) M : Viggo Mortensen (Green Book)

    Best Leading Actress W : Olivia Colman (The Favourite) M : Olivia Colman (The Favourite)

    Best Supporting Actor W : Mahershala Ali (Green Book) M : Mahershala Ali (Green Book)

    Best Supporting Actress W : Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk) M : Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk)

    Best Director W : Alfonso Quaron (Roma) M : Alfonso Quaron (Roma)

    Best Original Screenplay W : Green Book M : Green Book

    Best Adapted Screenplay W : Blackkklansman M : A Star is Born

    Best Cinematography W : Roma W : Roma
  • To me, most of these films were a bit weak in regards of quality. Roma is a great film, Blackkklansman is a great film, and even Vice is pretty top notch...but the rest? Forgettable. Probably one of the weaker Oscar ceremonies and the only Oscar ceremonies I watched that stopped watching.
  • "The Oscars" the 91st annual one was much improved and better as with no host for the first time since 1989 things ran smoother, quicker, and each presenter and new stage face was fresh with their own set of jokes and laughs! The music was in top notch form as the opening was music from "Queen", and the highlight and touching intimate moment with love and chemistry was the duet performance of "Shallow"(best original song) from the great Bradley Cooper and stunning Lady Gaga.

    Plus this year the awards were not predictable as upsets and surprises were found most shocking was Rami Malek's win for best actor over favorite Christian Bale who was to believable as Dick Cheney, and it was not meant to be for Glenn Close as Olivia Colman upset her for best actress. Yet class acts and category front runners Regina King and Mahershala Ali won both supporting actress and supporting actor for their blunt and outspoken roles of race films.

    Social and race films were dominate as the family drama "Roma" won best foreign language film and Alfonso Cuaron won best director, and "Green Book" was the pick for best picture as the true story on friendship and race relations rose to the top. Overall well done "Oscars" an improvement in laughs, and the music was touching and the awards were more spread out with upsets and surprises! Hope this trend continues for "Hollywood's" big shining golden night.
  • Binkbev25 February 2019
    So much better not having a host. No stupid jokes. No cringeworthy situations. Flows better too!!
  • This hostless Oscars is really good. The people that disliked it are most likely people who either... their favourite (pun intended) movie didn't win, it was boring (which it wasn't), too political (which it always has been. Look at the Oscar speech when Marlon Brando won Best Actor), or got mad when people dont agree with their opinion.