User Reviews (16)

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  • Esben Smed is performing extremely well and strong in the role as Daniel. Fantastic dramatisation of actual events.
  • Jimmy_JimJim18 November 2021
    This movie is the exact opposite of a slow-burn, it kicks into high gear very early on and stay there. You won't notice it is a 2.5-hour movie until the credits starts rolling. I was sitting at the edge of my chair the entire time. Strong script plus superb acting make this one a must-see.
  • I didn't know the story of Daniel going into this and boy was i filled with surprised and disturbing images rodof the senseless brutality of isis. Do yourself a favour, share this movie with your friends because the world needs to know.
  • This was a poignant and deeply moving portrait of a family's desperate efforts to rescue their son from the grip of the horrific ISIS regime. I think this was a fitting tribute to the terrible experience Daniel Rye and the other hostages. Highly recommend this film.

    RIP Jim Foley and all the thousands who were murdered by ISIS.
  • A true story - a story that is as devastating as it gets. Going on a journey with someone who seems not to know what he is about to undergo ... well obviously he isn't otherwise he wouldn't go on this trip of his. Sometimes things just go south ... there is a premise, there is a truth ... and then there is what actually happens or how others perceive you.

    Torture is always bad - and there are scenes here that are extremely disturbing ... knowing that they actually happened might make this difficult to impossible for some to watch too. This is not easy - and it's ok if you do not want to watch this. If you do you have to have a strong stomach to be able to watch this through ... there are a lot of things that happen to ... Daniel ... and a lot of things that happen to the viewer watching him and others endure what they have to ... even long after you may think it is over ...
  • 'Ser Du Månen Daniel' is a Danish drama film based on the true story of Danish photographer Daniel Rye who was held hostage for 398 days by the terrorist organization ISIS in Syria. The movie follows Daniel's struggle for survival, his friendship with American journalist James Foley, and his family's fear back home in Denmark that he may never return.

    The film is directed by the duo of Niels Arden Oplev (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and Anders W. Berthelsen, and stars Esben Smed as the titular character. Other major characters in the movie include the American journalist James Foley, played by Toby Kebbell, and the Danish hostage negotiator Arthur, played by Anders Heinrichsen.

    The acting in the film is of high quality, with Esben Smed delivering a powerful performance as Daniel Rye. However, some scenes are graphic and hard to watch, but they drive the story forward and don't feel like cheap emotional shots at the audience.

    Overall, 'Ser Du Månen Daniel' is an exciting and well-made film, although it deals with a subject matter that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The movie provides a nuanced perspective on the complex themes of Islamic wars and the interaction between refugees and the West, avoiding the simplistic and polemic approach that often characterizes such movies.
  • And I don't say that easily. It's a gem, haunting and human and compassionate. The most touching film I have seen in a long time.
  • bryangary6525 June 2021
    ..drama about the mental and physical torture those poor kidnap victims of Isis had to endure

    Well worth watching.
  • thais-2540915 September 2020
    It has been a very long since a movie has touched me this way. A very strong performance by Esben Smed. As a Dane, that doesn't watch many Danish movies - this is an instant classic for me!
  • frilledk7 February 2020
    Esben smed is proving his acting skills once again, he have a bright future ahead of him. Great directing debut by anders w berthelsen. I really enjoyed this movie. Espen smed also won an Robert for his role of Daniel Rye, witch i dedicated to daniel rye him self.
  • Its a movie for grown up adults. Even though its contain some kind of actionscenes, its a drama.
  • grennerod-9268725 July 2020
    You need to watch this movie. The story about a danish photographer who come to Syria to tell the story
  • I have read the book and seen the movie. The movie is slightly different, but does the book justice. Great acting (apart from his sister). Highly recommended.
  • Its been a long time since i have been so touched by a movie. The lead actor is excellent and great directing also.

    Even though its over 2 hours i was sitting on the edge of the chair for the entire movie and would have kept that position if it had lasted an hour more. I really liked to see how the family was trying to deal with the situation and acting accordingly. By the i saw another review in here naming the actor as the negotiator by the wrong name. His name is Anders W- Berthelsen who also co directed the movie.

    Hats off to Daniel Rye and all the other hostages of Isis. I have the greatest respect for all of them.

    And RIP to James Foley what a crime he was murdered. I hope all involved in that got their due punishment.
  • m-aleks-engel24 November 2023
    It has been several years since I saw this movie; however, as I today in 2023 read about the hostages in Gaza, I recalled this movie about Daniel Rye. It is such a powerful story and it has stuck in my mind since. The movie is superbly acted but more importantly the director did an absolutely amazing job capturing both the pure bad luck of getting captured, the evil of the ISIS captors, and the emotional rollercoaster of the hostages as some are killed and some are freed. There are some amazing scenes from the family back in Europe trying to collect ransom money in particular the mother. The actors portraying Daniel and the hostage negotiator are phenomenal. This movie will stay with you for a very long time.
  • Sometimes you come across movies that really takes you by surprise. This one I really just stumbled over by chance, and although the story is kind of hard to see unfolding; the acting, technical quality as well the overall involving storytelling is really worthy far more attention than this movie has seemingly received Internationally. Comes highly recommended, but prepare for some 2 and a half hours of emotional torment. I found both the acting of Espen and Toby particularly impressive, but the overall cast was top notch all together. As with many movies, this one is best presented in a proper cinematic setting!