User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Blackout had an intriguing premise: a couple of film students begin an investigation into extreme sleepwalking and memory loss, but the odd signs and symptoms begin to carry over to the film crew.

    I have to admit this one checked all the boxes for me: found footage, spooky woods, zombistic strangers tracking the film crew, a conspiracy that may date back decades to another disappearance. Add to that the story is told in bite size pieces, 5 to 8 minutes, that keeps the pace rocketing along. And for the most part, Blackout works. I was invested in the story and very interested to see how it was going to play out. The final episode started out in a chilling manner and had the potential to really stick the landing. And then, it was as if the writers had wrote themselves into a corner and wimped out, which is a shame. This could've been a real horror gem.