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  • bobcobb30126 December 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    The UK is known for its Christmas specials and they certainly gave us a fun one this year.

    Stephen Merchant being the straight man is sort of a bit of a reach, but the dynamic with Asim Chaudhry worked. The runtime was not too long and not too short at all.

    Funny, some good emotional moments, this was pretty much what you can hope for this time of year.
  • fingazmc6 April 2021
    I know I shouldn't be watching Christmas stuff in April, but I really needed cheering up... And this worked.

    You can kind of work the plot out easily but it's still fun hijinks and really heartwarming.

    Surprised how good Smerch and Asim are together, I hope they work together again at some point.

    Will defo be adding this to my Christmas watch list this year.

    Fingaz MC.
  • I used to love Christmas. Now I just can't wait for it to be over every year. This film summed up quite accurately why that is, why I hate this entire season. And people. And the world we live in. Every scene was so familiar that even my toes curled into a fist, but at the same time it was really funny.
  • I was laughing my head off at the whole thing! This film is hilariously written and features very interesting and entertaining characters and dynamics.
  • jboothmillard5 January 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't watch this one-off one-hour Christmas special when it was broadcast on Christmas Eve, I watched a couple days after Christmas, but thank goodness I did, I would have missed out on something likeable, directed by Ben Palmer (Bo! Selecta, Star Stories, The Inbetweeners, The Inbetweeners Movie). Basically Andrew Bennett (Stephen Merchant) is an uptight man who fails to buy the main Christmas present for his daughter Emily (Darcey Ewart), the highly popular Sparklehoof the Unicorn Princess, after he refuses to pay the extra amount added to the price. Andrew's wife Claire (Sophia Di Martino) is frustrated with him, as she had reserved the item, they will all be sold out, and he has chosen a ridiculous chemistry set as a replacement present. Andrew meanwhile is frustrated with his over-friendly Christmas-loving neighbour Dev D'Cruz (Asim Chaudhry, best known as Chabuddy G), who has decorated the front of his house with Christmas lights that keep him awake at night, and cause cars driving by to honk their horns, Andrew also tells Dev about the toy situation. Andrew writes a strongly worded letter to Dev, and the next day, Christmas Eve, Andrew fakes a phone call to the council that they want him to take down the lights, Dev is disappointed. Dev comes to the rescue, he has found one of the last unicorn toys left in the country, he has reserved it with Click and Collect, all he has to do is go and pick it up. Only problem is, it is located at a toy store in Carlisle, which is 4 and a half hours away, and Dev has reserved the item using his card, Claire insists that Andrew joins Dev to go and get the toy, as she has all the preparations for Christmas dinner to do. Andrew reluctantly agrees as it will save his daughter's Christmas, and redeem him as a father, and they begin the 270-mile journey cross-country road trip. As expected, Dev cannot help but constantly annoy Andrew with his constant talking about Christmas and other uninteresting things, his inability to keep still or quiet during the drive and giving incorrect directions when refusing to follow the SatNav. Along the way they drive a stretch of water too deep for the car, Andrew has his clothes soaked and is forced to change into an elf costume, the only thing in his size, and Dev accidentally fills the car with the wrong type of fuel. Borrowing a slow-moving loading vehicle, they continue going, and stop at the services for food, Dev tells a Burger Bar Worker (Emily Aston) about what they are up to. Finally, after the many mishaps along the way, the reach the toy store in Carlisle, Dev gives his card that he reserved the toy with, but it does not work. It is at this moment Dev and Andrew realise it is not his card, the bar worker switched Dev's card with her own to collect the unicorn and steal it for herself. They try to chase after the bar worker but lose her due to the slow speed of the vehicle, but Dev improvises and talks to another worker at the burger bar to get the woman's address. At the woman's house, they find a hidden key and go inside the steal the unicorn toy back, they are forced to hide when the woman returns home, but when they realise her daughter is a very sick little girl, they decide it is best to leave the toy behind for her Christmas. Andrew and Dev return to the services glum that they have failed to get the toy and save Christmas, but they know that they did the right thing. But then they see a toy grabber machine with a Sparklehoof the Unicorn Princess to win inside, they see this as their chance to save Christmas. After several attempts to grab the toy, they run out of money, but a Homeless Man (Steven Wickham), who resembles Father Christmas, they helped earlier comes along, he gives them with his last coin and they are overjoyed to win the toy. They celebrate singing many Christmas songs on the journey back home, Dev looks for more sweets in his coat pocket, then his heart sinks when he finds a letter written by Andrew, in his earlier frustrated state, saying that they are not friends. Dev returns home feeling gloomy, and Andrew feels guilty and equally sullen, having made what he would consider a real friend, and ruined it. The next day, Christmas Day, Andrew makes up for it, he turns all the Christmas lights back on, and invites Dev to join his family for Christmas, Emily is delighted with her unicorn toy, and the friendship between Andrew and Dev is restored, they even appear on The One Show together with Matt Baker and Alex Jones. Also starring Tala Gouveia as Toy Shop Assistant, Daniel Hoffmann-Gill as Maintenance Man and Grant McIntyre as Superstore Assistant. Merchant is great being the easily irritated father who has failed previous Christmases and wants to prove himself, and Chaudhry steals the show as the loveably over-excited, clumsy and bothersome neighbour enthusiastic about everything Christmassy. It is a nice and simple story, a father wants to make his daughter's dream come true, someone annoying can help him, and many chaotic and embarrassing incidents happen on the way, it satirises Christmas shopping and last-minute buying, it is a great odd-couple buddy and road movie, it makes you laugh a lot, and it does get you into the festive mood, an entertaining seasonal comedy. Very good!
  • I'm almost certainly biased as I really like Stephen Merchant and his style of comedy, but that aside this is a very enjoyable 'short' film.

    It has some excellent lines of comedy and although the story is fairly predictable, it's very much a film about the journey (in this case from Bedford to Carlisle and back) the two main characters bounce of each other well.
  • This was a truly lovely one off drama, the perfect start to the Christmas period, it was funny, it was moving, so nice to start Christmas off with something funny. It was slow to start, but quickly turned into something really rather excellent. So some of the jokes were a little telegraphed, but who cares, it was lovely, and made me laugh. The music was terrific, and seriously in keeping.

    Stephen Merchant and Asim Chaudhry take a bow, you delivered the goods for Christmas. 9/10
  • Caught this on Amazon Prime, I do like Stephen Merchant, his lanky body and accent lend themselves well to being a funny man. I absolutely loved this homage to one of my favourite holiday films, Jingle all the way. Stephen's co star was great casting too, very funny guy with perfect timing and the chemistry between the two was absolute magic. The arcade scene especially was very well put together, I found myself egging them on.

    Overall very well written and directed and a pleasure to watch and highly recommended for a christmas film treat. This could easily have been extended a little and made a feature film with a theatrical release.
  • I missed seeing this when it was broadcast over Christmas and only discovered it yesterday on BBC iPlayer. I watched it expecting it to be reasonably amusing 'filler' TV but was happy to find that it was a lot funnier than I had expected. Both of the lead actors are great in it and had me laughing out loud (something I don't usually do to be honest). I was also surprised to find myself tearing up in a couple of places (again I don't usually do that). It was one of the best things I have seen recently and I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood makes an extended, big budget, noisy, whacky, over the top version of it. It could never have the charm of this original though. I can see myself watching this every Christmas. Kudos to the actors and writers of this little gem. Highly recommended.
  • Prismark1025 December 2018
    Andrew (Stephen Merchant) is irritated by his brash loud neighbour Dev (Asim Chaudhry) who has decorated both his own house and Andrew's with fancy Christmas lights that will send the electricity bill through the roof.

    When Andrew's wife orders the must have Christmas toy that their daughter desires. She neglected to pay for the order which would have saved everyone a lot of bother.

    So when Andrew goes to click and collect, the price of the must have toy of the season has gone up and he refuses to pay the extra. A short sighted move from Andrew.

    Now realising how upset his wife is, how upset his daughter will be on Christmas day, he has no option to go to Carlisle. Dev has sourced maybe the last remaining toy at a store and they just need to get there on Christmas Eve and click and collect it.

    The plot is a mash up of Jingle All The Way and Planes, Trains & Automobiles. It certainly lacks the chaos of the former and the charm of the latter. I did not really find it too funny and it was all rather predictable.
  • As soon as I heard this was in the pipeline a few months ago I started looking forward to Christmas even more! I'm a big fan of People Just Do Nothing and knowing that rising star Asim Chaudhry would be starring in this opposite Stephen Merchant was all I needed to hear. And it did not disappoint! Classic Christmas caper that I will be rewatching tomorrow with the family. The chemistry between both the lead characters is brilliant and with hints of Shaun of the Dead (quick fire edit scenes) and the Tupac Shakur reference it ensured that I stayed enthused throughout. Yes it reminded me of Jingle All The Way but who cares? I was laughing throughout it! For me Chaudhry stole the show as the haplessly cheery neighbour who also had a depth to him that becomes more apparent as the story progresses. Merchant was alright too but he really doesn't have a face for television!
  • ...It didn't look anywhere near cold enough to be Christmas Eve. I mean, driving in an open golf buggy through Carlisle in late December (without gloves on) and in an elf suit without gloves.... I reckon it was filmed around late September at most. (Probably wasn't Carlisle either!)

    Otherwise, this is a stupidly and brilliantly festive, full of Christmas spirit and only 53 minutes!

    Merry Christmas! 🎅 🎄 .
  • Steve992028 November 2023
    First off, I never give 10/10 ratings on here. I watched this last year and found it quite amusing. Gave it a re watch this year and found myself laughing out loud and totally blown away by how much I enjoyed it. So maybe it depends on the mood you are in?

    If you like Brit humour and especially Stephen merchant, and are not the type of viewer who wonders why Christmas Eve night is not ermmm...colder??? ( rolls eyes at some reviews), then this is a must see for your Xmas viewing.

    Mr merchant plays it to the max, but never overplays, and his unwanted sidekick is a perfect foil for him. Humour, heart, a few non preachy life lessons, and mild action and peril. No doubt it is streaming somewhere this December, so give yourself a Xmasy treat, and go watch it.
  • john-340-75081927 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    So how did they get the car to start again? It was filled with diesel so they went off on the buggy. Next thing they are back in the car. Can't say I didn't laugh but really it's pretty poor.
  • thegrwayno21 February 2019
    Laughed through the whole program. These work so well together. Please bring more out. Watching this got me in the Christmas mood. I've seen it about ten times.
  • pugheaven18 December 2020
    Cheesy and u noriginal? Who cares its got some great moments in it and deserves more respect great little film and Stephen gets the balance perfect
  • I loved this movie just everything about it was amazing to be honest. It was funny and entertaining to watch and also the characters were amazing and witty. Overall highly recommend.
  • alanfisher200114 December 2021
    I lasted 20 mins before the sheer stupidity of the film annoyed me so much I was stabbing at the remote trying to turn it off. The idiocy of 'Dev' was not funny, simply stupid in a childish humour type of way. I had high hopes being a fan of the office and people just do nothing but this had neither charm. Avoid this film at all costs unless you want to waste your evening.
  • rudicantfail30 December 2021
    "Click and collect" is a rather short movie, probably meant for TV. It may be short, but it is packed with humour, a touch of badness but a whole lot of feel good factor. The movie is rather predictable {A touch of "Planes, trains and automobiles"} , but the film is short enough to become over predictable. The characters are good, down to earth types, which makes the movie so appealing. Stephen Merchant is excellent and compliments Asim Chaudhry character perfectly.
  • I won't go into the synopsis as that's been done already.

    I first watched this on BBC when it came out. So was ecstatic to find it on Netflix this Xmas. I rewatched it and it is still such a great feel good festive British movie.

    Asim Chaudhary of Chabaddy G fame shines, though Merchant is also excellent as his deadpan dance partner. I wish I could buy this on blu ray with extras, I would pay an arm and leg for it but I doubt it will get a DVD release let alone Blu ray.

    I really hope they make a part 2, or even a Halloween spin off, their chemistry is that good. I know a lot of Americans won't get Merchants humour but I'm fine with that!

    I would recommend this feel good comedy to anyone who has an hour to spare and is looking to get in the festive mood. Ignore the reviews criticising it for being shot in the summer etc etc, it's not apparent unless you nitpick. It's a short movie meant to be enjoyed with the family on these cold winter nights. So my advice would be: Grab a warm drink, get some snacks and snuggle in for an hours worth of pure festive fun!
  • This is what I want in a Christmas film, funny, predictable, heartwarming and Christmassy!! Stephen Merchant and Asim play great parts and made me laugh out loud!!
  • scottmartin-0027130 December 2018
    As funny as a dose of norovirus and very predictable.
  • mfmr-774169 November 2021
    It's not Christmas yet but I didn't care and watched it. It made me feel the Christmas vibes, it's a little predictable but funny and touching. I loved how the friendship between the protagonists was developed and the Andrew and Claire's relationship💜
  • I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie and it turned out to be very entertaining and fast paced. A lot of funny scenes and a very moving scene which jerked some tears out of me. Highly recommended if you have an hour to spare.
  • I really enjoyed this seasonal made for TV comedy and really liked the mismatched pairing of Stephen Merchant and Asim Chaudhry as they have to drive 270 miles to buy a toy on Christmas Eve.

    Not wanting to disappoint his daughter on Christmas Day, and to appease his wife, Andrew sets out with neighbour Dev on a long trek to buy the only Sparklehoof Unicorn Princess toy left in the country. Dev had reserved the toy on a click and collect for his neighbour so has to go along for the ride to pay for it at the other end. However things soon turn into an amusing farce as the car breaks down, closing time beckons and an unscrupulous person tries to beat him to it.

    Merchant, co-creator of The Office (2001) and Extras (2005), is his usual deadpan self but it is Chaudhry, known for the TV comedy show People Just Do Nothing (2014), who shines as the over friendly and excitable neighbour who wants to do the right thing but somehow makes each situation worse. The relationship between the two men also has some depth and is quite touching in places.

    It's a funny warm hearted comedy with a similar plot to the less subtle and less funny Arnold Schwarzeneggar vehicle Jingle All the Way (1996). Well worth seeking out over the Christmas period.
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