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  • While it may not have the magic of Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries, Ms Fishers Modern Mysteries has a easy charm all of its own. Sweet, fun and a little quirky, I hope there will be more.
  • I like this continuance of the Miss Fisher's Mysteries. It's fun and quirky and I love this time period. I loved the other show as well and wished they had continued it. The one gripe I have is that they have so few shows per season. So many of my favorite British and Australian series only produce 4-6 shows per season.
  • yankeedoo23 February 2019
    Ok but still I'm hoping out for series 4 of miss fisher or TV movie
  • digiecard28 May 2019
    In line with the original series this spinoff is a welcome series full of mystery, twists, humor and quirks that make this a huge success.
  • lesuirley28 February 2019
    It's not Miss Fisher. It's Ms Fisher. It's clever. It has humour. It has many of Phrynies quirks just shining through. I'm very happy with the reworked series.
  • I watched this show with an open mind as the trailers I saw depicted it as not my usual cup of tea. After watching the first episode I have to say that I'm glad I kept the open mind as this show is a little Aussie gem & I give it a solid 7 star rating. Lots of fun & well worth watching.
  • We've watched this twice already & think it's great!!! There's chemistry with the characters, 60s decor & outfits are spot on, & story lines are good. Hope they do more.
  • drthorstenkrings6 February 2024
    I quite like the series with its 60s vibe and the allusions to the Avengers. Yet it also is realistic enough to show police corruption which was probably way worse then then now. Geraldine Hakewill is fantastic as the leading lady but the supportinmg cast is also a joy to watch. The storylines are original and entertaining. My only misgivings about this series is that I always get the impression that each episode is about 15 to 30 minutes too long. It's milking the stories for more than they are worth. But other than that it is fun to watch if not as groundbreaking as the original Miss Fisher series.
  • blueoysterdvp20 July 2021
    Season 2 just ended and I miss Peregrin Fisher already. This show is pure fun. Peregrin's 60's outfits, makeup and hairstyles add so much color to the episodes. I've been in love with Geraldine Hakewill since the "Wanted" series. Australian TV has so many quality shows. Acorn TV is one of my favorites. I hope a 3rd installment of "Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries" is in the works. All the characters do a great job. This show is a winner!
  • But the storylines not as good as i had hoped, Peregrine seems to fall into place with very few hassles. Hope there will be more episodes filmed but my big hope is that Essie Davis will say yes to more seasons of the original. Such a success surely deserves a little more time for the avid fans. P.s. where is Phryne's butler of the day?
  • I found this show before the original Miss Fisher series, so I didn't have anything to compare / be upset about. I loved every bit of it, I hope they keep it going.
  • ...but don't use the name Fisher. This is a poor attempt to cash in on Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries well-deserved reputation.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to start out by saying I did actually enjoy this show. If it had no connection to Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries I would probably have rated it higher despite it's many flaws. For one thing, I don't buy Peregrine's character at all. She can't hold a job to save her life, has no sense of responsibility or ties to home, yet she slots effortlessly into the spot left by her Aunt? All of Phryne's friends love her, the detective immediately loves her, and she just magically has the right kind of thinking to be a good investigator with no effort or study. It strains credulity.

    Then there's the way that everyone seems to be so on board with modern (to 2019) opinions from gender to race, unless they're a bad guy. The ladies of the Adventuress Club are complete stereotypes and, while they may mature over the course of the show, they just left me cold.

    Then there's the historical era. I will have to take other reviewers' opinions on the (in)accuracy of the portrayal as I was neither alive at the time nor is it an era in which I'm particularly interested. I actually really dislike the "mod" aesthetic from clothing to hair to architecture.

    Last but not least, there's the lack of connection with the original. I mean, one of the defining issues Phryne had was the murder of her sister. Do you really think she wouldn't have moved heaven and earth to meet a newly discovered sister? And there's no other ties - no sightings of Dot or Hugh, no connections to Mr. Butler, or Phryne's adopted daughters, or even pictures in Phryne's (now Peregrine's) house. I mean, how hard would it have been for them to have taken shots from the original show and framed them and put them on a mantelpiece? There is absolutely nothing but name to link the two shows. It makes it feel like they stole the name instead of having it be a continuation of the family.

    All in all, cute, but I would never rewatch this. I must have watched the original series three or four times through.
  • Other than a very tenuous and highly improbable familial connection with Kerry Greenwood's fictional detective, this show bears absolutely no relationship to the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries. The producers are clearly hoping to capitalize on their earlier success, apparently without realizing that a huge part of that success was Essie Davis' elegant and spot-on portrayal of The Hon. Phryne Fisher, flapper socialite and self-styled "lady detective," plying her trade in Kerry Greenwood's well researched 1930's Melbourne.

    Ms Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries is set some 30 years later, in early 1963, as established by a reference to Valentina Tereshkova, who has not yet been chosen as the pilot of Vostok 6, but is among the final five candidates. It's a good thing we have such a specific reference, because the sets, costuming and vocabulary are bouncing around between the mid-50's and the early 70's. Without falling into a boring lecture on women's fashions, suffice it to say that anyone who actually lived through the early 1960's will find the anachronisms and lack of authenticity comical - and not in a good way. If your "hook" - the only thing that makes you stand out from all the other TV mysteries - is a specific historical setting, you had better get it right.

    On its own merits, this show might have been okay - not great, but not a complete waste of time, either. But it doesn't stand on its own - it is being offered a successor to a much better show, hence the greater disappointment when it fails to measure up. The cast is lack-luster, the writing is formulaic, the stereotypes are as thick as pea soup, and all of this is further hampered by the aforementioned unsuccessful attempts to wedge it into a decade with which the writers and designers clearly have only a passing acquaintance.

    I am still trying to figure out why the writers chose to name the police detective James Steed - an obvious reference to John Steed of The Avengers - when any comparison between this show and that masterpiece from the 1960's could only hurt them. But perhaps we will eventually learn that James Steed is really the heretofore unknown illegitimate child John Steed left behind after a wild Australian holiday...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Geraldine Hakewill and Joel Jackson are perfect 1960s iterations of Essie Davis and Nathan Page. While Peregrine doesn't emit the same un-shatterable self-confidence as Phryne, Detective Steed builds the same smoldering sexiness as Detective Robinson. I really, really hope for more episodes, as I want to see more 1960s versions of crimes and fashion in Melbourne. I'm also desperately hoping for a reappearance of Phryne and Det. Robinson....hopefully with the two still together.
  • Very entertaining. This girl is drop dead gorgeous. Watch her eyes. She has the most expressive eye reactions to any given scene. This was obvious even in her first series 'Wanted'. I am definitely a fan, completely!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After absolutely loving "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries", I had such high hopes for this series. I loved the lead actress Geraldine Hakewill in the show "Wanted". She was absolutely amazing in it. However, I REALLY Tried to like this show, but it just fell flat for me. I watched a few episodes, and they were ok. However, I finally turned it off halfway through in the episode where the detective was drugged. I didn't feel he was believable and I didn't care for the storyline. It seemed too contrived. I kept (probably unfairly) comparing the detective's acting to the wonderful detective in the original series and to me, it fell short. In the original series, there was undeniable chemistry between Miss Fisher and the detective. However, in this series I just didn't feel any chemistry at all between them. My 85 year old mother who LOVED The original series was so excited to see this show. However, after we had watched 5 minutes of this she said "I cannot watch this." I am glad that many people enjoy this show. At 59, I may just be too old for it. Maybe the 30 somethings like this better. It just fell a little flat for me. Namaste.
  • sweanna10 May 2019
    Will there be more,please?!?!?! Very big fan and want it to continue. Maybe a reunification with the Original Miss Fisher?
  • mauriceb-26 April 2019
    Mostly nice, escapist entertainment.

    The underlying feminist messages are, at times, a little heavily laid on (which starts with the title of the series - "MS" was not yet a common expression... perhaps until about decade later).

    And quite generally, the time-related research is a little weak - there were, of course, regional differences, but most singers had a dream of going to London, or "the mother country", or the England but didn't repeatedly dream of going to the "UK" in those days. The treatment of migrants is a little unrealistic, as is their reaction. And so on...

    But if we overlook the era-related errors and some all-too-convenient coincidences, there is the basis for a good show here - a little catching up to do to reach the original Miss Fisher, but okay.
  • joepaolilli14 April 2022
    I really don't get all the hostility to this show. Geraldine Hakewell is charming as Peregrine. The show never takes itself too seriously (although some of the reviewers sure seem to) and as a period piece it's a lot of fun.
  • psipsina-i24 May 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    If you don't associate this to the original, you can say it's somewhat amusing. But apart from that there are many plot wholes and akward moments. The most annoying thing to me was the whole situation with the dirty cop, which they kept brushing off as though they could do nothing, when they clearly had many opportunities to deal with him. Anyway, an ok light series to watch I guess.
  • I just found this online and just finished watching season one. I have to say that it's an amazing flashback to the 60's. I'm not familiar with any of the series the complainers mention in other reviews and I can only review it based on what it is. And I find it Amazing! I'm an older gent and I've always told my daughters that they can be anything they want to be in life and I love the 'strong women' shows like this. Add to it the vintage sets and trippy outfits and it's a perfect 10! Ms. Fisher has turned out to be the perfect lady and crimefighter. And I even find it a little amusing that they modeled her after Emma Peel and even gave her a 'partner' named Steed. I do have a slight issue about their finances. How does Birdie have the mansion when she couldn't even afford roof repairs and how was Ms. Fisher going to have an addition done on her huge home working as a PI? But everything else is so good that I don't feel right knocking my rating down because of it. Anyways, I won't gave any spoilers about the actual crimes they investigate. I'll just say to give it a watch.
  • The story lines really do not need to run for two hours, like stretching cheap elastic it just does not work. The orginal Miss Fisher was much tighter and the better for it.
  • sophia559 December 2019
    I'm a sucker for crime shows with an upbeat and quirky tone, and Ms Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries is no exception. The show manages to be fun and entertaining without glossing over the injustices commonly experienced in the 60s. The characters are interesting and have so much potential, but suffer from only having a limited number of episodes to develop.
  • This is really not on the spirit or feel.of Miss Fisher. Very slow, very boring. Disjointed plot. Not good at all
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