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  • In Romania many childhood stories are being told to children so they get scared enough not to open the door to strangers, not to walk away with strangers, walk straight home from school, listen to your mother etc.

    This movie kept the story line 100%. As scary and creepy as it is, nothing was left out. As I watched, I was thinking to myself "they won't show THAT"...but they did. Maia and Marius played their roles beautifully. The sorrow romanian music gets under your skin, making you feel the pain and tears of the mother. The youngest boy is so sweet and looks so innocent. Absolutely beautiful.
  • So glad to see someone had the guts to put this otherwise horrible "kids tale" into picture. Maia Morgenstern is at the highest of her abilities here, playing the widowed "Goat". But sure enough, the story wasn't about any "goat" or "wolf", as wolves do not eat "sarmale". I always considered this story was not for the kids. My kids will only discover this story now that they are adults, as I chose not to tell them this story when they were young.

    Hats down to the director, who managed to show me they had the same mental images as those I've pictured when I was a kid. Difficult backgrounds we have to deal with :-)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is probably one of the best renditions of a Romanian folk tale that I had the please or watching.

    From the minute details, house, clothes, location, props, to the words and sayings, behavior of each character. This is a masterpiece.

    Maya, a legend of an actress, played this beautifully.

    Marius had that pshyco deep look in his eyes and you could see the "joy" he had when he killed the little boys.

    The romanian sad and and grieving music makes your skin crawl while the scene plays and you feel the mother's ache and hurt and you want to cry with her.

    I almost cannot believe that this is a romanian production. Hat's off to the director.
