User Reviews (102)

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  • I'm so glad there is a second season, I really enjoy this show. It's heartfelt, silly, brings awareness to the disability and Lgbtq community, and overall enjoyable for me personally!
  • I read the book this show is based on a few years ago and it is HILARIOUS. 'Special' by Ryan O'Connelly who plays himself on the show. If you like the Netflix version, read the book too. My only complaint is the show is too short. 15 minutes an episode?? WTF.
  • Title aside i really liked this series-- love the entire cast, love the writing, love the unflinching look at ALL facets of romance from LGBTQ to later in life etc. One thing that irked me was the terrible whiny baby attitude of the main character even though I understand that that's the whole point, just like with Lena Dunham in Girls. But just like with Dunham i dont have to LIKE the main character at all or even a little to appreciate the smart setup around them.
  • This series was absolutely amazing. Sometimes it made me upset and sometimes made me laugh but taught me a lot of things by the way. I literally felt all episodes inside me. Additionally episodes were very short and so didn't bother me. I felt a liitle bit sad when I heard the season 2 was the last season but ok. Masterpieces must be short :). If i want to mention about casting, it was also marvelous but my favourite character was Kim :). Thanks to all crew for this beautiful series.
  • Can I just say... this show is so genuine and great! The episodes are short and simple, easy to binge watch! I love the whole cast and storyline. WHERE IS SEASON 2?!
  • Like most of the reviewers here I felt like the dialogue was super weird along with the cut-ins. It was funny how alot of the characters apart from Ryan (the lead) were more enjoyable in general.
  • This is my first review and it's worth it because this show it's a must watch, easy and short episodes that'll make you laugh and have a great time with its great characters and a lovely way to portrait the life of Ryan Binge watched all episodes in one go and will be waiting for season 2 soon! Let's support this story 🙌🏼
  • Love the concept, as I stated MUCH needed and desired representation of living with disabilities. Show was pretty good but so much is lost in the vapid characters. Really wish there was more depth. Maybe it's an accurate portrayal of life in LA but the focus on nonsense was useless to me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show works on so many levels, it's just a pity that it seems to have attracted viewers (and reviewers) that can't see the nuances behind the characters and their behaviour.

    On one hand, I can relate to the story - I'm a disabled millennial who is LGBTQ+ On the other, my disability was acquired late in my life, has effectively ended my career and I'm not trying to date. It's wonderful to see a character that's even a little bit like me on screen though.

    I can relate to the internalised ableism (although I've only lied about extreme accidents to nosy strangers to amuse myself), the anger at someone doing something to you that's inappropriate (I've been 'relocated' against my will by people who don't listen when I tell them to stop, a common problem for wheelchair users, especially women), and the disheartening realisation that your disability has been the reason for someone's actions - e.g., set up with another disabled person.

    I've no idea what it is like to grow up disabled, with a mother who insists on catering to your every need, then trying to break out into the world and away from that suffocation.

    This is where I can still have empathy for Ryan though. He doesn't know any different than calling his mother to deal with everything. I can certainly understand being upset that you were given a jacket that belonged to a guy you thought was creepy and told it was a loving gift!

    He's obviously trying to get some independence and learn to manage himself, along with shaking off the selfish behaviour he was conditioned into by his intensely over-protective mother. The scene where it takes the super-btch Olivia to give it to him straight was brilliantly done. It's a pity that in doing something positive to change, he still forgets his Mum and does behave horribly.

    I love Kim and her body positive character, Jessica Hecht does a great job at playing the co-dependent mother and the writing really is good, I particularly love all the millennial pop culture references.

    The one thing that lets the show down is that Ryan Connell is not a natural actor, even playing a character based on himself he comes across quite stiff. I have wondered if he has tried to act out his CP, i.e, exaggerate it as RJ Mitte did in BB, rather than just being an actor with CP. I would have taken a star off for it, but felt I had to give it 10 to offset all the low ratings from those who have attributed the difficulties and complexities of a disabled character to just being an "a-hole" (yes, I know we can be a-holes too) rather than it being part of the story.

    I'm hoping that as it's already placemarked on IMDB we'll definitely be getting a series 2. It would be good to see Karen try to deal with getting her son to unlearn the dependency she's taught him and getting a life of her own, and Ryan living his true self by writing about his experiences, plus getting a boyfriend, obvs!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have a mixed feeling towards this series. First, I have to say I like the main ideas it's trying to sell, like "embrace yourself", "don't underestimate your ability", "there's no need to wear masks", etc, which are needed by a lot of people who feel like they are marginalised and looked down upon.

    However, to me, representation is about delivering a positive message, eliminating people's biased prejudice towards certain groups by bringing out their good qualities, from Mulan, Black Panther, Pose(also a netflix series), I see courage, justice, intelligence, benevolence, but from Special, what I get is "I'm disabled (and gay), so I deserve to do whatever I want, and you have to take whatever shxt I give you".

    Since I believe the story intends to clear people's misunderstanding towards those who have cerebral palsy, CP, (sorry I don't think being gay matters as much anymore), the plots wanna show the vulnerability as well as the appreciation towards people who love them and care about them. According to the series, people with CP do need some extra care and help in their life, but they should not be taken for granted. Now here comes my biggest frustration on the show, the main character is very rude and mean to people who love him and really care about him, except the girl from work, who is too much of a strong personality to mess with. Several scenes of the main character using his mom but kicking her out of the sight when she's done her job really annoyed me, as well as the a look of disgust he gave to a guy on date who's deaf and trying to communicate, and knocking out a guy in the face who's trying to help tying the main character's shoelaces for him, all of these don't look like what a decent person should do.

    Yes, you are disabled, you are trying to be independent, finding a relationship maybe a little more challenging, but those don't mean you are entitled for extra rights and can be so self centred that other people have to evolve around you and be your slave.

    All of the above said, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. The more important thing is we all learn and grow from the mistakes. I don't have a problem of the 8 episodes being short or whatever, what I care is whether the plots are enough to deliver the messages. However, the selfishness and arrogance of the main character seems to escalate throughout the storyline and the season ends up with him walking away from his mom on her 50th birthday dinner after an argument about he ruining his mom's new romantic relationship, which of course he doesn't feel guilty at all of, the mom instead felt very sorry, big time, again.

    It's an entertaining series. t's great to see it bringing something unusual like CP to the table and let people learn more about it, but the way it portraits a person with the issue makes it very unlikeable.
  • I love this show!!!! Absolutely love!!!! This is definitely a show that needs multiple seasons!!!!!! I will forever love Ryan!!! He is showing all people, regardless of what it looks like, you can still live your best life!!!!!
  • Ryan O'Connell plays a young man with cerebral palsy who also happens to be gay. As if living with a disability and navigating the dating world wasn't enough to handle. I had read Ryan's book "I'm Special" and while the series isn't significantly autobiographical, It clearly helped shape the character. Ryan writes what he knows.

    Season 1 episodes are curiously short which surprised me as there was so much here to unpack. Episodes were uneven but often had heart which made it easy to become invested in the characters. Season 2 was superior in tone, writing, and acting. The episodes were thankfully extended to 30 minutes and the show's budget was obviously increased.

    I'm reading reviews on here about Ryan being unlikeable in Season 2. At times he was. We don't have to love every decision a character makes if the choices makes sense based on where he is at in his life. I loved the addition of Ryan's boyfriend Tanner. His unusual relationship with Ryan brought up issues about gay life that most series with gay characters wouldn't touch. I didn't necessarily buy them as a couple, however, I loved the storyline and the actor playing Tanner was so well cast and believable.

    Jessica Hecht as the overprotective mom was somewhat one dimensional until Season 2 when the character shows a lovely growth. Her performance was a pleasure to watch and elevated the series. In contrast, you have Ryan's boss who is just ridiculous. It's like she was doing a drunk impression of Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

    I learned there will be no Season 3 which was curiously decided by Netflix before Season 2 even aired. That is too bad as I would have very much liked to see what happened to these characters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The pilot falls into the trap of wanting to explain everything in the first minute which seems unnatural and more like a student film in its early parts. It's also not very funny. So probably falls into the dramedy category.

    I think the mother and supporting cast make the show. The mother should really be the lead but I guess that doesn't sell these days in the 16-39 group. The main protagonist Ryan is a bit of a TV cliche: just came out, unlucky in love, rude to his mother and hates his boss.

    Sometimes he's confident, other times he's a sook. I find his character changes too much outside of his main traits. He should either be shy and vulnerable like he's just been born or confident, sneaky and determined like he's just been in jail. He isn't much of any really. This is his first time living away from someone who tended to him 24/7 and it's relatively easy for him - bar some plumbing issues which were really poor TV and literally toilet humour.

    Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't so easy? If he cried himself to sleep because he missed his mum? Or went the entire opposite and did everything he wanted to do but was never allowed to because of an overprotective parent?

    He lied to his workmates about his condition. Then nothing. This could have been explored more. What else could he take advantage of?

    His mother is brilliant. Her whole life revolves around him and she doesn't know what to do with herself when he becomes more independent. She has all the time to finally do things for herself but manages to wreck them along the way because she still worries about her son.
  • Special is a special show, it's funny the acting, writing and cinematography are all top notch. This show is so funny and I mean laugh out loud funny. My only complaint is, the show is too short, I wish it was a full 30 minutes. But if you want a fast great entertaining show "Special" is the show to watch.
  • Remy_Azhary5 December 2021
    I was afraid I might get haters for saying that I thought the series opened up pretty cheesy and bad kinda like daytime soap. But I can't believe I binged the whole two seasons straight. It did feel like a reality show of a disabled young man with Cerebral Palsy who happened to be gay and his struggles between family, friends, work and romantic attachments.

    Yet in all its shortcomings and tackiness, I was invested in Ryan's life. The series had that sweetness to it that I feel relatable especially as a gay man.
  • I wanted to love this show SO BAD. LGBTQ+ and disability representation? Sign me up! The story was nice and it was a good show, but it left a lot to be desired. The dialogue and some of the acting felt quite stilted and unrealistic. The humor didn't appeal to me which isn't necessarily a critique because folks have different senses of humor, but I would have liked to laugh more. It was really sweet and I'm excited for the next season, but I really wish it could have stepped it up a bit.
  • The first season is quite watchable and I enjoyed it at times, but when the second season came around the characters started to shift from charismatic to either annoying or plain mean. Especially woman are pictured superficial, arrogant, dumb and opportunistic which I found very offensive at times. If you have a series about inclusion and breaking stereotypes, why represent women in all stereotypes there are? The only character that really carries the whole series is the mother of the main character which has plenty os facets, needs and outshines everyone in this series. I would have loved a series with her as the protagonist, struggling with everything that comes along with being a parent of a disabled child.

    I grew to hate the main character of this series, who is just unfair to people surrounding him and even condemns people who are supportive of him and his disabled friends. The only message I got was "Well, you do it wrong by acknowledging their disability and even worse if you don't."

    Confusing messages, unlikeable characters but entertaining at times.
  • Special surprised me! Sensitive, current and totally awesome! I want more! Thank you netflix!

    Ps: Could you give us more episodes as soon as possible?
  • Season 2 was such a bummer. I really enjoyed watching season 1. I found it funny,inclusive,realistic,something different,one of a kind. Season 2 turned out to be kind of boring actually. Didn't like the ending as well. As it was the final; season I hoped for a more appropriate closure.
  • Never in my life have I watched an entire 8 episode season of any show this fast. Largely due to the 15 minute episodes, but also because of a sweet, innocent yet brave and somewhat selfish main character and his crew.

    The series is very lovely, funny and looks real. How can it not look real? As I found out between episodes 4 and 5, the guy who plays the main character actually is him. Ryan wrote, produced and starred in "Special", which is actually based on his own life being a gay man with CP.

    The only downside for me about this show was the fact that it was too short. 8 episodes of 15 minutes, that's only 2 hours! You can't really get in depth into the characters or use the whole potential of the funny moments and situations, which could be so much better with a bit more screen time. Anyways, at least it shouldn't take long till season two as it won't be too hard to get another 2 hours on tape.
  • This is a series that one would find on You Tube or other social media site. The concept is interesting but the writing needs more substance or it runs the risk of becoming very repetitive. The characters will need to be developed if interest is to be maintained. It's the kind of show you watch until the episodes all start to seem the same.
  • This series starts off a bit awkwardly but rewards patience by evolving into a sweet, addictive story with characters I want to see more from. As a viewer I found it incredibly refreshing to get a different perspective from voices I almost never see represented in TV and film. This is exactly the sort of story I want more of. I'm sick of culture and media that has such a narrow focus on characters I can't relate to, but which producers seem to think we want to see because they tick off certain physical and demographic boxes. It's so much more interesting for me to see representations of real people from different segments of the population. This series isn't good because the central character has CP, it's good because it's genuine, and it's genuine because it presents a character whose life experience is a bit different, yet so relatable. The show isn't about his CP, but his CP is part of what makes the show real and intimate and human. I am really looking forward to season 2, and I hope they expand it a bit because my one complaint is that it was too short.
  • gibbs-1817227 February 2021
    My score of 6 might come as a surprise after my review but i just dont really like this. Some people jump on the liberal soft ass protest and protect the disabled and i hate that as much as the next man or woman. As a disabled man struggling with stuff i find comedy a comfort and dont take offense at humour if its not thrown at me in nasty way.

    I just dont get it but i know that this many qualities. A mommycoddled mid twenties repressed lad coming out the closet in the most funny of ways, the neighbourhood watch mum curtain twitching, the insane boss.... i stopped watching after 4 episodes.

    Im sure many people will love this, but not for me.
  • Main character could use a lot of rewrite. Jokes were a big corny and fell flat most of the time.
  • m_winship14 April 2019
    A very special show about a young man, Ryan, who has cerebral palsy and happens to be gay too. It starts off with people noticing his disabilities and feeling sorry for him. Well, as it goes, he feels sorry for himself and erroneously let's people know he was hit by a car! The hilarity of the lie continues, as he learns some valuable lessons in life, particularly the one about owning who you are. We all, on FB sometimes, pretend to be someone special and hide our faults. It is a great show to watch, to know about those people who are born with difficulties, (I would say here, all of us!) How we embrace ourselves is basically how we embrace others. I truly believe diversity breeds productivity, and as varied my friends, the more I comprehend about life and it's myriad of life. Enjoy, and do tell me what you think of this show too? Murf
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