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  • INTRODUCTION: Far Cry 5 was one of my top video games of 2018. The gameplay, beautiful open world, music were all great. When it was announced at the Game Awards 2018 that a spin-off of Far Cry 5 called "New Dawn" was coming out, I was really excited to play it and continue the story (especially after that cliffhanger ending). Now that New Dawn is out and have finished the main story, here are my thoughts on it.

    STORY: Even though the main story is short, I still enjoyed it. I was glad see some of my favorite characters from Far Cry 5 return (Joseph Seed, the Rye family, Father Jerome, etc.). I also liked the antagonists, Mickey and Lou (Leaders of a raider gang known as The Highwaymen). The main story was pretty short but I enjoyed it.

    GAMEPLAY: Gameplay is mostly the same as Far Cry 5 but with some changes. Some of the changes, I'm on the fence about, mainly the fact that enemies are now bullet sponges and you have to craft new, more powerful weapons as you progress (which can be a bit grindy when finding materials to craft weapons and upgrade them).

    MUSICAL SCORE: The soundtrack for Far Cry 5, composed by Dan Romer, was one of my favorites of 2018 with a bluegrass sound to some of the tracks. With Far Cry New Dawn, the game's score has a more Electronic/Hip-Hop/Electronic-Rock style to it. The music fits the tone of the game well and sounds very epic, especially when engaging in combat with enemies.

    CONCLUSION: Far Cry New Dawn is an enjoyable expansion to one of my favorite video games of last year. While it wasn't as great as Far Cry 5, I still enjoyed it a lot and I'm curious to see where Far Cry will go in future installments.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Enjoyable and fun. Riding around post-apocalyptic Hope County is both beautiful and scary. The game has a Mad Max feel to it, set in a familiar world of Far Cry and Montana as we remember it. And I think I know what happened to The Deputy... Enjoy!
  • jarrettn523 February 2019
    First off, far cry is my favorite series I love all the games so this might be bias. That being said I throughly enjoyed this expansion for far cry 5. I personally enjoyed the story more than I did for far cry 5 I thought the 2 crazy sisters were very interesting. Of course there is always far cry glitches and things that are annoying but overall I really liked the game.
  • Far Cry: New Dawn is an apocalyptic action adventure game by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft, which is a spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5.

    It features numerous pre-existing gameplay elements from Far Cry 5, it's more suitably titled as a DLC than a new game, as it's much shorter than a main Far Cry game. It's a first-person shooter with RPG elements in the same, yet adapted, open world of fictional Hope County, Montana, but is set 17 years after the end of Far Cry 5, when everything went kaboom.

    A disappointing post-apocalyptic addition. It's as playable as Far Cry 5, but just a rehash of the old map without the engaging storyline.
  • I had heard pretty bad things about the game but I still decided to buy it. At first I was pretty disappointed but the game does really get better. I really liked the later half of the game. The story is pretty damn good. I still think Far Cry 5 is better but not by much.
  • The thought process that went into new dawn. Revisiting all the places you have memories and emotion with. Old friends and comrades. Perfect post apocalyptic game play. The colors even really spoke to me. Real, pinks , blues and purples. I mean the game was absolutely, phenomenally done. Way worth the money. Story line was great. Good job as always ladies n gentlemen.
  • P9721 February 2019
    This could have been a nice expansion to far cry 5 but no, bloody ubisoft made it a full stand alone game and it really isn't worth playin' it's a rage 2 ripped off, downgrade, reskined version of fc 5 and that game wasn't even that great.

    the story and characters are bland and uninteresting, the action and gameplay are half good but you don't really care about what's happening to the plot because it's very generic and short.

    the only nice things i can say about this game is the graphics and the gameplay but then again this game didn't even need to be an rpg, much like ac odyssey and it's annoying.
  • SkullBoyXV1 October 2021
    Honestly you can review anything you want and give it any rating you want but you can't keep giving ones and twos and undeservingly you need to specify the places you didn't enjoy if you didn't enjoy the game play decrease the game play but it's not a one a win means shit unplayable game go to the graphics if you enjoy the graphics that's a plus point to me the graphics is one of the best in many games another point the story if you didn't like the story just write what are the flaws but people are getting over upset with these games or these movies and reading them one and two and they are not deserving I feel a lot of Bad movies or games they can be Street which means it's a playable game but it's not that good but if you put 201 that means you just download the game you hated the game it's a shit game and you deleted the game and you cried about it or something else, Opinions are opinions at the end of the day I just wanted to clarify giving ones in twos is not fair to anyone to be honest.
  • First Farcry 5 is the best graphics game to date- bar none. A weapon is a Weapon in farcry 3 -4-5. Not in New dawn, this is where they ruined the game. Now they thought it would be a good idea to have weapon leveling= FACE FRIGGEN PALM,

    There is no such thing! Only in comic book games.

    So there is 3 levels of pistols Of the same caliber, Shot guns, ........ SO the game went from rather serious in 3-4-5 , to Just WTF in new dawn.

    With that being said , the game is not bad once you understand there is enemys with plastic Motocross armour that will stop a bullet even a 50 Cal sniper round!

    AGAIN what idiot thought this would be good in such a loved series?

    It could have been much better, requiring you to use Melee take downs more and where do they get all this AMMO= FACEPALM!
  • catpantry16 February 2020
    Are show playing catch (i believe this is correct) with a glass basketball until one of them would admit she was too tired to go on. Waiting outside a door, l8ter in the game, a woman waits at a closed door holding an iron sphere. When the two groups joind up l8ter, the gal with the iron sphere would not play catch with the glass basketball because she didn't want to toich it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Best Graphics game, the best stages, the best music in the game, the best character of the game is not to be said to be God only in a word of this game.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    FC New Dawn takes place some years after the ending of FC 5, where Joseph lives.

    The map is the 1/5 of the fifth game, the story is non-existent and is full of grinding and chores.

    If only it had an interesting story, it could be at least average. But even when you make County's post-apocalyptic world full of neon & fluorescent colors, if all villains are lame, down to the three final bosses, with the roaster's side missions being far more interesting than the main story, then you have a game below average.

    And now that I've completed my Farcryothon, I can now do this:

    FC 2 < FC - New Dawn < FC 4 < FC < FC Primal < FC 3 < FC 5
  • guthanos-2643514 August 2019
    Like all Far Cry games, it's a bunch of fun. It re-uses a lot of elements from previous far cry games, especially Far Cry 5 seen as it is somewhat of an expansion, however it does introduce a handful of fresh elements to the world and it's combat. You can now pick up and throw shields, go on fun expeditions to different locations with your friends and explore a colourful and interesting open word that's amazing to look at.

    However the ridiculously unrealistic bullet-sponge enemies, uninteresting story, bad villains and repetitive missions drag the game down from a solid experience to the worst instalment in the franchise.

  • I haven't completed this game because after playing few hours many of the locations everything look like farcry 5. I am a huge fan of far cry 5 after playing of that game many time again same location same concept irritated me.
  • I remember seeing this game back in 2019 and saw that the reviews were pretty bad but when I played it's not that bad but it's not the best far cry in the series some things I liked was the combat and gameplay and the insane weapons in the game the villains were very cool but the story kinda lacks and I wished it could've followed up with far cry 5 a little more cause I think that would've been better for the game and what did with the map was ok I wish it felt more deserted but I did like how it felt like mad max and everything was pretty cool with the mad max style and it has the shortest storylines in the series.
  • If you enjoy the farcry franchise then just stop reading. I have very little good to say about it.

    This is a first person shooter rpg explorer. It is an expansion off of farcry 5.

    Graphically the game is good(enough). The shooting is fine most of the time (when you watch your bullets pass through the enemy then it tends to lose its credibility). The driving is bad and don't get me started on the autodrive. The overall game play is annoying lackluster garbage. The plots on these are just junk.

    So to be fair the overall mechanics of the game I am not too upset with. They have their moments when it is glitchy. All games do. Farcry just a little more than most. The plot and game play are just awful. Ubisoft needs to find good writers and needs to improve their overall formula. This series could be good... but it really isn't.

    If you just like wasting time then this is an ok game to play. If you are looking for something good... then walk away. Don't play. You will be the real winner.