User Reviews (6)

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  • If you are looking for multicultural insights into the human condition, this delivers.

    If you want to be at all scared or emotionally attached to the characters, don't bother. It is not well written or translated. Boring is perhaps the best adjective to describe this series.
  • Only the first episode is good. The rest is just like cinema students shorts with zero budget... the stories are bad, acting is awful, special effects are poor, not scary at all. Even the opening looks cheap.

    Asian cuture is so rich in scary stories and legends, they had so much material to make something creepy. If you are looking for a little insight of each one of the cultures maybe just look at the titles and then Google about it. If you like Asian soap operas maybe this is for you? I don't know I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

    I cannot believe this thing has 2 seasons. I gave it a shot and watched 6 episodes. Only the first one is salvageable.
  • ptf_rp26 February 2023
    I loved this show. A lot. Each episode is a different tale based on Asian folklore or legends. It was great to look up the history of the legend at the core of each episode.

    This show is not called 'Jump Scare'. It's not call 'Gore-fest'. It's not even called 'Scared You'. It's called Folklore. And that that's exactly what it is, an anthology of various folklore stories. Creepy at times, spooky occasionally, but if you're expecting some US-typical Blumhouse jumpscare-fest, you'll be disappointed.

    I loved it. Highly recommended. Second season I felt was stronger than the first. But overall I liked every episode.
  • It's a good show (just for a Sunday "there's nothing else to watch so, we're going to try this one" kind of afternoon) .

    Yes I was expecting more because Asian horror cinema It's waaaaayyyyyyy better than American horror but, at least for me, looks like it was tamed for western audiences maybe because it's a HBO production, I'm pretty sure you're going to like it but don't expect too much, horror wise.

    I only really loved the first episode, heartbreaking and really showed a promising show but, at the end there were the same horror tropes.

    I prefer "Japanese Tell of The Macabre"

    I really wanted to know more about Asian folklore.
  • Warning: Spoilers unsettling. I am not an anthropologist, but wanted to be. I know that the stories people tell are for good reasons. The setting may change, but the effect is the same. Folk lore is there to explain or teach or establish a reason for doing. These episodes may all not be bone chilling terrifying, but they are all unsettling. Just the 1st episode of the first series has kidnapped children .. not unlike almost monthly if not more often. Cautionary tales, if you want..
  • As an asian, we really have lots of superstitions and folklores that can be explored. This series is a great example of turning these into creative eerie story telling. It maybe depends on how one wants to absorb and interpret the main concept of each episode as it might take a bit more background knowledge per asian country to somehow connect to each story. Another point that makes it more interesting to watch is that these folklores are applied to current society. Connecting these two concepts is more complicated as it seems but this series delivered. It's worth the watch if one wants a taste of our out of this world-illogical-ancestral beliefs.