User Reviews (504)

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  • While The Unholy is DEFINITELY not a 10 or a 9... it ALSO isn't a 1 or a 2 (even a 3). First half of the movie feels like a different flick than the second half. First half sets things up and it's creepy and exactly what you'd expect. Second half, feels like a rush to the finish line. Almost like two different directors made this movie.

    I think people that are genuine and gave the movie a low score... likely had an issue with the script and pacing. However, it's definitely a fairly original take on the classic horror genre (demonic/possession). I'll admit, I'm a bit of a sucker for horror movies based around religion as generally they seem to be more interesting to me.

    That all said, I think the cast was good. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, William Sadler, Cary Elwes and Cricket Brown were all great. Cricket Brown was especially impressive because I believe this movie is one of her first larger productions and she gives the impression of being a pro in this department. At times, it felt like the cast was not as connected to the movie as they could be. Of course, the movie didn't feel connected to itself after 52 minutes and goes wildly into warp speed conclusions.

    Directing and Editing were just OK and could have been better IMO.. The script however could use some work. Even though the story felt like one we've seen a million times, I liked the premise and overall theme but the movie veers off and hits walls, then takes off at full speed before veering off into more walls. It provides the conclusions verses letting the audience figure them out. First half of the movie does a good setup job for the characters and direction. Second half of the movie ignores the setup, ignores the characters and goes straight to the source of the problems. It's like they spent a year recording the first half and a month on the second.

    Overall, not a bad movie. Entertaining for at least half the movie. Good premise. Good acting. Great new acting with Cricket Brown. But, hits a wall halfway through and never recovers. Solid 6 IMO due to acting and overall theme.
  • This movie was decent if you dont have expectations. I have stopped having expectations with "scary movies" just shut up and enjoy the slight ride.
  • I have read every book the horror genius, that is James Herbert, has ever written. It was a very sad day when he passed to the other side and to be honest, I do not think it is possible to convert any of his books, realistically, to a movie format; although possibly the best and truest to the book from which it came was "Haunted (1995)" although while not a good port from the book I also enjoyed "The Survivor (1981)".

    There is really no way in hell (pardon the pun) that any movie can take the atmosphere, character development, story development, and creative horror genius that exists in the writing of JH (Who incidentally, I rate above Stephen King and even Clive Barker as the best horror writer of all time). What can I say? I have read all the books and never been disappointed with any from the Rats to the final Ash novel, he will be sadly missed.

    As for the movie, who does not like Jeffrey Dean Morgan? From TWD and his masterful performance as Neegan to his role in this, he never disappoints and to be fair, although the movie really does not do the book any justice, how can it? It would take a series to convert any James Herbert Novel to the silver screen but the problem with this is that it is not really very scary and the horror is somewhat tame with a really poor ending that feels so rushed, it really leaves the viewer feeling rather cheated!

    It is unfair to compare any movie to the book it was taken from, so I am merely reviewing this impartially as an honest review of a new horror film without pointing out where the book differs or criticising it based on that and so I am giving it a fair 6 hatchets out of 10 on the horror scale - JDM elevates it above the base average 5 stars it would have been without him!
  • The Unholy is a new horror film directed and written by Evan Spiliotopoulos, this is his first work as a director.

    In the film, after a visit from the Virgin Mary, young deaf and mute Alice (Cricket Brown) is able to hear, talk again and is given the gift of healing other sick people. Journalist Gerry Fenn (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) investigates Alice and the miracle that happened to her in hopes of restarting his career. During his investigation, he begins to wonder if all the miracles are really the work of the Blessed Virgin Mary or if there is something dark behind all the miracles.

    The director of this film wanted to make the film after reading the book Shrine by writer James Herbert on which he based the film. You can see from the film that this is the first film that the director has directed. The director chooses to show and let you know more as a viewer than the characters in the film. This way you as a viewer are ahead of the characters, so that the film quickly gets a predictable and slow playback speed The bad effects also show that this is only the director's first film. He has chosen to quickly reveal the entity behind the miracles in the film to viewers. So you can quickly see that this creature was placed in the film with cheap CGI. The incredibility of this creature makes you laugh almost more than it really scares you. The fire in the film is also clearly CGI rather than real fire. The director also tries to scare the viewer more by only using jump scares, most of which are too predictable to work.

    The acting isn't done very well in the film by the film's cast either, as many characters don't seem very impressed with what's happening in the film. This is probably because the actors couldn't watch or really react to anything during the events of the film. Jeffrey Dean Morgan tries his best to carry the film as the lead, but due to the bad script, he doesn't really succeed. For a better horror movie starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, check out the 2012 movie The Possession.
  • The concept of using a religious entity in a evil twist is good and the choice was original, the actors do their part, and its an entertaining movie but definitely could have been better. I believe that this script could have gone better if the twist was revealed later almost at the end of the plot.
  • I was happy seeing William Sadler in the trailer n it was one of the things which pulled me into seeing this.

    The film has cheesy effects n a lousy ending.

    But the most important thing, tension n suspense is nada in this movie.
  • It started off good. The story is different and the idea of a false virgin Mary can be interesting. The acting is acceptable and CGI average.

    However, it fails to nail everything down. The last half of the movie is just a bunch of walking clichés. It's like they fired the writers they got and hired the cheapest ones. Very disappointing ending. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.
  • Theres no way that any horror fan would find this worth watching. Outside of some jump scare moments its actually quite boring.
  • nogodnomasters12 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The film opens in Bainfield Mass. In 1845 with a girl being killed by a vigilante mob. We then fast forward to the present. Gerry Fenn (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is a journalist who has fallen from grace doing "National Enquirer" type of gigs. While investigating a Metallica symbol shaved on the butt of a cow he accidentally sets off a series of fantastic events by breaking the doll he found in the field used to bind previously killed girl. Everything goes well until he realizes he must get the genie back in the bottle.

    Jeffrey Dean Morgan gives us a good performance of his character. Climax lacked length and horror.

    Guide: No sex or nudity. Don't recall hearing F-word.
  • The story is generic and you can guess the entire plot within the first 30 mins. Though there are some great actors in this movie they don't make much impact and I blame the directing. This is made worse by the actors for the uncredited roles and I have to wonder if they were just picked off the streets or they just showed up for chance to be in a movie because their acting is so bad that it stands out more than the main characters' and it ruins the movie as a whole. I rarely write reviews but I chose to spend 5+minutes of my life reviewing the movie to tell you to not waste time watching this movie.

    This is supposed to be a serious horror movie but I laughed several times while watching this.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A little cliche in parts, but that is most horror movies. I enjoyed the message of the film and the scares it had to offer.
  • itszyn10 April 2021
    I loved the storyline and the actual acting. Cheesey CG. Do without that and you've got a good one.
  • I was recommended to watch the 2021 horror movie "The Unholy", so of course I sat down to watch it.

    And I will say that the movie definitely was watchable. Yeah, hold on now, because there is a but here; but, the movie just wasn't outstanding. The movie from writer and director Evan Spiliotopoulos just was a bit too predictable and generic, relying on jump scares that you see coming a mile away.

    When I sat down to watch "The Unholy" I must admit that I was stoked, because of the movie's title, its premise and because of a rather unique and interesting ensemble of cast.

    But even with the likes of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, William Sadler and Cary Elwes on the cast list, then the movie just never really managed to get out of the mediocre lane given the somewhat lazy writing and the predictability of the movie. It felt like these performers weren't really allowed to unfold and give the performance a full 100%.

    "The Unholy" is a fairly generic and mediocre horror movie actually. But if you are new to the horror genre, then of course you will be in for quite something here. But for an avid horror fan such as myself, then writer and director Evan Spiliotopoulos just played it way too safe by following the how-to-make-a-horror-film blueprint.

    I will say, though, that the visuals in the movie were interesting and for the most part quite good. The CGI department did their jobs quite well here. So if for nothing else, then "The Unholy" is somewhat salvaged by the visuals.

    "The Unholy" wasn't the movie I was hoping for, so I sit here with a somewhat flaccid sense of 'was that really it?' here as the movie ended. I felt somewhat bereft out of what could have been a great horror movie, and was instead served a lukewarm plate of predictability.

    My rating of "The Unholy" lands on a very mediocre five out of ten stars.
  • You know when your friend sets you up with a blind date...he tells you that she looks like Sandra Bullock...but when she arrives at the bar, she looks more like Sandra Bernhard - that's this film!

    I had such high expectations...but it was absolute dross!

    Slow, dull, grating, non-sensical at times, cheap-looking, poor CGI...all topped of with 'jump scares' that would make a toddler giggle!

    One of the worst films I've watched so far, this year.
  • I went in expecting your {now} standard possession/exorcism movie (you know, lapsed/skeptic priest investigates a case of demonic possession. But after witnessing the subject talk dirty, rearrange the furniture, air people's dirty laundry and show off their amazing contortionist skills, said lapsed/skeptic priest becomes a true believer) but I actually enjoyed this movie. One surprise was the injection of humor. The other is that none of the events took place in a dark dungeon or on a dark and stormy night. Third, even though the cast was full of unknowns (except the parish priest, who I've seen in other films), the acting was thoroughly natural and believable enough to keep me engaged. The main characters truly developed and evolved throughout the film. Finally the movie, while never claiming to be anything other than fiction, nevertheless contained a valuable message. I rarely go to theaters to watch movies anymore because streaming has been kinder to my pocketbook, but I don't feel cheated .
  • krzysiektom4 July 2021
    It was disappointing. The script is average at best and the execution, especially directing, is bad. The film has the feel of a cheap movie made for TV. And don't get fooled by opinions that the film is somehow anti-christianity and especially anti-Catholic. On the contrary, it is savvy, smart Catholic propaganda.
  • The Cinematography on this movie is absolutely amazing. The way the scenes are cut together and the camera angles just makes this movie even better.

    I personally give this movie a solid 7. Its not cheesy or cliched as any other scary movies. The special effects are just right. The look and feel of the movie is also perfect. The camera angles shown here i havent seen in a long time and change the whole prespective of the movie. It feels like every camera angel is thought of before hand and planned in order to give justice to what is happening. I enjoyed it.

    Those who don't know the technical side of it won't enjoy it. For all you video editors out there have a look at the scenes. They are just brilliant.

    When the M logo for Metallica is seen on the cow there is a curch bell sound. I think it's for the song For Whom The Bell Tolls. Then again its heard again later on. I don't know if its just me or did they do it on purpose. Nice touch.
  • FeastMode9 January 2022
    Poorly-made, completely unscary and really really dumb. The first half isn't laughably bad but is completely useless and feels like a waste of time. The second half is absolutely laughably bad with so many hilarious moments. This movie is garbo. (1 viewing, 1/8/2022)
  • Don't let the title fool ya, I would watch JDM do just about anything, read a book, watch TV, hell, I would watch him chop wood he is so fond of doing. This movie has potential, but I think it needed a little bit more depth. It seems that everything happens a little too quickly, I guess.
  • Typically cliched and nonsensical Conjuring etc ripoff cloaked in usual American religious mumbo jumbo. Does the opposite of everything The Exorcist did so well. Drags slowly towards a predictable ending with no surprises or fathomable point except to make already an already brainwashed audience believe it has any insight into faith and the belief in good vs evil. Worse than that it is really boring and the few attempts at anything resembling horror are watered down and randomly placed with no suspense or attempt to create an interesting plot. Basically its for people clinging to crazy beliefs in order to ignore the true horror of reality.
  • "Wherever God goes, the unholy follows."


    The first half is superb, the second part wobbles to find direction but overall an entertaining film for horror film fans. If you liked the first half of the film check out Evil (2019- ), if you liked the second half of the film checkout Messiah (2020).

    This is a story of, Gerry Fenn, a disgraced journalist looking to restore his place in the industry. By sheer luck he finds the story of the century, a deaf-mute girl Alice miraculously recovers in front of his eyes. As Gerry pushes the story of miracle to the world he senses something sinister might be lurking behind the shadows.

    The Unholy is a merging of two different films. One tells a horror story another is a mix of different ideas that did not work out very well.

    Now I loved the first half, it had all the element of a great horror film. Creepy atmosphere, great acting, fitting soundtrack and some effective jump-scare.

    It would have been a great film if it continued in the same direction but the second half took a different direction. It focused on discussion on faith vs. Doubt, god vs. Devil. I found it a bit like the Messiah (2020). The production value dropped a bit in the second half as well.

    Over all this is an entertaining film that deserves higher rating than the current... Even though the film has its high and low, it is a must watch for the horror fans. The acting, cinematography and the idea behind the film is solid. The design of Mary worked for the most part. I found it unique and the dialogues were surprisingly mature. I enjoyed it.
  • Of religious catholic horror from the late 70's and 80's, just a cheesy try, where the elements of fear does work, and follows the film ''omen I'''s footsteps. For a vast new generation that has grown up with stupid kids on the cabin trips, and halloweenique scream factoricing thematics, where the loonies and serial killers are the carrier of evil, this film brings forward the holy shrines of christianity, namely the holy mother of jesus, mary. There hasnt been made great titles over the trinity lately so it may start a new wave of its kind.

    I do think this film has a cold driving down thy spine if youll let it, the acting is what the direction and screenplay allows, some of the cataclysmic effects in the final sequence though gives a cheesy smell of budget limitations, and the flame-bouyant visual effects, and the hissing and clicking sound effects lacks originality. Scarejumps youll get, and the feel of icecold uncertainty will challenge even the biggest disbeievers on the skid row to hell.

    So my recommendation must be to have a try, i think youll catch the bait at some point, the premisses are all there, its just not used brilliantly enough thinks the grumpy old man. Doupt is the keyword to the film, dont let that scare you away from a view into the realms of religious spiritology.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Was encouraged to see this film by the recent 10 out of 10 reviews. Well they must have been paid to write those as this film was very poor. A couple of early jumps, but that aside the baby face in the clouds was the start of the rapid slide downhill! Unless you believe in miracles and want to waste a couple of hours don't bother with this rubbish!
  • The Unholy is about as basic a religious horror as you can get.

    It features that Negan guy as a washed up photojournalist, who happens upon the miraculous healing of a deaf mute girl.

    After suddenly gaining the ability to hear and talk, she claims (Mother) Mary has healed her and given her a message to spread.

    Mary wants their allegiance...and in exchange...she has endowed Alice with miraculous healing abilities.

    Thus, a cult inevitably starts to form around her...although things might not be exactly what they seem...

    Mediocre acting aside, there is just no nuance to the story at all.

    Viewers are expected to suspend disbelief, and ignore the numerous gaping plotholes...while the rest of the film is wholly and completely reliant upon bottom of the barrel CGI effects.

    The whole thing comes off as lazy, at best.

    And I honestly can't think of a single redeeming quality that renders it worthy of watching.

    Do yourself a favour and skip this cliche-as-hell, should-have-been-straight-to-Netflix trash.

    It's just not worth the time.

    2 out of 10.
  • Edvis-199716 May 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I would say it was pretty decent. At these days, it's very hard to find good horror/scary movie. To compare this film with other similar movies I can clearly say it wasn't bad. The main pros: acting was on point, idea of this movie is not ordinary, I could even say it was kind of unique. Cons: CGI/visuals very disappointing( it looked very cheap and not real), there too many scary jumps, I likes when it happened twice, but when it's happening constantly it's just getting boring and terrible ending. Everything could be good, but ending, come on. Ghost/witch/demon or whatever you will call it, defeats itself by killing family member and then God brings her back? Who taught it was a good idea... To sum up, despite cons, I would watch it again because the time flew fast and it didn't get boring.
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