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  • Pros: 1. Both the framing and the lighting are incredibly crisp and clean. 2. The sound design is top-notch and does its best to breathe life into the film.

    Cons: 1. There is jarringly strange and out-of-place transition to found footage-type filming. 2. The pacing is needlessly slow-paced and long-winded. The movie would have worked much better as a short. 3. The film glosses over the initial molotov cocktail thrown which triggers Nona's escape to the coastal town. This inhibits the viewer's ability to form a connection to Nona. 4. Nona, as a character, is rather bland, uninteresting, and unlikable. 5. The plot is exceedingly nonsensical, unengaging, and thinks it's far cleverer than it actually is. 6. The conclusion, due to the previous negatives and lack of positives, falls extraordinarily flat.
  • At the age of 66, Nona (Josefina Ramirez) finally decides to take revenge on her ex-lover and commits an attack that forces her to flee so she doesn't get arrested. After finally settling in a coastal town in Chile, a huge fire forces his neighbors to leave their homes, but strangely his house is the only one not to be affected.

    At the very least peculiar, a ninth like ours, like anyone else's, ordinary or not, I didn't understand the pyromaniac thing, but that doesn't leave in infinite doubt... The slow rhythm, the intimate and homemade nature, are the high point , counteracting, paradoxically, with the fact that what weakens him the most, becoming boring at times, forcing us to pay attention between the lines... The dialogues (monologues by Nona) gain strength by quoting Professor Girafales and Dona Florinda, her resistance during the dictatorship, making a Molotov cocktail, the background of the intense historical fire that devastated Chile... Very good, peculiar... In time, Nona, is director Camila's grandmother...