User Reviews (29)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am watching horror/psycho thriller movies for 30 years, and this is one of the most predictable I have ever seen.

    The old story about protagonist's blackouts and crimes when he wakes up in the morning... Most of us knew he commited the murders. For you who didn't get it before the very end - you should watch more movies of this genre.
  • Seriously, it looks like a high school movie, done by kids. Nothing unique, very poor acting, sometimes it hurts the eye...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You have to give it to the filmmakers for that title. I mean, that took balls.

    Writer/director Ramin Niami is behind this story, working with his daughter Tara Violet as camera operator. It's about Henry, an agoraphobic resident of Los Angeles who has learned how to hack into the webcams of women all over town. He sees himself as their white knight as he watches them live their lives. His roommate Eric, an actor and influencer, wants him to head out into the real world and yet has no compunctions over getting to uses his male gaze on these women.

    Henry also believes that one of the girls is a serial killer. So there's that.

    Naimi was inspired by this high tech film by a story he heard on the radio, stating "I heard about a female college student who found nude photos of herself on the Internet. The FBI discovered that her webcam was hacked and that a fellow college student had taken these images when she was changing in her college dorm room in revenge because she had rejected him for a date. This story inspired me to create a modern Rear Window."

    That's a high bar to shoot for and this film may not reach it. But hey - it's a great goal.

    This was a hard watch considering how much the way men behave has been publicized. It's difficult to feel any sympathy for an incel like Henry or a lothario like Eric.
  • Eye Without a Face (2021) is definitely not a good movie, but it's not nearly as bad as IMDB reviews claim it to be.

    I love to watch films that feel like they were made by an alien or an AI. This one is very much like it. It appears that they didn't know how human beings operate and what real life is in general.

    It gets quite hilarious at times, like some of the "tense" scenes are legit funny. You can't make this stuff up intentionally.

    The acting was mostly the film's strongest point. The Australian struggling actor was either a very well played character or an actual real-life struggling actor who was well-cast for the role.

    The production was very light. It feels like this film was very cheap and efficient. We only get a couple of rooms and a quick walk capture, that's all.

    At times bits and pieces of social commentary pop here and there, which is cool, but the film isn't really about that, unfortunately.

    I love how the main lead lives in a jhuggi-type house, and I surely know why he does. You know his "computer skills" are just so high because he turns off his monitor each time he leaves. Or maybe it's all the scissors and pliers on the wall, together with a pair of old TV circuit boards.

    I know I'm just making fun of this, but it's better this way. Believe me. You don't even want to try to understand how this story is supposed to work.
  • ....I would tell myself to not push Play.

    It felt more like a high school movie project than something that got released to a paying audience.

    The script was pretty sub-par but what really sank this ship was the acting - or lack of it.

    Ugh. Avoid it. Go outside or read a book instead.
  • Watching this movie was very boring due to the predictability of the script.
  • Yes, it is that bad.

    This is a full-of-clichés high-school drama production.

    Bad acting, bad writing bad everything. The conclusion is so obvious, so expected that the pseudo-twist is almost risible.

    Not even some gratuitous nudity is shown in a film where a guy has access to other's people computer cameras!
  • LordCommandar10 August 2021
    The trailer was utterly ridiculous trash. And the main character came off like a someone who stays high all day. A very terrible film. OMG! It was that bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a worn premise of inner demons coming out as the real killer. Henry can't go outside, so he watches people on hidden cameras...and when a new roommate pushes the boundaries - the man in the mask comes out.
  • This is one of those made for IFC TV movies. Recommended on Amazon and I have no clue why. It was bad.

    About some guy who likes to watch women eat fruit on the internet. Bizarrely written and just pointless.

    And IMDB seems to have added a large amount of required characters now in order to post a review. I'm sure they'll reverse this decision at some point because I'm sure a lot of people will be annoyed by it and complain. It really doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Just like this non-entertaining movie!!!!

    This is definitely one you can skip. I would give it a score now but I still have a few characters left!

    Okay now is the time. 3/10.
  • K_Rad8815 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    To the people saying they picked the twist at the beginning and you'd have to be stupid not to - I watch a LOT of these types of movies and I still didn't *particularly* see anything coming. Henry's character was fantastic, so well played. He had all the signs of the agoraphobe who was on medication, but we didn't really ever find out what for and can only have made assumptions. I thought for ages his funny and entertaining mooch of a tenant was sinister but I was way off.

    Anyway I was never bored, even though it was slow in many parts it was always entertaining. Definitely recommend this little low budget thriller for anyone who likes a character based thriller.
  • I wasn't expecting anything after first reading all the awful reviews, but gave it a whirl anyway.

    Honestly, what I found was an intriguing premise for a story, but unfortunately, it's execution could have been substantially better.

    A voyeristic young man spies on girls through their web cams, murders begin to happen and mystery insues. Sure. It could work. But it doesn't get there with a lot of finesse.

    The first and most painful detail is the lead, Dakota Shapiro's portrayal of Henry. Henry mumbles and walks around looking like he's 30 minutes into a heavy dose of heroin at all times. Really irritating at first. Was this on purpose? Don't know. But he did kind of grow on me after 20 minutes.

    Next is Eric (Luke Cook), who plays Henry's roommate. Eric's from Australia and is a struggling actor. He's also the most annoying person you could ever share a house with. I wanted to punch him in the face straight off.

    The sound track sounds original, and all by itself, is quite good. However it's application is very heavy handed and even out of sync with some scenes.

    Camera work is adequate, but painfully amateur in some scenes.

    As far as the plot, I thought it had some original spins on some old themes, but again, very light production values didn't let it shine as good as it could have.
  • barbzb17 October 2021
    Umm it was boring for me...filming in one room for amost the whole movie is kinda boring...i expected more...the bad reviews are telling the truth.i wasted my time with this movie.
  • The script is bad, the act is worse, the ending is predictable from the beginning. Very hard to watch till the end. I watched thousands of movie and rarely review any, so trust me this one is skipable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is ninety eight minutes that viewers will never get back.

    The acting is subpar, the script no better. The protagonist engenders no empathy from the audience, especially at the conclusion, if one can call the final few minutes that.

    The film's premise could be made into a decent movie. But not by this director.

    Watch Hitchcock's Rear Window.

    Or Disturbia with Shia LeBoeuf.

    Or seasons one through six of the original CSI.

    Just don't sit through this dreck.
  • Jonathangraves527 August 2021
    Genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 90% of the movie is entirely pointless and could've been accomplished in 15 minutes of decent storytelling. It felt like it was never going to end, and then it did in an obvious and disappointing way. But how else could it have ended? No character is likable so it doesn't really matter how it ends I guess. Upside the main character is handsome.
  • I just watched Eye without a face and it was unexpectedly really good. It's clearly inspired by Rear Window but not in a cheesy way. The actors were great and Charlie Clouser whose work I know from the saw movies did a great job with the music on this.

    I recommend this movie to people who like psychological thrillers that are character based.
  • krobson12 August 2021
    Seems the film. Is divisive which is interesting.

    To me the film clearly effectively critiques incel culture and on line voyeurism in a genre context which I find very interesting and which some people do not seem to get . The lead Henry is clearly suffering from trauma and is portrayed as vulnerable but he is still an A 1 creep - I think Dakota Shapiro walks that tightrope really effectively and the score by Charlie Clouser keeps us unsettled throughout. The character played amusingly by Luke Cook is a real doofus and to some extent an exemplar of toxic masculinity but he also touches notes of real empathy with Henry . I think it is entertaining and effective .
  • tracym1015 August 2021
    I'm a fan of Hitchock, De Palma classics and newer horror like A Quiet Place and Hereditary. This film shines. Great actors and great looking film. The movie has some clear references to horror suspense classics but in an original way. But you have to have patience to get into the film it has a slow build.

    Some people say Dakota Shapiro (Henry) is like the new Anthony Perkins and I agree.
  • Great acting by everyone especially Vlada Verevko.
  • jeanclark-6192018 August 2021
    What is real and what is Henry's imagination/nightmare? Henry played by Dakota Shapiro a lonely young man with agoraphobia is memorable. It stays with you. If you have patience for something different watch it. It is also funny!
  • I loved this movie! About 45 minutes in I was really invested as to what was happening. I think the direction and cinematography was really well done and added to the sense of uncertainty and got into the mental state of the lead character. I am NOT a horror a fan but this kind of psychological horror and mystery is something I can get behind and was a super entertaining film.
  • Eye Without A Face is more psychological than a typical horror film and is a character study. The film deals with sexual desire and violence but is very much not a slasher film. I found it creepy and it made me uncomfortable, in a good way.

    I recognized Luke Cook from SABRINA on Netflix. Dakota Shapiro is handsome and talented and the two of them are really good together. Luke is hilarious! A good bit of comic relief in a dark film. After watching this film you will definitely want to cover your webcam!
  • Psychological horror fans will like this well-shot indie thriller by Ramin Niami. Handsome, agoraphobic Henry (Dakota Shapiro) can't go out so he "meets" hot women online - only they don't know. Hacking into their webcams, Henry is a self-appointed guardian angel watching over their most intimate moments. When Henry suspects Laura (Vlada Verevko), his fave, is murdering her dates, things begin to unravel. Then, Eric (Luke Cook), Henry's slick, player, roommate makes a bold move -- setting off a murderous game of cat and mouse. While the film takes its time to unfold, stick with it. Niami's pace reveals Henry's complicated and damaged world view carefully, allowing Shapiro's empty blue eyes or motionless face to fill the screen -- eliciting audience empathy while, at the same time, delivering an oozing visceral sense that Henry's humanity is slowly rotting inside him. Seething creepiness and suspense are nicely balanced with bits of comic relief. But you'll still want to sleep with the lights on and the webcam covered.
  • sonjanovak14 January 2022
    Gimme a break, 3.5? At least solid 7. May be predictable, but still greatly executed!

    Acting was great too, camera angles also.

    Don't trust the 1 star reviews.
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