User Reviews (68)

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  • The field is wide and there's a lot of competition. But based on the the pilot, this show fills a niche: comfortable, pleasant television you can put on and relax to, chuckling occasionally. Not groundbreaking, just... non-committal and enjoyable.

    Let's be honest now. It's now exhausting to watch the "must sees." Shows so intricate, you feel you need crib notes to keep everything straight; or your absolute, undivided attention. I have gotten to the point in which gritty, tension-filled, award-vying TV makes me too tired. No, I DON'T always have the emotional capacity to commit to your complex story-arc filled with flawless people and absurd budgets. My spouse refuses to speak to me for most of these pretentious epics, insisting on pausing and rewinding for missing 3 seconds.

    Life. Is. Hard. It can be good too, but for the love, people. Pleasant comedy is essential. And shows that don't cause trauma after viewing are becoming my new favorite genre. I'll take watching pets in therapy any day! It's imaginative and creative.

    So if that's not your thing, fine. Don't rain on Queen Lisa Kudrow for doing the Lord's work.
  • It seems that SO many people DEMAND animated shows to be EXACTLY what they expect, usually based on another show (Family Guy, Southpark, whatever) that they like.

    Housebroken is....funny. It's not edgy, or crude or in your face. It's just standard issue, excellent voice actor funny.

    You like pets and wants to see something funny, Housebroken will do. You want to force it into the mold of whatever else you liked, it probably won't.

    Give it a fair-minded shot and you shouldn't be let down.
  • It seems like so many people review after just watching the pilot episode of a show. I wasn't impressed with the pilot, but the show grew on me after a couple more episodes. It might not be raunchy or in your face like Family Guy or Southpark, but does every animated sitcom have to be? In my opinion it's more along the lines of Bob's Burgers. More lowkey while still entertaining, and the characters for the most part care about each other. I like how the stories are told from the animals' perspectives. I'm also liking the characters more with each episode as we get to know them.
  • I had given the show and it's writers a 2 and a scathing review but it and they have won me over - the sexual innuendos, which I felt were gratuitous, have diminished to a more thoughtful trickle and I've become invested in the characters and some of the more clever pet related issues - MAYBE it's that since the pilot I was given a 4 week old kitten ( named Smudge if u must know, and u MUST hehe) and well.... So I'm big enough of a content consumer to admit whe I've been a fool and acted hastily.
  • Finally, a new Fox animated sitcom that doesn't focus on a family, but instead it only focuses on a group of pet animals. Honey is the main protagonist of the show and she is a poodle who can form other animals into on big group therapy. Sure, there are some gross-out humor, but thankfully there is not that many. This show has a ton of decent humor from beginning to end and just like Bless The Harts, Duncanville and The Great North, this show has plenty of heart. One of my favorite characters in this show is probably Chief because of his fun behavior. I also like him because he is big dog who loves fun. HouseBroken isn't just the best, but it's probably one of my favorite Fox animated sites and possibly one of my favorite adult cartoons. I suggest anyone to watch HouseBroken, it's a really good show and I give it an 8.5/10.
  • The show is geuinely interesting and I think people should be more open minded about it wait for more episodes and give it a chance.

    The first episode went really fast it wasn't anything amazing but it wasn't horrific but at the same time it left me wanting more and it was kinda funny. It's just the pilot so maybe it will get better in the next upcoming episodes.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'll give season 1 a 4/10 honestly. I'm not looking forward to seasons 2 and 3 of this show, at all. It's just really boring and not interesting. I'll probably watch the first two or three episodes of season 2 to see if they've marginally improved (note marginally), because even if it's just slightly better like 5 or 6 out of 10, I'm not gonna waste my time on a mediocre TV series.

    Contrary to popular opinion where the show started out worse than it ended, I actually thought the series actually started out okay with a decent series premiere, a pretty good second episode, and not so bad third and fourth entries. There was some promise that it could be more than what it looked like. But once "Who's Afraid of Boomsday?" came, they just stopped trying. Everything just became repetitive and the series seemed like they used all their best jokes and stories for earlier in, and saved all the boring ones for the end, so they could "win" audiences over and then give them the boring stuff last. The three worst episodes of the show are "Boomsday", because too much goes on at once and nothing is funny, at all, "Who's Getting Cold Feet?", because who asked for a plot about Shel and his shoe, and "Who Are You?", this one is meh, but because the mouse scene was so disgusting I wanted to turn my TV off.

    The season 1 finale's first part was okay. I actually didn't mind and I thought the finale would be good, but the second part is boring and I go back to my same stance on it since.

    I think the fact that Bless the Harts was cancelled for this (not directly, but Fox wanted to fund Housebroken more) makes me more sad, because on one hand you had a show with a decent first season, wasn't that funny, but it really showed some promise with Mega Lo, then wowed us with a really good second season where they really nailed the characters identities and got the comedy much better. Sure, it had the occasional dud (Hoot n' Haw), but every show is gonna have one every now and then.

    And then Fox gives us Housebroken, a mediocre TV show about animals making fart and poop jokes most of the time, and when. Housebroken's second season has to be a lot better than the first in order to win me over, otherwise I'll just pass.

    Update (August 2023): I checked out the first four episodes of season 2 recently, and there's almost NOTHING of improvement. I dropped it because it's just not funny at all and I can't even care about the characters. One of the most boring adult cartoons in existence. Season 2 does not improve.
  • degaswilson31 August 2021
    I love this show. Hopefully fox will get it and It's good tv.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found the first two episodes to be okay. The one I thing I did not like in the first episode was Honey's friends being mean to Diablo because it was rather uncomfortable to watch. The one thing that bothered me about the second episode was actually seeing a piece of poop. Now onto the characters:

    Honey-I think she's a pretty decent main protagonist; someone who puts effort into solving her psychological problems.

    Elsa-She's basically my favorite character because I enjoy her sarcastic wit and the personality of a pre-flanderized Brian Griffin, though the second episode where she tries to break apart the two male cat characters rubbed me the wrong way.

    Shel-I think he's a funny character with his arc about falling in love with a shoe and how he's very self-aware of the ludicrous nature of it all.

    The Grey One-I enjoy his frat-boy attitude and I like how he is basically Jay from Big Mouth, to the point where they have the same actor.

    Chico-A nice guy who has the weight of an elephant; how original.

    Tabitha-I find her to be the blandest character I know, a snobbish cat who lives like a queen.

    Max-I honestly did not know that George Clooney owned a pig until today (no kidding, he actually owned a pig before it died in 2006), though his personality as a narcissist does make for some decent comedy.


    The Umbrella Hamster (forgot his name)-He's okay, I found his ways of non-verbal communication to be somewhat funny.

    Chief-I DID NOT LIKE THIS CHARACTER! I mean like at all. He's basically just Peter Griffin as a dog.
  • I'm into adult animation, so I was fascinated over how this show would turn out. Overall, it just feels like an excuse for Fox to dump as many animal jokes as possible. Wonder, this is just a show with animals in a room talking about their problems. You think with talking animals, the show would be more fun, but it's just kind of boring. Sure, some of the jokes were good, snd the idea of moving on from a death was pleasing. But mostly, it just seems like a show to dump as many animal jokes as possible. I don't think this show will stick around for a second season.
  • I think this is a cute little cartoon, and I really like it. Some of these reviews are just bizarre. What exactly were you people expecting from a cartoon about talking animals? One person said they "just don't get the point of it."'s a cartoon about talking animals! It doesn't have any deep meaning or significant purpose. Haven't you people ever watched something just because it was silly and fun? With the exception of documentaries and other educational programming, you could ask yourself what's the point of pretty much all shows in existence. The point is simply entertainment. This show just happens to be entertainment that you don't personally like, and that's fine. But acting like you just can't understand why it's even on the air is beyond ridiculous. I've always thought Seinfeld was absolutely pointless and not funny at all, but many of you act like that's the best thing that ever existed. Different strokes for different folks. I say if you're an animal lover, if you've ever wondered what your pets would say if they could talk, if you can enjoy silly humor about the lives of pets, and you don't take yourself too seriously, then give this show a try. If you think every show has to have some deeper, existential, or philosophical meaning in order to be worth watching, then you will be disappointed.
  • Housebroken is funny and different in thr adult animation department. Some jokes seem a little forced. Overall, I enjoy it so far.
  • I feel like they are still trying to find a spot after all these years still trying to replace King of the Hill. Just bring it back already then animation domination Sunday would be hit after hit.
  • I love animals so I was really curious about this premise. I still went in with low expectations because apparently this show has been out for a year and I only heard of it this week.

    The writing's not deep, and the animation appeared to be standard, but there was just enough material there to keep me invested. I like the jokes. Now if you're looking for something that will get you wheezing, keep searching because this show's not it. I also found myself getting attached to the characters, worrying about how things would turn out for them.

    I can't explain why I like it, but it was a pleasant escape for me. Sometimes you just need a show that doesn't try to be super thought provoking. That has cute talking animals that make silly fart and pet jokes. I'm keeping the score modest because I don't see this show being for everyone, but I feel that it's still fun enough to get a score above negative.
  • Animal lovers and those without four legged friends will both find plenty of humor in this show. Funny without being abrasive, adorably cute characters with the right amount of adult humor and a stellar voice cast make this an enjoyable summer watch.
  • This show is unique compared to a lot of other adult cartoons. I appreciate that the show has a unique premise and isn't just another show about a dysfunctional family. Most of the main characters are animals rather than humans. The animals aren't copies of the archetypes seen in Simpsons, Family Guy etc. Either. They have unique personalities separate from those shows. The premise of the animals hosting their own therapy group is different too. The show has some interesting plots and funny jokes on top of that too. One criticism I can think of is the animation isn't the best, but it's decent. Overall, I wouldn't say this is the greatest cartoon ever, but surprisingly, I think it's pretty good. It's just so refreshing to have an adult cartoon that is different.
  • I just got around to watching the first episode. It was unfunny. I didn't laugh, I didn't chuckle and didn't even smile throughout the whole episode. The animals just bicker to each other and fail to say anything funny. Honey and Diablo are the only likable characters. The rest of them are just bland, obnoxious and forgettable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this show without knowing anything about it... I saw it advertised on hulu and decided to watch it. I'm glad I did it is hilarious... I love the therapy session idea of all the pets getting together. I hope my dog has as good of a support system when I'm not home. The poor souls who have given this such a low rating... I hope they find happiness in their life somehow haha. Watch it!
  • We've seen every kind of joke you can make about pets, we've seen dozens upon dozens of movies and television series about talking animals and how similar their struggles are with our own, and 99% of them are more clever and imaginative, not too mention more entertaining, than this. The premise couldn't be any more dull, the characters couldn't be any more flat and irritating, and the writing is just the worst. The cast of voice talent is pretty impressive but you can't really do a whole lot when everything else is just not up to par.

    It's really disappointing that this is from the likes of Jennifer Crittenden - who's been involved in some really spectacular programming like Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Veep, Arrested Development as well as the golden era of The Simpsons- Gabrielle Allan(Scrubs, Veep, Divorce), and Clea DuVall - an excellent actress and proving to be an equally good filmmaker as well.

    I could say that I don't expect it to last long, but I've been wrong before, all I know is that I think I'm pretty much done with this program and have no desire to revisit it anytime soon, or ever.
  • The cartoon is pretty funny,I guess. I binged the entire first season when it first became available. Now on the 3rd episode of the 2nd season. Either that is all that's available, or the show isn't popular enough to find downloads (not sure). There weren't hardly any torrents available this season, compared to the first season.

    Anyways, it is pretty good, and alot of the characters are fairly likeable. Funny thing is, the two characters I don't like that much are the two main characters, Honey and Chief. Actually Honey might have been okay on her own. But Chief is entirely unlikeable, and the dynamic between the two is very off putting. She is uptight and prissy, and he is ridiculously stupid and annoying. But it is somewhat like their real world dog types would be (poodle, St. Bernard).

    The general story lines of the show are pretty good. I do like the therapy for pets angle. The whole thing does come off a little snobby or elitest. I don't know why. It isn't that rewatchable either. Once you've seen an episode, it's hard to try to watch it again.

    Other than that, I haven't had any major problems with it, until the 2nd season. The first 2 episodes are about Christmas, yet the show refuses to say Christmas. On the first episode they keep calling it "the holidays". It feels very unatural, and you know who they did this for. In fact there are alot of (J) sybolism and anti-Christian mssaging in these episodes. They wont say Christmas, but they do mention a (J) holiday. One of the dogs is wearing a sweater covered in (J) stars. There is a scene where the pig replaces the baby Jesus in the nativity display. There is a painting on the wall of the Virgin Mary, but holding a parakeet in a diaper. Actually, I'll drop it 2 points because of this. It's very intentional.

    Still, the overall messaging is very minor. The show is easy viewing. It's definitely worth a watch. And I'll continue to get new episodes, for now. Check it out.
  • This show is just not fun to watch or enjoy, you couldn't even pretend if you wanted to.

    Apparently this show is about a poodle named Honey, and she starts an inside and outside therapy group for other animals in the neighborhood where they can talk about what stresses them and they try to come to a conclusion to their problems. That concept itself sounds interesting to me, because I like those types of shows but I feel that it was executed pretty poorly. They seem to spend as much time making stupid animal puns if you can even call it that, and they try way too hard to be "quirky". And it just doesn't even sound like a conversation anymore, Honey probably should've just opened a stand-up comedy club because, oh my God they joke around way too much. Overall, this show had potential but they decided to waste that and flush it down the toilet where it ends up in the sewer system that is the Animation Domination shows which failed and had either one or two seasons.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I cant quite put my finger on why I enjoy this show so much. I think its a combination of things. The cast of characters are top notch. For such a loaded cast(around 12+ mainstays) it handles them very well. You get the feeling any one of them could be the lead of the series instead of the one we have(more on her in a sec). They are irreverent, with great banter, all voiced exceptionally well and with their own little mini storylines.

    The premise is simple enough. We've seen talking pets several times in recent years but this has a nice adultish twist on the concept. Whereas other stories would have characters be involved in various fantastical hijinks involving humans, this show forgoes them almost entirely save for an occasional reminder of their presence. Its very much the animals world, the humans just live in it.

    The therapist angle works well for most of the cast. They deal with various issues, ranging from insecurity, compulsive tendencies, loss, boring unfulfilled "marriage" and so on.

    Speaking of that, let's talk about our MC. Honey the standard Poodle is the self described professional therapist who leads the group, and true to the trope she has a multitude of her own issues in her personal life. She's in a relationship with her companion Chief, a St. Bernard who is a complete and utter moron but has a heart of gold and a fun loving nature. The two couldn't be more different, but they are quite literally stuck beneath the same owner who has raised them both since childhood.

    Over the course of the series we see the effect on Honey and how she attempts to cope, especially when a sexy wild male Coyote shows up in the neighborhood. Her uncontrollable attraction to him is source for some of the shows funniest and most heartfelt moments, as she's torn between loyalty to Chief(who is oblivious) and a taste of the wild side. She also is dealing with the loss of a long time friend who we are told died shortly before the show begins. She has her own quirks, her aversion to getting to personal with her clients and her insecurity about the above things plays well with her compulsive need to "help" everyone around her. She's voiced perfectly by Lisa Kudrow.

    Other highlights of the cast are The Gray One, a street savvy scraggly but friendly housecat who splits his time hobbled in with nearly 40 other cats in an old cat ladies house, with the group in which he pines endlessly for the mature Russian ex showcat Tabitha, and Elsa, an insecure but principled Corgi who calls out trigger words and fancies herself Honey's best friend and second in command of the group.

    Theres also Shel, an older Tortoise whose mate abandoned him 25 years prior and is now something of a nymphomaniac, seeking sexual expression from anyone and ANYTHING he can get it from.

    But theres much more, and without diving into them all, everyone has something to offer here, and that combined with the heavily layered storytelling especially in later shows(up to 4 storylines an epsiode) gives the show an irresistible charm that supercedes all of its flaws. Even when the jokes don't land you love to be around these characters.

    I really hope the show finds its niche and has decent following. Its definitely worth a watch if you're reading this and maybe we can extend our time with these guys. Eventually they'll be housebroken but it's a long road ahead.
  • Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm familiar with all yalls works, and I'd like to thank you, ESPECIALLY for 'Veep', one of the all time greats! However... sigh... this is abominable - you guys have NO business in animation, in fact I'd like you all to walk to the nearest mirror (I'll wait) and take a long look at yourselves, apologize and say 'I have no business in animation' - see here's the problem, you've slated a 9pm time slot, because of the cringe-worthy sexual innuendos et al, but the writing is SOOO juvenile, that.. well you see where I was going with that - anyway, I won't give up on it just yet, but I'm not holding out hope - k well.. Sorry :/
  • The series relies so heavily on toilet humor for its comedy to such a degree that I found myself cringing and gagging quite often during my viewing of all available episodes.

    The writing intentionally inhibits or regresses any and all character growth and development. Nothing that happens ever matters. There are no lasting consequences for anything that happens. Everything eventually and inevitably resets, usually by the end of every episode.

    The series also suffers from having far too many characters and it definitely shows with each of them hardly having any personality. Most of the characters are so emotionally abusive towards each other that I find it actually depressing. And while it seems like the characters would learn lessons about not being cruel at certain points, they do NOT. Because, again, no lasting consequences and no character growth and development. The writing is so lazy, boring, depressing, and disgusting.

    The series, overall, is unoriginal, stagnant, and mediocre at best and obscenely grotesque at worst.
  • kel-3163624 February 2022
    The characters are relatable, fun, and easy. Who doesn't need more easy these days ? I'm excited to see that there will be a second session. Beware of the Croc. LOL.
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