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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The latest film from American writer and director Alex Magaña is the romantic comedy drama feature What Love Looks Like. It explores five separate stories regarding the ups and downs, ins and outs, and the ebb and flow of finding true romance.

    Yes, five separate stories about ten different people. And each of these possesses perfectly good looks with cardboard cutout personalities to match. If one is going to show me a film about this many people, at least have me care or be invested in one of them. Just one.

    At most, the painfully awkward Theodore (Jack Menzies) was the only name that I actually remembered. This was pertaining to his pose of confidence to the equally shy Bailey (Ana Ming Bostwick Singer), a pretty Asian-American girl in the park. This is due to them both sharing the same small breed of dog. Apparently, good karma was all it took to make a connection.

    I find all of these characters somewhat likeable, but not relatable. They only seem to seek out whomever is attractive to what their upper-middle class society deems and nothing less. They're not snobbish, just shallow. And anyone who is not walkway attractive or in the same milieu is unseen throughout the runtime.

    Owen (Josh Gilmer) is too obsessed with his phone to pay any attention to his girlfriend Nicole (Kate Durocher). Tinder-obsessed Calvin (Connor Wilkins) has a one-night stand with Summer (Jamie Shelnitz) but afterwards wants to leave for work. Finn (Kyle Meck) later flirts with English girl Penelope (Taylor Alexa Frank) in the park, despite what his younger sister thinks of him at home.

    I'm not saying that these matters don't occur in reality. However, what is it that really sets these ten strangers apart from the rest of the crowd? Who is honestly seen as non-attractive according to these people? Well, there aren't any in this film, so that must imply something.

    Other than that, I can't differentiate anything from these mid-twenty or thirty-something millennials in what makes them special. Every one of them is well-groomed eye candy; each professionally dressed or wearing whatever attire is "in" at the moment according to their demographic.

    I also couldn't find a single thing of which to invest in these people. Every face, every apartment, every line of dialogue was forgettable in kowtowing to the feng shui of this particular universe.

    Despite this, the most memorable (other than Theodore) were a handful of the supporting cast. Calvin's friend (or roommate) seemed to be the smooth, sarcastic type while Nicole's cool, charming club chauffer did a good job in portraying a brunette Ryan Gosling. At least the waiter smirking at catching Theodore's pose of confidence in the bathroom mirror was somewhat amusing.

    Also, I literally thought that Sam (Nathan Kohnen) was a schizophrenic due to his wife appearing, disappearing and then re-appearing to comfort and console him. However, Sam seems to find solace in sharing some sandwiches with a beautiful girl named Evie (Ashley Rose McKenna) in the park, of whom had observed him and also wanted to make a connection.

    Other than that, the main cast being either drop-dead handsome or gorgeous does not a good movie make.

    Speaking of which, it is finally revealed that Sam's wife had just randomly passed away on the floor just after the couple had purchased a house. Unfortunately, her death is never explained or acknowledged to the audience because...script, I suppose.

    Fortunately, the film does give a nod to classic cinema. This includes American Graffiti when one of the couples passes Mel's Drive-Thru. Another is a corny parody of Casablanca for a television rip-off that moves Theodore to tears. And obviously, Magaña is a fan of CSI: Miami.

    What Love Looks Like is not what love looks like in reality. Perhaps in Beverly Hills, but not anywhere that I've seen. As the film wraps up, each character is either socially redeemed or gets the girl in the end of this squeaky-clean story. (Doesn't one wish that real life was like that?)

    To be blunt, the characters are as two-dimensional as the fashion magazine of which they were probably cut out of. In that world, everything is pristine, perfected and pleasing to the eye. No one gets hurt, no one gets dirty and God forbid, no one gets cancer.

    Everything is designed as how it was supposed to be a world of façades. As much as the manufacturer (or director) wants to dress something (or someone) up, all that matters at the end of the day is that if it will sell. As for me, it didn't.

    This film could be considered the Magnolia of a Valentine's Day rom-com but without the nougat or caramel filling. Rather, it seems as though this nicely decorated box of chocolates had been shoved behind the packages of Easter rabbits before an employee had even noticed it.

    Although a low-budget feature, this one really didn't do anything for me. If beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder according to the world of this film, then I would definitely want to remove myself from that world and return to real life altogether.

    I believe that the imperfections others carry are really and honestly what makes someone beautiful in his/her own right. They may have their quirks or nuances or what have you, but at least it gives them depth and a personality.

    Ultimately, you love them as they are for who they are...even if they didn't just step out from a photoshoot. That, to me, is what love looks like.
  • Ever since Pulp Fiction stylized the genre of intersecting storylines, its been fashionable to use this as a peg for your own stories. One of genres easiest to adapt to this would be the Rom Com. You'd think.. There have been some of these but not enough. This one sadly is just a poor hallmark kind of movie that sits uneasily between a full blown romcom and a genre puff piece. Had the potential of being something else but squandered effort. Lamest of the plots is the brit girl one, sheesh at least get the accent right to make it remotely plausible!
  • As well intentioned as it may have been, this is insulting to males. But, I'll leave it up to the millennials to debate.
  • kerensascott23 May 2020
    The acting is awful. I haven't written a review before but felt compelled to do so after seeing all the untrue ridiculously high scores and reviews, all written in the same form and grammar usage. Somebody is trying very hard to push this up which I understand but I trust imdb for all my reviews. This is not fair usage. I couldn't watch passed the first fifteen minutes because it was So bad
  • Title say all my feeling on this movie. I assume it's a TV movie thus give 2. If not, minus 2 rating. Want to kill myself when watching this movie.
  • This might be my first review. I'm not sure how other people have given it more than one star. I'm honestly a huge fan of romcoms. I've seen better acting in a high school drama class play. The acting is HORRIBLE. the plot lines are predictable and just embarrassingly weird. I felt uncomfortable and extreme second hand embarrassment during the entire movie. There isn't a single character that is likeable. Please save yourself the time and do not watch. Or do, if you want to see just how bad it truly is.
  • Husband and I watched this and we literally were tearing up with laughter at how bad this film was. How could anyone find this cute and romantic, let alone entertaining? There is little plot and no character development at all. It honestly looks like crap and was filmed on a weekend at a park. Well not totally true, the only character development being is that most of the guys are stalkers or are somehow creepy. Please avoid this film at allllll costs. This was a huge waste of time. Also P. S. STALKING PEOPLE IS NOT ROMANTIC
  • Only waste your time watching this because you are in quarantine and it is the last movie left and want a good laugh - at the other reviews declaring this should be a blockbuster! Terrible script - this is not an interwoven love story - none of the characters know each other, it's just a few cringey 'love' tales mixed together in really poor fashion on a minuscule budget.
  • If you love romantic comedies, this is for you. The film follows five different characters looking for love. The projections and misperceptions we all make about one another. Attraction and that special spark and then really getting to see who someone is. Love is such a universal theme that I think everyone will relate to this film. It was very well directed and acted. A fun date night movie.
  • I wanted to like this, but the acting really made it difficult to get into. Most rom-coms are predictable, but this one more-so. And it was clearly written by a man based on the fact that two women got in cars with strangers and one waited in a park at night for a stranger. No woman would think that was okay.
  • I actually really enjoyed watching this film. It has some great life stories that were relatable. The film director; Alex Magana, did a fabulous job taking the audience on a journey through the different challenges falling in love can pose to anyone. The film was well shot and the actors', music, editing were all on point. I highly recommend this movie. A fun film to watch.
  • Not only impressing with likable characters, good humour and down-to-earth emotion, What Love Looks Like is a heartfelt and wonderfully honest romantic film that never shies away from a passionate ode to love, no matter how cheesy it may seem.

    Interweaving romances is such a common trope on the big screen, from the likes of Love Actually to The Holiday, Stuck In Love and countless A-lister mash-ups like New Year's Day and Valentine's Day.

    And all of those films tell ham-fisted and cheesy stories that supposedly look at love in all forms, but in truth do little more than recapture boring and predictable clichés that we've seen a thousand times.

    What Love Looks Like, however, somehow manages to take a painfully tired formula and not only breathe new life into it, but also really impress with heartfelt and genuine emotional depth.

    Following five different stories of love and romance, the film sets itself up to be just another cheesy romantic drama, but I can't stress just how surprised I was by how good What Love Looks Like turned out to be.

    At first, telling five stories simultaneously seems to spread the film a little too thin, as it looks at different forms of love in individual and separate spheres.

    In that, the film in its early stages feels a little bit like Crash, looking separately at different stories that in effect are little more than caricatures of themselves, from the tale of young love blossoming to a frustrated relationship and more.

    But where the film really makes things work is in its excellent screenplay, which features interesting, multi-dimensional characters that show a lot more than just one side of love at a time.

    From relatable romantic tropes to the odd enjoyable cliché, What Love Looks Like actually gets down to the bottom of what love is far better than any film before it, delivering captivating and pleasantly heartfelt emotional drama all the way through that overcomes any sense of cheesiness without an issue.

    Director Alex Magaña does a fantastic job of handling what is always a complex structure to get right, giving each of the film's many characters due focus and attention throughout, while pacing the movie to such an extent that it never even feels like your average romantic anthology, but really feels like it weaves together perfectly.

    And even if all the characters don't meet, the thematic similarities and mirroring between each of the stories help link it all together brilliantly, ingeniously making the film feel whole without resorting to a cheesy finale that ties it all up in an easy bow for you to enjoy.

    As a result, What Love Looks Like is an excellent romantic film that improves on a terrible Hollywood trope by providing likable characters, fun humour and genuinely fantastic drama and depth. It's captivating, heartfelt and wonderfully honest, playing on genre clichés while actually getting to the bottom of its main theme.
  • n-kefala5 June 2020
    This feel good movie about five different love stories written, directed, shot, and produced by Alex Magaña, surely it is not original. You've seen it all before. None of the characters from the other plots interact, and because of the often superficial dialogues and poor acting, the film is a liitle bit boring. However the touching part of the movie is the story of Max who recently lost his wife and struggles to move on. With the help of Evie and also of her tasty sandwiches, life looks more promising. Nathan Kohen's acting is the most interesting of the rest of the cast. As a result, "What Love Looks Like" is not by far an excellent romantic film but it is shot in beautiful places, it is sweet and fun enough with all its honest clichés. If you're looking of something lightweight this is the right movie.
  • missraze25 April 2021

    Now. I'm no cynic. I come to imdb religiously to preview and review films, before and after watching, respectively. Your top rated films at all tiers from amateur to straight-to-dvd to TV movie to miniseries to indie to film festie to blockbuster to foreign to whatever ALL understandably cannot please EVERYBODY and have downvotes, disapproving reviews, and the reviews get downvoted too!

    But not here.

    I'm sorry, huh?

    There's a very legit 4/10 imdb rating, but mainly positive reviews at 9/10 and 10/10 lol and then those reviews each have 99-100% upvotes or selecting "this review was helpful" lol now this movie isn't a big deal. At all. I was only here to get a trailer, a synopsis and film location because as you can see from my latest reviews I am binge watching rom com and mystery TV movies from hallmark and lifetime, especially California based ones because I want to move to Cali. I was going to sample this movie and keep it moving. But this movie got 4/10 and I wanted to know why. So I browsed the reviews to see what the problem was. Barely negative reviews and I'm now watching the movie and I can see why people who hated this didn't bother writing about this movie. The only people who bothered are those with positive, raving reviews.

    Smells like fraud. There's also 38 external critic reviews. Many movies of horrible caliber such as this film don't get that kind of press. I think the people behind this film are great marketers and networked to make this film seem better than it truly is. Like a pyramid scheme. Like that guy who said there will be a resort in the Bahamas but it was just tents and stale sandwiches.

    So I will add to the algorithm and put in an honest, disapproving review and rating 🙂 not that it matters, but I have time today.

    So you can go through my review repertoire and see that I have seen some crazy, back of the VHS shop, box in the basement, literally locked safe in your dad's room type of stuff. Did somebody say this film is like Love, Actually?! No. Simply how dare you. It sounds like these critics are fallacious salesmen or friends of the film cast and crew. This movie isn't good at all. The soundtrack was separately good, very cliche indie music. Like the free YouTube background music during a video tutorial. Cat playing with a ball of yarn, mall music. Great Sunday afternoon brunch music. Great for a great indie rom com. This isn't a great indie rom com. And the music happened way too much, so the effect was ruined. The tempo of the music should match the tempo of the scene. A fast upbeat song with lyrics sped by over an uneventful slow voiceless montage of a very boring date and sitting eating ice cream. It looked like a YouTube parody. The acting was stale, the omnibus of love stories had no plot and didn't cohere, there was no sexual chemistry between anyone. The actresses looked like they were held hostage. This whole film looked like average looking people awkwardly struggling through a date. This looked like a bunch of wealthy virgin nerds who opt to live in their cars had put together experimental short films and mixed them together. There was a British girl whose Britishness I'm sceptical of, and her lines were Midlands rude girl but her name and concurrent accent were posh south England boarding school girl. Then, she wrote her number down on his hand like it's the 60s and said if you're in England call me. Quoi? It's called a messenger app...and this film is from 2020 and about struggles with modern love. These people even texted each other a lot. And there was a whole scene about not getting matches on dating apps and catfishing! So... And then another girl had an unforgivable voice scratch while talking like a bad singer off pitch and the director let it slide. I'm also confused why the guy credits himself as a cinematographer. Oh I know, because he kept switching who's onscreen while someone is talking. It became too much honestly. I guess that's "cinematography" to him... I guess that's advanced filmmaking ...but it was totally let down by amateur acting. Anyway, I didn't laugh once while watching. I'm in pain.

    Now I'm not here to be mean. But if you ask dad to help you finance a film and ask friends to lie that it was a good one, I'm here to speak my mind. Something is fishy here. The film was OKAY. Nothing special. It didnt even take place during a specific time of year like a holiday. There was no plot or style or talent. Totally disproportionate to the other reviews here. One star because I have to. One star for getting a film done.
  • It's a light romance film. The indie film has no known actors which is nice to see fresh attractive youngsters all trying to figure it out. The modern couples have interesting new complexities which I think relate to the current city folk. I think the story gets funny with a few cringe moments...and mostly there is a sweetness to it all. Just folks trying to figure out how to meet and hold a relationship.
  • This movie did a really fun take on the romcom. You get to follow multiple stories instead of just one which I liked. The stories fit together well. Good writing. The filming is done very well. I have seen another film by the same director and love his style. And he keeps getting better.
  • Alex Magaña's fun, impulsive look at falling in and out of love and then back again in Los Angeles. Beautifully interwoven tales of love, loss and friendship is a perfect Valentines day watch! So find someone tonight and set a date! What Love Looks Like is a delight!
  • dooqofurl-130 January 2020
    Not being a RomCom kinda guy, I passed this to my girlfriend -- and she really liked it. When I asked her what she liked about it, she said that it was just quirky enough to work, funny but not trying too hard to be, and as honest as she has seen in quite some time. Can't get much better than that, now can ya?
  • I'm usually a bit apprehensive towards small indie movies, simply because there are so many of them these days and most of them are lacking. But this one really warmed my heart and shows, that this kind of film should get a lot more attention. In an episodic structure that rom-com fans like myself love since "Love Actually", touching, charming love stories get told with lovable actors and an all around fun atmosphere. If you're in quarantine with your significant other - Grab a bowl of ice cream, snuggle up and give it a watch together! It will certainly better the general mood!
  • PrescriptionAM28 March 2020
    Loved this movie! Couldn't believe how great the quality is for an independent film!
  • This is the kind of movie you don't want to end. Please Alex Magana, give us more beautiful movies like that.
  • A really well done Indie RomCom that leaves you with a good feeling. Great cast with loads of interesting characters. Recommend a watch!
  • Great picture. Perfect ensemble cast. Super performances. Sharp crisp dialog. The funny stuff is funny and the emotional stuff touches your heart. Alex Magaña is an amazing writer, director and cinematographer. I highly recommend this wonderful feature film.
  • A look a love through five anthological stories. Very relatable with a cast that's on point and some genuinely funny (and awkward) moments too. The jumping from one story to another is a little confusing at first but the film soon finds its flow and all the stories end up working well together.

    It's well written and quirky enough to be charming. A very good film for couples to watch and enjoy together.
  • Loved this creative masterpiece directed by the very talented Alex Magana. Beautiful cinematography and warm though out love stories make this such an enjoyable film to watch. Bravo.
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