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  • 6/10 - what one can always expect from a HMM flick: a capable, although amateur sleuth solving a decent mystery with a nice ensemble of supporting characters
  • bkoganbing12 August 2019
    Aurora and her mother Aida are attending a wedding and during it the mother of the bride Karen Kruper gets served a cyanide cocktail. Right into action goes the Real Murders club to find the killer.

    The big surprise is that Kruper willed the family company she started to Marilu Henner. Which was a real surprise since Marilu knows from nothing about business. But she's the one that Kruper apparently trusted as opposed to a few grasping members of her family.

    This is a family where intrigue is the middle name for all involved including friends of the family involved in the business. Some more murders and attempted murders before Candace Cameron Bure figures it all out.

    Nice mystery with some interesting plot twists.
  • lovedml14 August 2019
    Good show. Aida had more to do in this one. But why do they have Aurora in a different house in every movie? Seems almost comical.
  • This Aurora mystery includes the usual characters from the town of Lawrenceton. When the bride's aunt is poisoned at her wedding reception, Ro and her squad search for clues. The reading of the victim's will only confuses matters more; the primary beneficiary is a big surprise.

    Candace Cameron Bure, as usual, is solid in her portrayal of the amateur detective, Aurora.

    Though some clues seem obvious, the final solution is rather intricate. This mystery will keep you guessing.
  • Kirpianuscus24 August 2021
    I admit, I do not know the series. An Inheritance to Die For is the only episode who I saw. But it is a nice one. The basic ingredient - the chemistry between Candace Cameron Bure and Niall Matter. The presence of Marilu Henner, like the effort of is a virtue in same measure. And, sure, the crime. Result - a pleasant story,Preston Vanderslice to give a reasonable portrait of. Cade McCourt is a virtue, in same measure. So, nice.
  • I am, of course, referring to the weird, creepy and unnatural looking eyebrows of the actor that plays Cade here (and the murderer on a Garage Sale Mystery).

    They are VERY distracting.

    I have seen at least 6-8 actors on this series (up to this point) AND on Garage Sale Mysteries with equally creepy eyebrows.

    I jokingly wondered if that was the REAL reason Ro broke up with Martin (and not for allegedly returning to the CIA).

    I also can't help but wonder why my reviews (here already longer than the ones I see posted online) are deemed "too few characters" by the site (when they are already several lines longer than existing ones).
  • fordzt20 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Interesting movie and very well done. We did not understand how the wine was doctored as the waitress had several glasses (perhaps 4) on her serving tray in the kitchen. Only saw 2 when she approached the table. The aide of the victim picked the glass with less liquid for the victim to drink as the toast. So was the other glass poisoned also and did anyone drink it? We know the head caterer supplied the poison but how was it applied or is this a secret not to be revealed. Obviously the water was safe.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was probably the best Aurora Teagarden TV mystery I have watched so far, as far as I am concerned.

    The murder itself has an emotional component to it, that makes it personal--Sally Allison's aunt is poisoned in full view of a wedding party at which all the regular cast members are present.

    The clues to motives are revealed in a sequential fashion that cleverly builds, but not necessarily to the correct conclusion.

    While one suspect is primary, there are several others that engage in behavior, that make them suspicious.

    There was a genuine attempt there to make the solving of the murder an ensemble effort, which was enjoyable to watch. Aida Teagarden, Aurora's mother, has more of a role in this episode, and Marilu Henner was believable as an accomplished businesswoman.

    Possible Spoiler:

    Why did Gladys Allison-McCourt go to another lawyer to have a new will drawn up? And how did Victor Hansen find out about the new will, when even Gladys's own son did not know about it?

    (It is possible that this was all explained at the end and I just missed it.)
  • Vintage costumes are abound for the Real Murders Club Agatha Christie Night. (Agatha Christie's first book The Tuesday Club is what inspired the real murders club. Miss Marple starts meeting with her friends every week to discuss the details of murders.) The gang is all dolled up and being hosted by Sally's aunt Gladys at her home. The rules are it is like a scavenger hunt but no one can leave the room...and the first clue is the Agatha Christie novel Five Little Pigs.

    Hemlock served in beer...

    I haven't mentioned the town lately...the town of Lawrenceton is not really on my west coast but back east in the state of New York. I always love when the fo shots of the massive waterfall that you can see from downtown. I have it on my list to see in person one day. Trust me my native Northwest is equally gorgeous...for those of you wanting to come visit out here.

    Fast forward to Sally's cousin Lizzy who is getting married. Lizzy is marrying Bubba the lawyer...her long time boyfriend, both have been in several episodes of the Aurora Teagarden mysteries before.

    "Some people think money solves everything."-Nick.

    The wedding is lovely and both Aurora and Sally look gorgeous in lavender as bridesmaids.

    "Teagarden women don't cry at weddings."-Ro "That's too bad because your eyes are beautiful when they are shimmering with tears."-Nick

    That is one of the things I really like about Nick. He lets Ro be Ro and loves her just the way she is. He isn't over protective and respects her skills.

    "Marriage and death all in one day. Life can change so much."-Ro.

    Unfortunately Gladys ends up dying at the wedding reception right after she gives a lovely speech. When it turns out Gladys was murdered...the fishy behavior of some of the employees and family members becomes suspect. At the reading of the will it turns out that Ro's mother Aida is named the beneficiary for the bulk of Gladys' estate...including her house and not her son Cade.

    Suspicions abound in this who-done-it.

    "We're not playing the real murders speculation game."-Arthur.

    Another great mystery in the Aurora Teagarden Mysteries series, the real murders club were integral in solving this mystery, and the relationship between Ro and Nick progresses.
  • Several holes in the story of a nosy, amateur investigating murder. A running theme for Hallmark made series. Acting is hilarious. Victor was one of the worst actors here. I'm hooked on bad movies at the present. What's with Aurora's hair? As for her moving houses, I think it is the great thing about these movies. Though again there is the theme one has to settle down and get married. On one side a woman is shown she can do more, but she is still suppose to have love and marriage with a man - not true freedom for women with Hallmark.
  • chill115020 August 2019
    I love mysteries so I like all of Hallmark mystery/detective movies. This one was very good and I also was glad to see Iada having a larger part in this movie. One thing I want to ask other watchers: did any of you notice the resemblance between Nick and Arthur? I had to look them up because they looked so much alike I wondered if they were the same person. Talk about doppelgängers - and in the same movie! Way to go, Hallmark!
  • Roe's best friend, Sally Allison (Lexa Doig), has the family drama. Her aunt, Gladys Allison-McCourt (Karen Kruper) is poisoned and dies at Lizzie Allison (Julia Benson) and Bubba Rankart's (Dave Collette) wedding. That sure makes for a memorable evening, but it's the reading of the will that gets everyone in a kerfuffle.

    Instead of Gladys leaving her company and a majority of her fortune to her son, Cade McCourt (Preston Vanderslice), she puts Aida Teagarden (Marilu Henner) in charge of Allicourt Industries and leaves her a large part of her estate. That's when the chaos ensues. Who killed Gladys and why did she change her will a year before she passed away?

    Starts off with an Agatha Christie murder event before a huge dinner event where a real Agatha Christie-style murder occurs - cyanide poisoning of a rich lady. Who did it? We got some shady suspects, whom Aurora and co. Question. This is a very good entry, keeps one guessing and moves quickly. The twist and the revelations are well done.
  • cinda_b30 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This one is disappointing to me - it should have been good - but really how has she not just been arrested now? In the earlier films she did solve mysteries and saw what others didn't - now though the character is hell bent on interfering with ongoing investigations - and in this case all she managed to do was get herself and mother in danger - the police solved the crime without her input and would have done sooner if she had shared what she knew instead of trying to solve a crime.

    There are plenty other series where the amateur sleuth solves mysteries - from Miss Marple, Agatha Raisin, through to others in the HMM series like Garage Sale - none of them have someone with a pathological need to be the one to solve the mystery and deliberately withhold information - and potentially cause a mistrial - the way Aurora Teagarden does in these film series.
  • mah0058-645-10817518 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Location issue. I love these but. Auroara lives in Lawrenceton, Pennsylvania runs to the lawyer who lives in Corinth WA. Nearly completely across the USA. But she did it in 30 min? WA and WA DC are two (2) different places. Mistakes happen I know.