User Reviews (71)

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  • How is this film got such a high rating ?

    That was a reason I've watched it in a first place...The story is boring , the audio effects are atrocious , acting is ridiculous , long shots about nothing...Highly not recommended !
  • Well I have and let me tell you, it's not that hard. They act like this guy had his vocal cords cut. Good premise but ridiculous to make it sound like he's a mute.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The background of the story is not bad, the setup wasn't bad, some of the acted scenes were not totally bad...the usual "scary" movie type choices were annoying .. like burning himself instead of using the accessible knife, opening the door but then not leaving, etc.. ya know.. the usual idiocy. Also, the resolution was weak.. pulling his jaw open to have a screaming match? The ending was mediocre at best.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well shot, that's about it. Apart from the dark scenes and the whispering.

    I knew from the very start what would happen, it's set up for idiots.

    Then it happened, then there was a fight and then everything was fine.

    All characters were unlikable. Oh, apart from the little spider. It was adorable.

    Why should I care for a womanising wife beater or a daughter that robs her own dad? It was also instantly predictable, just from the pictures of her mobile, that the boyfriend was a headcase, so no surprises there either. I told myself the whole plot from the moment she smiled at her phone, before even showing him! That's how predictable it is.

    That's it. No twists, no turns, no depth, no dialogue, no surprises. Just a linear film that had nothing valuable in store apart from maybe teaching you that a bad husband and father can have a change of heart if confronted by a mad murderer. You shouldn't have to watch this film to know this though.
  • svader19 April 2022
    It was Wired Somo and I would have said shut.

    Dumbest, slowest and most boring movie I have seen this year.

    Daughter can't act, dad actually looks like a down and out and the whe thing is just a slow train to nowhere.
  • gobbiego4 March 2022
    I saw a lot of 10 ratings for the movie and I must have missed something. It was not good. Total slow burner that really didn't go anywhere, I kept waiting for something exciting to happen.
  • Very little to be said about this one - it's slow and couldn't hold my attention. So slow it's even painful to write a review....with that said this one goes straight to the trash bin.
  • psycholama4 February 2022
    This movie is huge waste of time and effort. It's hard to watch and stay awake. There's very little dialog and even less plot structure. I kept thinking there would be at least a twist or hidden meaning but nothing developed to make any sense of what wasn't said.
  • I'm giving this a 6 only because of the acting of the cast, especially the crazy boyfriend he was so awesome in this. It was also shot reasonably well for a low budget.

    Otherwise, a big old stinker of a film that isn't even a horror...
  • First thing first - the film has heavily botted ratings. All the 10/10 from bot accounts are desperate and pathetic. I don't know why filmmakers or publishers do this.

    The accurate rating of this film depends on how you approach it.

    Option 1: watch this as a horrendously pretentious thriller with borderline hilarious acting. Enjoyment level: around 5% (the most enjoyable thing is just how hard they are trying). 0.5/10 for the green beard and the red face.

    Option 2: watch this as an experimental dark comedy. It cranks the cliche levels up to a maximum, breaking the dial. I laughed through most of the pretentiously scary moments and "plot twists". Enjoyment level: around 20%. 2/10 for making me sometimes laugh (mostly in-between the wandering around the house scenes).

    Option 3: watch this as the Polite Leader from The Purge (2013) standalone backstory. I never thought this hilarious character needed his film, but here it is. It's a weird cosplay, yes, but if in a chance this was what you were looking for - you've got it. Enjoyment level: depends on how much you love the Polite Leader character from the purge.

    I don't want to spend much time on the plot or characters. Briefly, the plot doesn't make any sense at all. The robbery plan doesn't work, the boyfriend is completely insane, and the daughter never saw this might be a problem. I guess she's not picky. They aren't even sure there is a safe with cash in the house, so their plan was just blind luck. The boyfriend's motivation probably wasn't the money at all. He likes to act insane and cry because of childhood trauma and domestic violence. I wonder what would happen if the father had just given the money straight away.

    The film is intentionally slow, with lots of empty scenes. The beginning was exceptionally dull. There are no twists. It's a straight story.

    The acting was mostly bad. The actor who played the boyfriend isn't Antony Hopkins, and his attempt at channeling wicker-man Nicolas Cage didn't work either.

    The best thing about all this is how hard they are trying, starting with the "dude, check this cool shot" pretentious camerawork, followed by the acting, and solidified by the fake ratings botting.

    Since I have seen this film already, I'll give you, a fellow thriller enjoyer, another option.

    Option 4: don't watch this at all. Enjoyment levels: 95%. One for each minute you spend on something else instead.
  • My partner and I watched this film last night. We thought this was a decent film that's worth a watch. I loved how it looked visually and thought the actors did a pretty good job, particularly the boyfriend character. Had some plot holes and moved slow, but all in all, not too bad at all.
  • gab-675991 September 2021
    I will say I didn't enjoy the daughter much, she came off as a bit of a brat. That being said this movie was fully set on the shoulders of three actors. I think they picked a great villain and he was very interesting. I kept hoping I would not have to see the father open his mouth, it was just gross to see. But all in all this was not an awful movie, more of an acquired taste. If you have nothing better to watch this can seem a bit drawn out but it entertains and that was the point.
  • Again another snails pace film made in lockdown which only has a small handful of actors in and expects them to carry the interest without anything happening for most of the film. The daughter is annoying, the fathers part is an easy acting roll, nothing to remember. Just another dull lockdown film, tired of watching them now, they should have stayed at home.
  • One of the worst films I've seen in a while. So drawn out and dull. How it has such high ratings I do not understand?! Don't waste your time with this one. Genuinely disappointing, annoying cast and like I said way too drawn out. Nothing much happens!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    2021 horror. When will I ever learn? Step 1: Populate your movie with unlikeable, no, despicable characters. Check. Step 2: Make it a home invasion thriller, with a tinge... No, never mind that, have it beat you over the head with familiarity. Oh, today's audiences love familiarity. Like, where have I seen this? I don't know, maybe in about 1000 other home invasion thrillers made in the last 10-15 years. Step 3: Hey, slow burns are in. Make it agonizingly slow, with as little going on content-wise, that you can spend minimal effort on a script (an amazing accomplishment: They stretch this thing out to a full 91 minutes!). Step 4: Cash paycheck (where applicable).

    Oh man. Where are all these twists and turns coming from, that the high-scoring reviews are referring to? This is an incredibly linear story. Anything that might qualify as a twist, you can see coming from miles away. Gee, I wonder at what point he's going to pull that wired jaw apart? What could his estranged daughter -- who hates him -- possibly be up to? Enter total psycho. Literally, the only thing that surprised me in this movie was something so idiotic, it blindsided me with exactly how ineptly the character was written. Dumbest ending you'll see all year.

    The story. Awful alcoholic dad, who happens to be an incredibly unoriginal and uncreative writer, and is filthy rich from said writings, lives alone in total seclusion (DB parallel). He recently wrecked his "Jag" and had to have his jaw wired shut (a disability! DB parallel). His equally awful, bitter, angry, entitled daughter shows up unannounced... to rob his loaded safe (DB parallel)! And her totally OTT psycho boyfriend is gonna help out with a little home-invading of his own. What could go wrong? Yes, that's the entire story.

    The "wired shut" angle serves absolutely no purpose to this narrative, other than as an annoyance. He writes notes to his daughter on this little notepad, which are usually subtitled, but when they're not, Good Luck! Yeah, he pulls the wires apart at the end, for what is the stupidest finale I've seen in recent memory. I won't even qualify it as a viable plot point!

    There is a very long stretch in the movie where only the boyfriend can talk. Have a gun handy, either for yourself or for your TV. It is this absolutely horrible, borderline-retarded monologue, where all you want is for the guy to shut up for a minute. I get it -- he's supposed to be crazy. This is played (by one Behtash Fazlali) so obnoxiously, it constantly veers into cartoon territory. Attention: Dedicated fans of Jack Nicholson!

    Bad dad tries to make it up to rotten daughter by dedicating his latest hack fest to her, but not before she tells him off again! It is implied his new book tells the story of what a changed man he's become, judging by the fact that he's used one of his hackneyed title ideas, "Metamorphosis."

    Honestly, these are the times I wish imdb had a zero rating.
  • Another dreadful indie from Canada, I have no idea why the Horror Channel keep showing these other than that they're cheap to pick up. This one is one of those lockdown movies with just one guy sitting around on his computer for the first half. In the second half, we get some low rent 'home invasion' antics, but it's all dreadfully shot, with a lot of screaming and histrionics and absolutely nothing else going for it.
  • A rich author with broken jaw that's wired shut gets a visit from his estranged daughter who harbours a grudge about past fatherly failings.

    Dad can't speak because of his jaw so there's not much conversation going on making the first half of the film rather tedious.

    Add a psycho boyfriend to the second half and things pick up - they don't pick up enough to make this a good film but enough to save it from being a poor film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saved this the other night to watch later; it had no ratings then. Got around to checking it out tonight, turned it off after 10 minutes. Checked the page to add it to my Swing and a Miss list, saw the 2.2 rating. I can see why. I wonder how far everyone got with it. I don't understand having a social media page or production companies with names ostensibly tailor-made for the title if this is the end result. I'd say the 2 stars are for the cover art and it looks like it was well shot. But if I'm bored enough to stop something after only 10 minutes, something is very wrong. I did skip ahead a bit. Looked the same. I don't mind a slow burner; some are actually really good. This moved at a crawl and appeared entirely vacant of anything interesting.

    May 4 2022-now I see it's 6.5 which is unbelievable. I mean, literally, do not believe that. There has been a flood of fake ratings and reviews on this site for a while now. X is the same way. Started off with a 7.5, last I checked it was 5.9 and has tons of sparkling reviews not to be believed. Although I at least got through the entire movie of X.
  • chad-6131329 May 2022
    The green beard was pretty cool. When Seinfeld made a show about nothing, at least it was funny. Idk how to explain this film. But what really freaks me out is when they focus on someone's face for what feels like forever. Then move over to the second character and do the same thing, then go back to the first character and so on and so on.

    And seriously, how long can you expect someone to stare at an idle spider in a glass?

    There's no character build between father and daughter so it's hard to feel any empathy for the character. A new script, a few more actors and this could've been a decent watch.
  • This was a better thriller than I thought it would be. Assuming from the description I thought it would just be another man alone in the house gets robbed movie, but no it was more whilst also being a bit of that. The fact of there only being three cast members helped me see each performance and learn who those characters were easier. Getting near the end of the film it almost turned into an expressive art piece of sorts with emmys boyfriend going into what seemed like madness. Altogether a pretty good thriller.
  • Thought it was a horror? We fell asleep through the first 20min but awoke in time to see the villain. Who was actually pretty awesome and kinda saves this film......kinda.
  • Some of the comments are hilarious. The truth is that this film is beautifully shot but suffers from being too slow in delivering the plot. I would blame the director For this but I am very forgiving considering this is a new filmmaker it seems.

    The actors were okay, I think the bad guy was the best in terms of performance and really the most interesting character. Didn't feel the same way about "Emmy". Nice attempt but needed more a little more gravy. Some people on here are harsh and my humble opinion was that this film was not the best thing to come out of the pandemic BUT is definitely worth the watch.-H.
  • The villain was the best part about this movie. Excitingly insane and humorous performance. Most things about this film sucked haha but I gave it a 7 because I actually enjoyed the cinematography and score a lot. Without the bad guy they chose, and some technical things, this would be difficult to watch.

    In the end, I don't think you'd turn it off, just left wanting more from the plot, the director, as well as the daughter and father characters.
  • info-33728-3004031 August 2021
    Firstly the music was great. The lighting and colour hue was wonderful. Great camera work. There were actually quite a few cool things that grabbed my attention, but it just didn't get there for me.

    The long pause scenes, a little too long, but make sense. I appreciate slow burn films, but this just didn't fully deliver.

    While I didn't overly like the movie, and I really wanted to because I did quite appreciate the elements, style and camera work. I really liked it visually. The writing was decent, but felt too predictable at times.

    There's some definite potential with the writing of Peter Malone Elliott and Alexander Sharp. Definitely keep a watch out for Alexander Sharp because I feel he has got some extraordinary talent he has yet to unleash and share. I think he's on to a great start to be honest.
  • Went in to this movie being mildly hopeful it would turn out to be somewhat entertaining. It turned out to be the biggest snoozefest i have witnessed in a very long time. EVERYTHING takes forever.. And i do mean forever! Every single scene got these ridiculously long and completely useless shots that makes you scream: "GET ON WITH IT!!" The bad guy is extremely cliché. It actually hurts to watch. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was written by a 13 year old. (I would go as far as to say this is the cringiest bad guy i have ever witnessed in a movie in my entire life, and that's no small feat.) When it comes to the other characters i just didn't care. We never got to know them and they both seemed very unlikable. I have no clue how the movie got rated anything above 4 out of 10.
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