User Reviews (12)

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  • default3615 November 2020
    Solid animation, good voice acting, and an original shtick. There aren't many laugh out loud moments but it's entertaining enough. I'd say give it 2-3 episodes, if you don't like it up till then, move along.
  • The show is great, with funny moments, irony and good voice acting and it's probably going to keep you amused for the 20 minutes of its episodes' duration. It is a solid piece of work from every aspect and it's extra awesome that it's available on a free streaming service. Sure some episodes are better than others but all in all it's meets expectations with a great cast and spot on jokes. Recommended!
  • I liked it. Its not deep or profound it's just fun. Simple plots simple jokes. Something to unwind to that's not trying to teach me something. I hope they make more.
  • pollard-3036212 September 2019
    Lighthearted, doesn't take itself too seriously. If you're expecting powerful artistry then of course you'll be disappointed but if you would like to watch a fun and laid-back show that will bring you a few laughs then this is the show for you. P.s. The cast selection is brilliant
  • graham_halsey29 August 2019
    Just my sort of thing. Great cast, it gives an amusing look at a way of life we view as a lot more primitive. Nice to see Paul Scheer getting reasonably large roles too.
  • Wombhammer40k19 July 2019
    I didn't even smile. Nothing original or amusing here. The writing is awful. Animation is along the lines of Brickleberry (not bad, but "generic" would be an understatement). I would guess the target age group for this show is between 10 and 14.
  • Such a good show. I loved every episode. I thought it was very original and hilarious. Keep it going!
  • The unappealing artstyle and stale Jokes make this series pretty awful. Not worth a watch
  • This show is great. It's crazy that it hasn't been done before. Feels very fresh and has some really funny moments. The show really hits its stride by episode 4 and only gets better. (First three are good too, though!)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show does not only carry the writing talent but also an awesome cast!!! The "Human Discoveries" name is truly genius as well as the concept of the show. Seeing a group of cavemen discovering things is hilarious AND also still relatable in many ways? I still remember when I learned what a "Best Friend" was AND the first time I got drunk/ pretty much discovered wine. Favorite Character: Minerva all the way!! Also I LOVE the elks. I'm also a fan of Facebook Watch. I think it is such a great and super easy platform to watch a show. No need to DVR it, just stream it on your phone. It's 2019, everyone has a cellular device AND a Facebook account. Cannot wait for more episodes to come!
  • The storyline was great and creative. Great humor. I want a season 2!
  • privatejordy22 October 2019
    Great cast, and a fun escape from the craziness! Elks come and go, and the human threat is a contributor, but Gary is only a danger to himself.