User Reviews (22)

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  • trademe-765473 February 2021
    It started off well. It was funny and the chemistry between the two leads was fantastic. But Zoe became increasingly annoying and over the top.

    It was saved by the last ten minutes.
  • A pleasant if unremarkable New Zealand comedy, Baby Done never tries to mess with the well-worn baby/new parents sub-genre of comedy features but it would be hard to walk away from this gentle and simply effective tale without a smile on your face.

    Starring New Zealand comedy star Rose Matafeo (in a role that is likely to gain her significant attention globally) and Neville Longbottom himself Matthew Lewis in one of his best roles yet outside of the Harry Potter franchise he made his name in, Curtis Vowell's quickfire comedic outing wins instant points with its likeable leads taking centre stage as young couple Zoe and Tim whose lives take a 180 degree turn when they find out they're having a baby.

    What follows on from this news is fairly stereotypical of such comedies, pregnancy classes, bucket list ideas and stressing out about what life may now look like with a new addition in tow but in a neat twist on the usual this time around Zoe is the one who is more reluctant to accept the new life she is about to enter into while the considered and softly spoken Tim is the one "nesting" at home and willing to embrace what lays ahead of him with parenthood.

    This fresh spin on the usual man-child shtick that litters most of these modern parenthood comedies is another win for the film and while you're never really in any doubt about how things will pan out in this tale, witnessing Zoe struggle to give up her dreams and career easily provides amusing life antidotes and funny moments that makes Vowell's film constantly engaging without ever threatening to be an absolute gem.

    With so many highly regarded films being born in New Zealand over the last decade (think What We Do in the Shadows, Hunt for the Wilderpeople etc.), Baby Done never feels as instantly quality as some of its beloved counterparts but its universal themes, flawed but enjoyable characters and sense of heart make it another solid addition to the countries growing list of winning products.

    Final Say -

    Some great chemistry between its two leads and an easy to digest story ensure Baby Done is another fine New Zealand offering and while it may not provide any huge (baby) belly laughs or provide anything new to its familiar plot-line, this is a comedic effort that is sure to please audiences from around the world.

    3 parent teacher interviews out of 5.
  • When I watched this at first I think I was doing so in the wrong way. I took the female lead's experiences literally and so it just seemed that she was going through a terrible episode of psychological distress/dissociation, risking her life and the baby's while nobody thought to support her. However, reflecting on it, it probably was intended to be a slightly over-the-top comedic metaphor for the genuine fears and angst about the changes happening in your life when you have a child. Despite taking it a bit too seriously, I could relate to a lot of those fears, had a couple of laugh out loud moments and overall found it very sweet!
  • ferguson-621 January 2021
    Greetings again from the darkness. "I don't want to not have a baby." This is just one of the zingers Zoe rattles off during this charming, and often quite funny film from director Curtis Vowell and writer Sophie Henderson. Fellow New Zealander Taika Waititi is an Executive Producer, and his influences are apparent (and always welcome). In a light-hearted way, while still maintaining plenty of heart, the film explores the fear of losing or compromising one's true self when parenthood strikes.

    Rose Matafeo delivers a terrific performance as Zoe, a tree-climbing arborist by profession, and a thrill-seeking adventurer by choice. Her partner in life, and in the tree-trimming business and in the thrill seeking, is Tim (Matthew Lewis). They are the type of couple who go to a friend's baby shower and peek into the gender reveal box before dominating the party games. Zoe is fed up with losing friends, and describes the life cycle as "Married, house, baby, done", implying that people aren't the same after having completing these steps and no longer want to hang out with free-wheelers and the unencumbered like her and Tim.

    Denial. That's the best description of how Zoe reacts to finding out she's pregnant. Besides not telling Tim (a major relationship gaffe), she continues on with tree-trimming and pursues the "Tree Climbing Championship" she has qualified for (I still wonder if that's really a thing). When Tim and her friend Molly (Emily Barclay) find out about the secret, feelings are hurt and emotions wreak havoc. Comedy is provided through the prenatal/antenatal class instructor, as well as through Zoe's new acquaintance Brian (Nic Sampson) whom she connects with online. See, Nic ... well, he, uh ... has a thing for pregnant women. Not babies, mind you. But pregnant women - which by definition seems to limit the prospects of a long-term relationship.

    The always-great Rachel House makes a brief appearance as the headmaster at a local school, and much of what we see is a mess created by pregnant Zoe as she attempts to stay focused on her "bucket list". The film excels at presenting two versions of anxiety with Zoe and Tim, and it's loaded with relatively small moments that are quite relatable - some funny, some more serious. Like it or not, parenthood creates life changes, and the topic benefits from New Zealand wit, and a cast that perfectly complements the sharp and insightful script.
  • Baby Done

    I hate this kind of movie, I thought I was going to be dragged down a worm hole of Three Men And A Baby and remain there in nappy oblivion.

    Reluctantly I enjoyed this, there was great chemistry between the two leads and they both acted their comedic socks off.

    It was light and fluffy but hugely entertaining throughout, however the basic premise of reluctant mother doesn't really wash in 2021 as there are so many other options.

    I'm giving this a firm 6, but there were more than a few silly moments that didn't work.
  • gab-6759931 March 2021
    This movie was a good rom-com, not great, just good. Did I laugh, yes, but not out loud. The actors were great, would have been better with subtitles though. There was one point in the movie where they are dancing and the guy said something to Zoe and she walks off. Wish I could understood what he said, but even rewinding it and I still could not make it out. Cute movie, I recommend if your a sucker for a good love story.
  • ananyarm-3758730 January 2021
    Wish Zoe's character was more believable, it got to a point where she just felt toxic!
  • The film wanted us to feel something but I just didn't believe Zoe's character. Shame.
  • The negative reviews say that "this movie wasn't funny"

    I don't think this movie was trying to be hilarious. It was meant to bring light to the fact that unplanned pregnancy can be hard on couples and accepting that a person's entire life is going to suddenly change and how one deals with it or in this case not deals with it has consequences.

    Its a movie with emotions and some dark and at time disturbing humour but it worked for the film.

    Every man/male/boy should watch this film to perhaps get an understanding of how women may feel during their pregnancy and be more understanding and patient with their partners experiencing the same!
  • shashrvacai8 March 2021
    Interesting film, Unique but Nothing remarkable tho.
  • emmajawilkin26 February 2021
    Love Rose Matafeo. Love Taika Waititi. Quite like Neville from Harry Potter. So I was really looking forward to watching this. But, Rose's character's behaviour is downright unbelievable. I could have forgiven this if the film was hilarious, but it just isn't - there are a couple of funny moments, but that's it. Such a shame.
  • ks-6050025 February 2021
    6.4 rating make me watch this, after half way I feel asleep and continue to watch the rest, I feel asleep again. Be honest, comedy it's but not laughable and storyline is none. Most angry is rate for 6.4 n feel it's a 2.4 instead. Not recommend this at all.
  • Is this film flawless? No, definitely not. So hang on for a second why I think this is a must-watch nevertheless.

    First things first. If you expect a polished, predictable Hollywood-style romcom, you might want to free you from this expectation. This film is, in the core of its story, very realistic and talks about a serious issue: a mom denying her pregnancy. Why I give this film a 10-star rating, although I think this film does have some flaws? Well, because flaws in films are so utterly irrelevant if the film still manages to give you all the feels. I was shocked, disgusted, happy, laughed (also out loud), sad,... you name it. I can only recommend this movie and, of course, especially to all the parents to be.
  • lisaelyea-4648524 April 2022
    I really wanted to like this film but found myself becoming aggravated by the lead actress's appearance, attitude and meanness towards her boyfriend. I was expecting a comedy and this was definitely not that. In a nutshell? I hated it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I could not like the female lead character in a million years. Almost from the word go she was annoying. She treated her boyfriend like dirt, and the poor sap kept asking her to marry him. What an idiot! She was just full of it, yet all it was, her amazing world championship dream, was about climbing trees for a living. That's it. The writer must have driven past a team of professional tree surgeons at some point and thought, aha, we could make a movie out of this, making it super interesting by casting a character to play a truly awful, selfish, mean, egotist and see where it goes. Oh, and let's make her pregnant.

    Well, for me it couldn't go fast enough towards the ending. She had roundly cheesed off all and sundry who were trying to help throughout the pregnancy, but she was fixated on going to the other side of the world to take part in a tree-climbing competition. Even though everybody kept telling he she couldn't go because she was pregnant, her cloth ears banished all that was left of her common sense, if she had even had any in the first place.

    As you might be able to tell, I didn't like the character very much at all and I pity the child who will now grow up wondering what the heck kind of mother is this?
  • Officially the first and only baby movie that I ever liked.

    It's very good because it's honest and it shows how ugly and stressful the life can be for an expecting couple. Some complain that Zoe was unlikeable and over the top but that's EXACTLY what a pregnant angry woman looks like. I totally understand both her and her boyfriend and I think the movie is brilliant. I felt how difficult it is for them to change their fun carefree life with something so different.

    It's very funny at times, very annoying and others and also quite relatable.
  • Lexilikes15 December 2020
    What NZ does best is modern, clever & whitty comedy! Such a fab movie and super relatable to many! An enjoyable watch with honestly laugh out loud moments! Trust me!
  • I saw this at the cinema and laughed all the way through. Lots of cameos from amazing kiwi comics. Rose Matafeo's character is instantly relatable as someone in denial about a new stage in her life she cannot avoid: motherhood. Believing it means giving up fun, freedom and youth she gets up to the craziest things to stay sane and avoid the reality of her situation. Her boyfriend played by Matthew Lewis who is over joyed to be a dad struggles to deal with his girlfriends "acting out" and ends up "acting out" himself resulting in some seriously funny situations. If you are looking for a romance comedy drama, I would look elsewhere. This is a slap stick comedy with some great one liners and a very satisfying ending.
  • Rose Matafeo and Matthew Lewis are excellent in this film, as are the rest of the cast.

    Heartwarming, although some scenes fall flat.
  • ops-5253522 January 2021
    A journey that you have to try out yourself. because this was just the same roller coaster rides i experienced with my wife during 3 pregnancies, with hormonological moodswings and skin deep diving and crazy food habbits,and an obscene tendency to abnormal behaviour and an aversion on overdrive towards surtain smells, like the smell of peanutbutter or nutella/nugatti ( that i had just eaten in a break from the heavy contractions near the water end hole), so its a great film for those who parents are or going to be, and for us elderly that has to use reminiscence mechanisms to feel the deeds or needs again. its a shame that this film has so much potensial that hasnt been used completly due to the rules of perfect playtime in comedies, but whats done are 100%, and the opportunity for a sequel are immens.

    having a dive into a swarm of pregnancy films that have hit the market lately, this one is beautiful, full of fun and extremes. its New Zealand made, and the kiwi's hive din ai greit jib. the main female actor are unfortunately just the kind of beauty that attracts me and i didnt realise they had dames looking like that down there, so ms matafeo, youve got a fan. the acting and aideaisjde behaviour up in the tree tops are memorable for sure. i might as well mention that the rest of the cast delivers very well, and a well done job by the casting crew putting together such a dynamical person gallery.

    there are a bit swearing and some bare skin here and there, and a little bit of blood , so if you are sensible to that, do make a pass. for the rest do open the baby bottle or beer can or whatever, and enjoy this journey that could be called''the tree of life'' or ''a life living in the treetops when it pops'' or just ''baby done''. i had many good laughs and when sentimental i did feel their sentiments, a great film that i can just recommend
  • A charming comedy about a couple coming to terms with pregnancy. It's in the tradition of a screwball comedy that would have starred Katharine Hepburn and Car Grant. Rose Matafeo is excellent with a droll delivery and emotional depth as the wild tree-climbing mother-to-be worried that a child will stunt her adventurous lifestyle. Matthew Lewis shows great leading man quality as the more responsible and gauche father. There's sharp dialogue and many funny scenes in Sophie Henderson's screenplay including an attempt to slide under a toilet door and an awkward threesome. Some of the more slapstick comedy misses the mark because it belongs to a more over-the-top Judd Apatow script but on the whole this is a clever likeable movie.
  • svader23 January 2021
    All round great movie. All other good reviews have said it all