
IMDb member since September 2000
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American Playhouse: The Skin of Our Teeth
Episode 1, Season 2

Great adaptation of a great play
There's not really much to say about this video: If you like the play, then you'll love this version of it, which is as close to definitive as you could call a Wilder adaptation.

Alternately wildly comical, surreal, and deeply moving, I learn something new every time I watch this version of the play.

Plunkett & Macleane

Couldn't decide what it wanted to be
After thinking about this movie for 18 hours or so, I think I've put my finger on what bothered me about this movie.

Individually, every scene was fine -- the funny scenes were funny, the violent ones were violent and nasty, etc.

But that's exactly the problem. This was either a funny lighthearted romp with some scenes that were too violent and dark, or a violent and dark movie that had scenes that were too funny to make sense.


Interesting ideas, not so great film
Ya gotta hand it to M. Night. He's making movies that have the most interesting and original ideas in hollywood these days. And once again, his camera work is beautiful -- this is a fine looking movie. And there were some amazing scenes.

But as a whole, this film just didn't hang together for me. I found myself checking my watch more than once. Let's hope the studios give him another chance and he blows us all away.


Less stupid than you might expect.
Yeah, it's dumb. Yeah, it's padded. But Molly Shannon has a knack for taking a joke into deeply uncomfortable and funny territory, and the scenes between her and her basketball playing friend are great.

See it for the hot arborphilic action, if nothing else.

Yat goh ho yan

worth seeing
This movie is a strange combination: quite possibly the thinnest plot and worst acting of any Jackie Chan movie... and some of the best and funniest fight scenes, as well.

Fortunately the movie moves along briskly and there's never much time between humor and fight scenes for you to dwell on just how bad the acting was in the preceeding scene.

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