
IMDb member since October 2000
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    IMDb Member
    23 years


You Got Served

For hip hop dance fans only.
If you are not a fan of hip hop dance, then this film is not for you.

If you grew up on Beat Street, Breakin', Wild Style, Graffiti Rock and Style Wars, give this a rent on DVD.

Like Beat Street and Breakin' the story is inconsequential. I am still holding out for a film that focuses on the culture without the hokey plots. The documentaries Style Wars, Rhyme and Reason, and Scratch are huge steps in that direction. If in the inevitable sequel they can just stick to the dancing and keep the clichés to a minimum I may go see it at the movies instead of waiting for the DVD.

The dancing however is a lot of fun and the finale is something to see. Regarding the DVD edition of the film, there are some pretty informative extras about the making of the film and an audio/video commentary which is a lot of fun as well. In this commentary we get to see members of the cast and crew as they watch the film which is displayed in a smaller window in the lower left hand corner. Fun stuff.

I know the voters at large gave this a 1.6, but I don't think that is accurate. I am not saying this is West Side Story, but it is definitely better than 1.6. I gave it a 6 (an average based on a 10 for the dancing and a 3 for the story).


Bring the drama-mine!
This is several notches above your regular action flick. Robert De Niro and Jean Reno work very well together.

The car chase scenes are breathtaking. You *must* see this film on the biggest screen in your area! You will feel like you are riding along with the actors as they drive through very narrow streets at high speed.

Great stuff! Go see it!

Knock Off

The title says it all
This movie is basically a knock-off of a lot of Hong Kong and American action movies.

The funky camera-work is interesting at first and becomes annoying quickly.

There are two scenes in the movie that make this worthwhile: The rickshaw race sequence and the end sequence on the freighter. Catch this at a matinee or your local dollar theater. Do not pay full price for this Knock-Off!

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