
IMDb member since February 1999
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Captain Jack has returned and unfortunately there is not much to see. Pirates 2 is 40 minutes of story and nearly two hours of filler. While the first Pirates movie was wonderful, great story, fast pace, beautiful locations and awesome characters, Dead mans chest relies solely on the little nibble of the third film. It's an appetizer that is served cold, when it should have been pipping hot! There is only a few key scenes that advance the pirates story in any way, the rest is just a bunch of screen time shenanigans that aren't worthy of this tale. A film needs to be able to stand alone without its sequels, ala Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom, The Empire Strikes Back, and Police Academy 5. This installment is just a very long, and at times boring, trailer for Pirates 3.


Uneventful MTV Movie
Wasted is just that, a waste of time. MTV is churning out made for TV movies at quite a clip nowadays. A friend of mine recommended this and i rented it, needless to say i will not be pursuing anymore recomendations from her anytime soon. This movie shows the rollercoaster of drug use. The problem is, you really don't care about any of the characters due to lack of believabilty and their own self discipline. This movie is in a word, annoying to watch, from the terrible camera angles to the quality of dialogue and pacing. The 'digital' format tries for realism, but comes up distracting. If you want a true scope on drug use watch Requiem for a Dream.


Maybe I just didnt get it
The Hulk is a slickly packaged comic book movie that will do decent buisness, but ultimatly fail to garner what Spider-Man and X-Men have done.

Eric Bana as the title character seems awfully reserved until he gets blasted by gamma radiation. His character turns into what best could be described as a pervert. Everything from his facial expressions to his demeanor is perverted. The movie attempts to tackle hard hitting science themes, but winds up as another King Kong rip off. Seriously, watch it and think to yourself, this is what happens when King Kong gets it on with a soy bean. Ang Lee tries to keep the film from collapsing on itself, due to a very weak story, with a comic book presentation of split screens. This is very well done, yet distracting from the final presentation. Overall the movie fails to live up to what it could have been, especially with the disasterous ending sequence that will have um rolling in the aisles. 2 stars out of 5 j.pauley

Kangaroo Jack

After watching the final cut of Kangaroo Jack, I emplore each and every film fan in the world to stay home and avoid this 90 minutes of torture. The 'comedy' and I use that word very loosely, follows the adventures of two friends who misplace a bag of money with a kangaroo. Naturally hilarity ensues. This film reminds me of the Holocaust. 0(zero) stars out of 5.

Eight Crazy Nights

Disgrace to Holiday Films
Adam Sandler is a gifted comedian who lends his name and voice to this wretched piece of holiday junk. The film is centered around a young boy who lost his love of life and became a vile, mean person known as Adam Sandler. With enough toilet humor to make the Farley brothers cringe, 8 crazy nights is not a recommended film for families. If you are a Jewish family looking forward to finally seeing a holiday movie based on Hanukah, pass this up at all costs, it is an embarassment of a motion picture and to the Jewish faith. 8 crazy nights receives 0 out of 5 stars.


Toddlers are scarier
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** M. Night is being called the next Steven Spielberg and his latest opus, "Signs" is such a train wreck that he is on par with The Lost World and AI. Everyone already knows the basic premise, but what is really disturbing about this film is how M. Night thinks his audience is so slow that he spoon feeds every little hint. If you are a fan of movies, do not see this picture. This film was made for people who thought the fast and the furious was the greatest film of all time. SPOILER: Aliens that come to earth are going to have the following abilities. 1. The ability to unlock a pantry door. 2. Knowledge that out most abundant resource (water) will kill them. 3. Ray guns so that a washed up baseball star cant kill them with a bat. 4. The ability to fool an audience into thinking s*** is gold. j.pauley

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