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Nine Lives

Better nine lives, than none
For once in the summer of 2016 we had an opportunity to see a film that was not a sequel, prequel, remake, rehash, regurgitation or serialization of an other/previous film. i know Hollywood likes to bank on safety in Box-Office numbers but it was just nice to see something original. (where have all the screen writers gone?). And seeing this cast totally playing straight-person to felines: funny. (and fine acting too). Anyone who has a cat in their life will find this amusing. worth the price of the popcorn; i haven't laughed this loudly in the cinema for a long time. while we're on Box-Office: i wish the powers that be would NOT talk about films in terms of money made but tickets sold. the money figures will always get bigger as inflation is a fact of life. But are films selling as many tickets as they used to? End of rant.

In Bed with Joan

It is what it is
When you're "in bed" with someone it generally has one of two meanings. The first would actually be "in the sack" i.e. having sex. The second would be in cahoots with or supportive of. This show is the latter. Joan only asks, or has her daughter Melissa ask, people whom she knows and admires and who know and admire her on this <30 minute show that is available as a free download on iTunes. So it's basically a mutual admiration society. That is not to say the show is not without its charm. Joan asks her guests a series of predictable questions with a few zingers thrown in just to add spice. The answers are not always what one would expect and are sometimes revelatory and often humorous.

The Devil Wears Prada

i can be included in the group of guys who were pleasantly surprised. i found the movie thought provoking and funny and was still thinking about it when i woke up the next morning. i had expected a comedy and a shallow one at that but discovered more. The sequel should show Andy's character exposing the sweatshop labour used to mass produce designer togs.

Anne Hathaway grows up, could well be the subtitle. It's nice to see actors one likes mature and take on more difficult roles. A Princess no more, Hathaway proves she has the chops to tackle a role and script with teeth. Would never, ever, call her fat however.

Meryl Streep's performance is brilliant and very well paced.

nuff said.

Uptown Girls

Chick flick?
i was mesmerized by the strong performances by Dakota Fanning and Brittany Murphy.

the close up of "Ray's" hand when she hugs "Molly" is one of the finer touches that Director Boaz Yakin brings to the film.

i don't know why people categorize films by genre. chick flick for girlie girl films or dick flick for the testosterone loaded blood and gore films. Very often such labels don't do justice to films. Tis a pity.

The music that is an integral part of this film is of consistently high quality. This music is well written and very expressive...

The Da Vinci Code

a real sleeper
Saw the film last night in the cinema despite being able to view, had i wished to, a bootleg DVD of it weeks ago...

Ron Howard's latest effort, literally put me to sleep. i found myself nodding off several times, especially towards the end. Dan Brown's cinematographic writing style has not been translated effectively to the cinema. His short crisp chapters, that should have made for fast paced scenes and a plot that moved, didn't work in this instance. elements of the book's plot were missing and suspense just never was there. if you haven't read the book before you see the film it will be hard to follow...

save your money. or better yet donate it to a charity...

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