
IMDb member since July 2000
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    23 years


Survivor - Season One: The Greatest and Most Outrageous Moments

A must-have for die-hards, but...
This 135 minute video is a must-have for die-hard fans of the Reality TV genre phenomenon, but only for the sake of seeing a bit more of your favorite castaways. Each castaway is presented in the order they were voted off the island, and although we get to see their audition videos, some choice moments from their stay on the island, and more of their parting words, too much has been left out for the video for it to be thoroughly enjoyable. All the challenges are just presented in a very brief montage... you don't even get to see who wins these challenges, and how this may have affected the length of their stay on the island.

As far as new footage is concerned, the new stuff probably accounts for less than a third of the video, and except for an additional unaired mini-challenge, these additional segments are nothing to write home about.

Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World

The BEST of Disney's direct-to-video sequels
After being stuck with two mediocre direct-to-video sequels to Aladdin and the very lame Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas, Pocahontas II proved to be quite a satisfying treat. Granted, the animation is not "movie quality," but it's definitely an improvement as far as Disney's video ventures are concerned. The story is fairly engrossing if simple, and the songs work well in moving along the plot. And unlike "The Return of Jafar," where the absence of the vocal talents of big-name star Robin Williams was sorely missed, Mel Gibson's absence from this venture is not... since his brother Donal took over the role of John Smith and is vocally indistinguishable from Mel. All-in-all, it's the first WORTHY direct-to-video sequel to one of Disney's finest modern classics.

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