
IMDb member since February 1999
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Scream 3

It's ok in my book.
Ok, I'm just gonna start off by saying that a lot of people here that "anaylze" a film are just trying to make themselves sound "holier-than-thou".

What is it that makes a film good? Personally, I enjoyed this, along The Green Mile, and the what could possibly be the new Citizen Kane of pictures, American Beauty.

True, this is a horror movie. So is it right there that we're supposed to treat this movie as though it has no redeeming value? A) The ending was very good. It was a "suprise". I find that most people who say the ending suck say it sucks because they couldn't figure it out =) I thyink that *was* intentional on the director's part. B) The acting was good. The character's filled their roles, and hey, not everything has to be overly dramatic indepth, and certainly the film would lose meaning if we had to know the ins and outs of every character in order for us to have "feelings" for them when they die. When a person dies so tragically it IS emotional because a life is being taken so a person can fulfill a petty vendetta.

That's just a few reason I find this movie good and I'm afraid I'll go over 1,000 words, so adios =)

Music of the Heart

A Cinematic Orgasm
WTG Wes Craven who has finally showed you can break...ehh...Type directing? =)

The beginning credits are a wonderful prelude and are symbolic: You see the pictures of a happy family and as they pass by they fade into the darkness, forgotten --- which is obviously what Roberta's husband does to her --- forgets her and moves on. What a jerk...

We follow Roberta to Harlem where she begins a teaching career in violins --- her greatest love in life. I wondered how she could fit all fifty violins into that one eeny teeny apartment...Oh well =)

The movie overall shows that with determination, dedication, and desire you can "beat the system". It also shows it's also who you know =) My heart rose when she got the unfocused children to play, and my heart sank when one of them...ehh...you all know =) My heart lept out when her chiild rebelled against her and threw down his violin [what a brat].

The movie was phenemonal. Period. Merly Streep played her role well --- at first a very timid and shy woman desperate to get her life in order --- to a strict teacher [who DOES love students] --- to an angered human who will do anything to get what they've lost back. It's simply great. I loved Wes Craven's choice of having the scene between her moth and son shown from the outside view of the window --- It's a motif that there's something between them that's not quite tangible.

It was a fantastic experince, and I left the theater with an uplifted heart --- I guess because in my high school they wanted to cut the Theater and Music Programs and the students....eh...let's say we, fought back =)

The Haunting

Despite critics, I thought this rendition was *good*
I found this remake of the classic psychological-horror film "The Haunting" good. Yes, it was VERY VERY different. But I found it enjoyable. I have learned not to listen critics---because usually the movies they say are bad *aren't*. I thought Lili Taylor did an excellent job as Eleanor Lance. I felt the rest of the cast was good as were the special FX. I was shocked they decided to make Theo bi [in the original it was hinted she was a lesbian]. I thought the script held a new perspective. In my scale of 1-10 this films earns a 7 1/2.

When the Bough Breaks

Wow! This movie was excellent! I was panning through the channels when I saw Lifetime was having a little ad about it, and said to myself, 'Ok, I'll just watch it for a little bit...' I ended up watching the entire movie! It's fantastic! A definite must-see!

Journey Back to Oz

Fantastic Sequel!
This movie is excellent! Liza sounds just like her mother when she did the film that it gives me chills every time! I love the new songs and the wonderful plotline which is mesh of "The Marvelous Land of Oz" and "Ozma of Oz". A fantastic sequel =)

The Wizard of Oz

I'm still so young, but...
I'm very young, still in my teens, but this movie has ALWAYS been my favorite. My room is adorned with posters, and memorabilia. When the AFI hosted the 100 greatest movies, I had feared that they would choose the more newer popular ones, with big names stars. I was, to put it bluntly, when "Oz" came in 6. And think about that! 6 out of the 100 narrowed down from over 50,000 thousand films ever made!!! I'm so happy. I hope they re-release the film in 1939 to celebrate the 100th anniversary! And it's only 40 years away! I'm psyched!!!!

A Chorus Line

This Broadway show and Movie is, and always will be, a classic
This movie will always be a Broadway and Movie classic, as long as there are still people who sing, dance, and act.

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