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Ever After

This movie ROCKS!!!!
I am going tonight to see Ever After for the third time in three days. This movie is wonderful! Drew Barrymore does a fantastic job as Cinderella - and what a cinderella! None of this 'wait for the prince to rescue you' nonsense! I like the movie because Danielle (Cinderella's "real" name) wins the prince because she is passionate, outspoken, well-read, and won't take nonsense from anyone! And the costuming! Drool! Why don't *I* ever get clothes like that?

I really like the fact that Danielle makes her own dreams come true instead of hoping they will turn out right - what a wonderful role model (I know *I * am inspired!) I laughed and cried and bit my fingernails (I am NOT supposed to bite my fingernails) and crumpled the napkins for the popcorn into hopeless little balls. The characterizations are wonderful. The scenery is gorgeous and the actors and actresses do such a wonderful job at making their characters come alive. I just cannot say enough good things about the movie - by all means go and see it!

Jennifer 8)

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