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Kings of Beer

Didn't want to like this
I didn't want to like this film, but despite the subject being the making of an industrial beer of little interest to my taste buds, the fact that AB has historically been at the forefront of technical innovation with a strong commitment to producing a consistent product is well demonstrated in this documentary that highlights the people and stories that go into their product.

You may not enjoy the beer either, but the expertise and hard work that goes into it is undeniable. I would also recommend seeking out AB's own documentary "Something More Than Beer" (produced by Jan Handy in 1943) that shows the processes in St Louis at that time which is also fascinating.


I wanted to like this...
But the acting is pretty wooden, the dialog is poor, and there is no chemistry between the leads. I feel like someone saw The Room and decided they could make a movie too.

Around the World Under the Sea

Typical Ivan Tors
Typical Ivan Tors- short on plot or scientific accuracy, long on reuse of B-roll material at different angles or magnifications. Miami Beach coast guard station is where the sub launches from for its incredible month long journey around the oceans without a support vessel.

Taking Earth

Not "so bad it's funny", not "so bad it's good". Not even the right kind of bad for MST3K. It's just terrible script, acting, makeup, etc. The director should be kicked out of the guild. The actors should be banned from SAG-AFTRA. The only people involved that probably pulled their weight are the camera operators, foleys, caterers, and location scouts. Poor casting deserves criticism but the performances and signing off on the script falls on the director. WTF were they thinking?

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