
IMDb member since March 1999
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Mamma Mia!

Just horrible!
I do not remember, at least in the last ten years or so, a movie that I have liked less than Mama Mia. From the non-existent acting to the atrocious singing, I was cringing at least once per minute. I don't believe I could even recall one brief segment that I tolerated. I do know that I will never watch this disaster again. I cannot believe that with such high expectations due to the talent - Colin Firth, Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, that a movie could be such a flop. But to see the lack of acting skills shown, the seemingly drug-induced dancing, and then, horrors of horrors, to hear the singing of Pierce Brosnan(!), I cannot see how this movie will not make it into the hall of shame. Definitely, a movie that never should have been made, and just in case you missed it the first time, one that I will never watch again.

Raising Helen

Pretty good for a "chick flick"
I got a chance to see this movie on a sneak preview along with my wife, and I will have to admit that I enjoyed the movie. While there is a *small* bit of profanity, there is a clean and moral message while still being entertaining. There also is a religious aspect to this movie: the main love interest involved is a Lutheran minister. This added some of the humor to the story line, and is a-typical of most Hollywood movies that portray ministers as either mean-spirited, corrupt, or bumbling. Like just about every other movie made today, the ending and other parts of the story line are predictable. But if you extend the same suspension-of-disbelief to certain aspects of the story that you might to an action flick or a TV sitcom, the movie becomes enjoyable. 8 out of 10 stars!

The Cat in the Hat

Fairly good movie (7/10)
Let's get these out of the way: 1. This is not an adult movie. Sorry. It's meant for kids. 2. If you want Seuss word for word, rhyme for rhyme, buy the book. 3. If you're a kid, you won't get most of the adult humor. With all that being said, my wife and I watched the movie and really enjoyed it. The kids were cute and good actors, and Mike Myers draws you in as a believable (taking into account suspension-of-belief that most young and young-at-heart can pull off) Cat in the Hat. We even bought the DVD and look forward to watching it with young relatives, just so we can get the chance to see it again, ourselves! So relax, think like a kid and not like a newspaper critic, and you just might enjoy the movie. I certainly did.

Secondhand Lions

Pretty Decent Movie
I saw this movie with my wife after researching it and reading reviews. I was pretty happy with my experience. Cain and Duvall are a powerhouse with subtle comedy (some not-so-subtle) and enough mystery to keep you guessing. The kid was a little disappointing, not really improving his acting skills and always standing stiff as a board. The very end was a surprise, and my wife and I left the theater knowing that we will definitely buy the movie when it comes out to video. Definitely worth the money to see it on the big screen!

About a Boy

Much better than I expected..
I went into this movie thinking it was just another date-movie, chick flick. I changed my mind after only a few minutes. Hugh Grant displays an acting ability that I haven't seen in any of his other movies. The boy who plays Marcus is about as believable as could be; having been on the wrong end of popularity before, I could definitely relate to his character. Now Marcus's mother was a bit unbelievable. But I like the flow, the personal narration by the two main characters, and overall I would give the movie a 9.5-10.

P.S. My wife really liked it too. That makes this a keeper when it comes on video...

An Unexpected Family

Remembered the movie, but not the title..
I saw this movie several years ago and thought, "That's worth seeing again." I think the characters are warm, and even though the plot is a bit predictable, I enjoyed it. A few weeks ago, I went into the video store to look for a movie to watch, and I remembered this movie, but not the title. Finally I caught part of it on TV and now, I plan to enjoy it again with my wife. So my review is that, though you may not remember the title, you might come away with the feeling that your life has been brightened for just a short while by watching this movie.

Great Performances: Les Misérables in Concert
Episode 10, Season 24

A Profoundly Moving Experience
This dream cast production was a masterpiece! Even though I have not seen the actual production live, I do not think it could be more profound and moving than this. To see and hear the emotion portrayed by the characters as they sing their pieces was excellent, and then to hear the climatic ending as supported by the huge choir was even better. I would highly recommend this for any lover of music. Even if you are a die-hard Andrew Lloyd Webber fan, you cannot help but be moved by this performance. Excellent!!!

The Ride

Powerful film, but enjoyable for all!
This movie has an awesome message, as well and a very compelling story. It is very easy to identify with Smoky Banks, and it is heartwarming to see how Danny's persistence and unconditional love can help change even the hardest heart. I would recommend it for every family! But don't stop there; let your friends and relatives see it also, because it has a message that you will never forget!

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