
IMDb member since June 2002
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    22 years


The Medallion

A sloppy effort best watched on DVD..
Despite going on 50, Jackie Chan is still up to his antics in this action and special effects filled fantasy.

What could have been a fantastic film ends up a complete mess what appears due to studio interference. Silly music cues, unfunny 'comedic' moments and sloppy editing (and blatant continuity mistakes) has resulted in a mish-mash of various sequences thrown together to resemble what looks like a plot.

Good points - the special effects. However, I must admit to being biased. Claire Forlani, Jackie Chan and Lee Evans. Good cast - but not put to good use at all. There are very few laughs in this film (but at least there are some!). The fine action work by Jackie and the stunt team. You can't fault that.

Bad points - just about everything else.

This is a film you'd probably best off renting when drunk or when there really isn't much else on the TV.

On DVD, you get a decent enough audio commentary from the producer and editor and some deleted scenes.

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

One of the most beautiful films ever made..
Absolutely stunning film - a superb cast and one of the most beautiful stories ever told. The director's cut (on DVD) gives us an even greater insight into the life of Salvatore and definitely earns one of the top places in my DVD collection. It joins My Father's Glory and My Mother's Castle as my all time favourite films.

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