
IMDb member since June 2001
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    23 years


The Number One Girl

Only a few times in a lifetime.........
.... does a movie so bad, so wooden, so awful, and so painful get made. How this movie was ever green-lighted is beyond me. I can't believe Vinnie Jones agreed to be in this abomination. The acting was worse then that of soft-core porn thespians seen on Cinemax at 4 am. The script must have been written by a retarded monkey, with a typewriter. The director might as well have been Helen Keller. And the soundtrack was some of the worst music I have ever heard in my life. I bet that is the elevator music that plays in hell.

If you haven't figured it out by now..... I hated this movie with all my heart and soul. If I could go back in a time machine and either stop Hitler's reign, or this movie from being made, it would be a difficult choice.

Flirting with Disaster

No Flirting, Just Disaster!
This movie is a disaster. I normally enjoy Ben Stiller movies. Even if the movie isn't so great, I still find Ben very funny (such as his role in "Heavyweights"). This movie had a great cast, but seemed to do nothing with it. Instead I was treated to repulsive scenes of Patricia Arquette performing felattio on Ben Stiller while he had a baby in his arms. I also will never be able to get the horrific images of Mary Tyler Moore going down on George Segal, and Alan Alda and Lilly Tomlin engaging in tantric sex, while their son enters the room looking to borrow some of their "weed". Do yourself a favor, and avoid this movie at all costs. You'll thank me.

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