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Schindler's List

..a masterpiece that will do more than touch your heart...
When I first hear about this movie, I was scared to see it, because I heard it was so real and vivid. But when I saw the motion picture, I cried tears of sadness, and of sympathy. It depicts the truth about the other side of WWII. The side that some are ignorant enough to deny ever happened. It teaches us that by doing little, can do so much. The beautiful music, and graphic depiction of the movie add to the wonderful acting, and harsh reality that is cast into the audience. Personally, I think this is Spielberg's best picture, and the one that touches that special place between your heart and soul, this is one movie everyone should see.


About a girl searching for everything and everyone meaningful in her life.
I think that Felicity is the most amazing show. It has so much reality in it and I really can identify with the characters. I think that the actors/actresses are amazing. I only hope the I can have someone as cute and understanding as Noel for my R.A.

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