Reviews (2)

  • It's a pity that the BBC didn't cast Richard in the forthcoming revival of the television series. He was a great Ninth Doctor in this production, and I'm sure that he would have been great in a television series as well. Now it seems that this will be a one-off production. There is a brief piece of fiction featuring his Incarnation at the Doctor Who BBCi website, but now Christopher Eccleston will take on the role of the Ninth Doctor (following Paul McGann's Eighth Incarnation in the 1996 television movie)in the forthcoming series, due to begin production this Summer, and to be on British screens(BBC Wales)in 2005. I strongly suggest catching this production if at all possible. It may be released on DVD in the near future from what I hear.
  • This series, especially upon it's second season (Adrian Paul came aboard here), was incredibly ahead of it's time on several fronts. A great alien premise ( cloning, infiltration, etc.), cinematography ( lighting, atmosphere, creating "other" localities), and characters ( almost NO cliches, enough said), marked this show as awesomely full of potential. This potential was wasted by Paramount and the shows immediate Producers. There was not adequate promotion or even general support from these parties. There was a considerable backlash being dealt with, as the show's most popular character from its' first season was killed off in the first episode of its' second season. Perhaps this was a mistake. That character was Col. Paul Ironhorse, portrayed superbly by Richard Chavez. But beyond that, almost everything about the show has become uncredited textbook in regards to myriad series that have come in its' wake, including, dare I say, "Highlander". This is not so unusual, as both were shot completely or partially in Canada. The Sci/Fi Channel did make an attempt to air both existing seasons a few times, unfortunately, without much fanfare. I still miss it, and console myself with having taped half the second and last season. Maybe someday, these will all be released on video. Contact me with questions and/or comments. Special thanks to IMDb for granting me this forum. My words do fail me.....Peace....Bob