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Good Show...waiting for DVD
This show was pretty good and I remember it as a kid. In regards to the reviewer from Finland...Chuck Wagner is NOT a Swedish Model, but a very WELL versed actor who made a name for himself performing on Broadway in stage plays...most notably Phantom of the Opera.

I would hope and anticipate that someday this will come to DVD, but for now I guess we will have to wait and see. Does anyone have any information as to when this may be released on DVD? I saw a few of the episodes as a kid, and then when the show was cancelled, I missed it in a way, it seemed like something that hadn't been done before, and a little ahead of it's time.

Big Fish

I have never in my life seen a movie that made me step back and put my own life into prespective. I loved everything this movie had to offer. Burton has struck Movie gold with this movie. Even if you are questioning whether or not to see this; this movie packs an emotional powerhouse that makes you think about your own life and how your grandfather or father may have "fabricated" stories of yesteryear. There are a few very beautifully choreographed shots in this film. One that stands out in my mind is a scene in the Circus when the Ed Bloom comments on meeting the woman that he will marry. As the younger Ed Bloom progresses through the crowd, all action slows down to a complete stop with the line... "and there I saw the woman that I would marry." The scene just took me back to when I first met my own wife, and how in a moment in time your whole life can be changed. I have to give kudos to Burton and company for a visually stunning image, one of many that make Big Fish a feel good movie. This movie gets 4.75 out of 5 stars!! Definately a must see and very much a possible Oscar contender against ROTK. Burton=Best Director as Jackson=get some original material.

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