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This short animated film is a lot of fun. Aqua selected the up-tempo piece of African-style music first, and then animated to it. The result is a nonstop barrage of interesting images that hit the beats and the horns with perfection. The rhythm of the music, when combined with the images on the screen, is infectious and makes the experience, while short, memorable to the viewer.

Funny Games

Villains who know what they're doing
From the opening moments, filled with ironic music behind the opening credits, everything about this film is quite different from the norm. Funny Games is consistent throughout, keeping the viewer terribly uncomfortable watching a typical family at the mercy of two uninvited young men. This movie is for the people who normally leave movies saying, "Why didn't the bad guy just KILL them?" The film toys with the audience as much as the young men toy with the family, and neither could have been done any more brilliantly. This is undoubtedly my favorite film I've seen in the past two years.

Prince Interactive

Great for Prince fans
Definitely a good addition to any Prince fan's collection, but won't be very interesting to anyone else. But the real fans, and they know who they are, will love it.

Sign 'o' the Times

Great music makes a great time
This movie portrays the concert tour of 1987 that had Prince performing material from the "Sign O The Times" album. The album is arguably his best, as it improves with every listen. The movie is high energy, and the short vignettes between songs, while corny, do not detract from the overall enjoyable film.

Tsubaki Sanjûrô

it's by Kurosawa--what else do you want?
Sanjuro is another in a long line of purely classic films by Akira Kurosawa. This movie was made on a whim on the heels of the wildly successful Yojimbo, but Kurosawa doesn't simply whip out a movie to satisfy the audience; he creates another film masterpiece. This is a farcical comedy shot with the same brilliance as Ran--take a minute and notice how perfectly the image on the screen portrays what Kurosawa wants us to see. Nothing about this film is a mistake, something that he would want to do over. Watch this film!

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

funnier than ever
I just got to college, and the school offered a big-screen presentation to my class, and 350 people could fit. No one ever stopped laughing. This movie has got such outstanding dialogue throughout, it gets better every time. Anyone who doesn't think this movie is hilarious is someone I just don't want to be around....

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